the night before last

[ði naɪt bɪˈfɔr læst][ðə nait biˈfɔ: lɑ:st]


  • It was the dog he 'd heard the night before last


  • I thought that after the police called at belle 's night before last &

    “我想 前天 晚上警察到贝尔那里去过以后&”

  • The Thursday night before is when he has the Last Supper with his disciples .

    之前 那个礼拜四的 晚上,他与他的门徒享用了 最后的晚餐。

  • I haven 't slept much since the night before last .

    前天 晚上以来我就没怎么睡觉。

  • And that 's what you found out the night before last .

    而正是你 案发 发现

  • She dreamt about her dead husband the night before last .

    前天 晚上她梦见她已故的丈夫。

  • The natural gas is one of the energy of the most in the world our country natural gas be placed in the night before last of the large-scale development .

    天然气是世界 最主要的能源之一,我国天然气正处于大规模开发 前夕

  • We wear the clothing of mask in the Halloween night before last . I like to disguise as ghost .

    在万圣节 前夜我们穿戴面具的服装。我喜欢扮成鬼。

  • The night before last just before dinner while my father was looking through the evening paper he suddenly let out a cry of surprise .

    前天 晚上,就在晚饭前,我父亲在看晚报时,突然惊呀地喊了一声。

  • They say that on the last night of byantium on the evening of Monday the twenty-eighth of may in1453 just hours before Constantinople fell to armies of Turks that the virgin came down to her city for the last time and took her picture back to heaven .

    他们说在 拜占庭的最后 一夜,1453年5月28日星期一晚上,距君士坦丁堡陷于土耳其大军仅数小时之 ,童贞玛丽亚 最后 次降世于她的城市并将她的肖像带回了天国。

  • The night before her husband 's burial Katherine refused to leave his casket asking to sleep next to him one last time .

    丈夫葬礼的 一夜,凯瑟林坚持睡在棺木旁,与丈夫共同度过 最后一夜。

  • I went skating the night before last .

    前天 晚上我去溜冰了。

  • The night before flowers bloomed I drew the last silk and then my heart became empty

    花开 前夜,我抽出了 最后的一丝,然后心就空了

  • Yes very well . I saw them the night before last .

    他们都很好, 前天 晚上我还看见他们的。

  • If you have a rough list from the night before the first thing to do when you sit at your desk is to sharpen the list adding any last minute items .

    如果你 只是大致列了个清单,你坐下的第一件事就是增强这个清单,添加一些 紧要的事项。

  • The night before last Renault energy had another substation go down .

    前天 晚上雷诺电力还有一个变电站出事。

  • He had faith in his daughter and faith also in the aid and protection for which he had prayed so earnestly to the spirits of his ancestors the night before last .

    他信托自己的女儿,他又信托自己 前天 晚上求祖宗保佑时的那 片诚心。