the devil to pay

[ði ˈdɛvəl tu pe][ðə ˈdevl tu: pei]


  • There will be the devil to pay when the teacher finds out that nearly half of the students in the class in the math exam .

    老师发现班上差不多有半数学生在数学考试时作弊的话, 麻烦就大了。

  • People think the two chauffeurs were murderers and have them had the devil to pay .

    大家认为这两个车夫是杀人犯,要 他俩 付出 代价

  • Dated if he catches you doing that there 'll be the devil to pay !

    要是你正在做那事时被他发现, 麻烦 大了!

  • And when we start digging there 'll be the devil to pay .

    咱们一开挖,那就 要命了。

  • If Frank ever learned the truth about archie there would be the devil to pay .

    弗兰克要是知道了阿尔奇的真实情况,可就 麻烦了。

  • There 'll be the devil to pay if you allow the piglets inside the house .

    如果你让小猪进入房子就会有 很大 麻烦

  • I won 't run you to the station in the ambulance ! There 'd be the devil and all to pay if it was needed in a hurry .

    我不能用救护车送你去火车站。如果有 急用,而救护车不 ,那可就糟糕了。

  • When I got home late after wrecking my father 's new car there was the very devil to pay .

    当我毁了我父亲的新汽车而很晚才回家时,那可 是倒了大

  • You 'd better persuade him not to do so otherwise he 'll have the devil to pay .

    你最好劝他不要这么干,否则他会 出漏子的。

  • There will be the devil to pay if the boss learns I took the day off today .

    老板 要是知道我今天 上班那可不得了。

  • There 'll is the devil to pay if you scratch my car !

    你要是划坏了我的汽车你就有 麻烦了!

  • Then Moy would come and confer with him and there would be the devil to pay .

    这又令他想起他太太的威胁,于是皱纹和 冷汗回到了他的脸上。

  • You 'll have the devil to pay if you hurt those kids .

    如果你伤了孩子们,那么你就有大 麻烦了。

  • Get me there first or there 'll be the devil to pay .

    一定 先到达, 不然有你们受

  • Some men have died and some are alive And others sail on the sea with He keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler 's Green !

    有些人已安息有些人仍活著还有些人继续在海上航行他的钥匙插入箱子里 恶魔 将会 实现我们航海者的梦!