thermodynamic engine

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk ˈɛndʒɪn][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik ˈendʒin]

[化] 热机

  • The Redesign and Thermodynamic Analysis of the Micro Swing Engine ; oscillating device mechanism

    微型摆式 发动机的结构改进设计及 热力学分析重锤摆动装置的机构

  • Thermodynamic Performance Simulation on the Split-type Stirling Engine

    分置式斯特林 发动机 热力性能的仿真

  • Preliminary analysis of thermodynamic cycle of an intercooled recuperated turbofan engine

    中冷回热航空涡扇 发动机 热力循环初步分析

  • The work process of torpedo turbine engine was analyzed . Based on the theory of engineering thermodynamics inner parameter and thermodynamic calculation mathematic model of turbine engine were established . The thermodynamic calculation and the structure design of torpedo turbine engine were completed at the same time .

    以工程热力学为基础,建立了 涡轮机内部参数和 热力计算的数学模型,并对鱼雷涡轮机的各个部分进行了热力计算和结构设计计算。

  • By this method the optimum solutions to the thermodynamic relationships describing the engine component matching operation are obtained for every possible fault combination from which the reasonable solutions are selected according to the reasonableness criterion .

    其基本原理如下:对于 发动机部件匹配 热力学关系式的小偏差方程组,利用最优化方法求出各种可能的故障组合的最优解,并根据合理性判据选择合理的最优解。

  • Thermodynamic Analysis of Diesel Engine 6 V 150

    6V150 柴油 热力 循环 热力学分析

  • Thermodynamic Analysis on the Hydrogen Engine Cycle and Its Variation

    氢气 循环的 热力学分析及其变化特征

  • A Method for the Construction of a Thermodynamic Model for Gas Turbine Engine Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis

    状态监测与诊断用燃气 轮机 热力模型的构造方法

  • The PID combined control is adopted mostly in the constant control system of thermodynamic parameters for automotive engine room equipment .

    自动化 船舶的机舱设备 热工参数的定值控制系统多采用P、I、D的组合控制。

  • Thermodynamic analysis of heat engine / heat pump combined cycle and power selection of heat pump

    热机热泵联合循环 热力学分析与热泵动力选择

  • Development and application of a model for calculating thermodynamic parameters in a diesel engine under cold starting conditions

    柴油 冷起动时 热力参数计算模型的建立与应用

  • Finite-time thermodynamic analysis of a heat engine operating between finite heat sources

    有限热源的 热机供热率与效率关系的有限时间 热力学分析

  • Thermodynamic Duct Jet Engine of Three Model-New Type of Space Plane Main Engine

    三模态 管式喷气 发动机&新型的航天飞机主发动机

  • Finite Time Thermodynamic Performance Bound for Quantum Carnot Engine at Maximum Point

    E目标下量子卡诺 热机有限时间 热力学性能界限

  • An Investigation on Thermodynamic Process of Turbocharged Four-stroke Diesel engine under Subaqueous Condition

    涡轮增压四冲程 柴油 水下工况的工作过程研究

  • Based on the kinetics mechanism of the ignition reaction and thermodynamic combustion sub-model of the engine fuelled with dimethyl ether an ignition delay database library and working process simulation of the engine were set up .

    以二甲基醚着火反应机理和 热力学燃烧模型为基础,建立了二甲基醚着火数据库及 发动机工作过程的数学模型,藉此进行了发动机的循环模拟计算。

  • The numerical method of the thermodynamic calculations of the diesel engine

    柴油 热力计算的数值方法

  • Finite-Time Thermodynamic Analysis of Heat Engine Based on Finite-Heat Sources

    有限热源换热时 热机的有限时间 热力学分析

  • Design of Automotive Exhaust Muffler Based on Thermodynamic Process of Engine

    基于 发动机 热力过程的汽车排气消声器设计

  • Thermodynamic Model of Turbo-Shaft Engine Starting Process

    涡轴 发动机起动过程的一种气动 热力学实时模型

  • New Analysis of Irreversible Thermodynamic Cycle for Heat Engine

    热机不可逆 热力循环新析

  • Finite Time Thermodynamic Optimization of Irreversible Heat Engine Plant in Two Cycle Mode

    两类循环模式下不可逆 热机装置的有限时间 热力学优化

  • Application of Δ p and Δ H in thermodynamic analysis on 2-stroke marine diesel engine

    船用二冲程 柴油 热工分析中Δp与ΔH的应用

  • A Thermodynamic Calculation Method for Estimating Gasoline Engine Knocking

    汽油 爆震的 热力计算方法

  • Finite Time Thermodynamic Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine Irreversible Cycle

    内燃机有限时间内不可逆循环 热力学分析

  • A Calculation Method for Composition of Gas and Its Thermodynamic Properties in Diesel Engine Cylinder

    柴油 气缸内气体成分及其 热工参数计算方法

  • A cyclic thermodynamic heat engine which combines adiabatic and isothermal processes and consists of classical ideal gas as working substance runs most efficiently if it is reversible .

    以经典理想气体为工质的卡诺 热机循环由两个等温和两个绝热过程构成,热机可逆时,它的效率为最大。

  • The simple definition and development and the state of finite time thermodynamic theory of internal combustion engine and applications are described .

    简要回顾了有限时间热力学 理论的发展,着重介绍了 内燃机理论 循环的有限时间 热力学 理论

  • Thermodynamic extrapolation of rocket engine performance parameters

    火箭 发动机性能参数的 热力学外推法