


  • Study on the application of ceramic base compound thermoduric coating on the tuyere of the small blast furnace

    陶瓷基复合 耐热涂层在小高炉风口上的应用研究

  • These thermoduric bacteria were nonpathogenic bacteria but they could grow and multiply as well as lead to milk deterioration in storage and circulation in eligible condition .

    虽然这些 耐热菌均为非致病菌,但是 遇到适宜条件,这些 耐热菌会生长繁殖,导致乳产品在贮藏和流通过程中发生变质。

  • Inspection Report on Contamination of Thermoduric Bacteria and Antibiotic in Dairy Products

    各种乳制品中 耐热菌和抗菌素污染情况的检验报告

  • Preliminary Study on Surviving Thermoduric Bacteria in Evaporated Milk

    炼乳 残留 耐热菌的初步研究

  • Isolation and identification of thermoduric bacteria in UHT sterilized milk

    UHT杀菌乳中 耐热菌的分离与鉴定

  • The results revealed that properly reducing the concentration of protein can decrease the thermostability of thermoduric bacteria . 3 .

    结果表明,适当降低 豆腐 凝固 的蛋白质浓度,能够降低细菌的 耐热 性能

  • Thermoduric Bacteria in Milk and Their Counting

    乳中的 耐热菌及其计数法

  • The main problem of reheating slab is nonuniform temperature and skid mark is an important influence factor . In order to reduce skid mark the direct method is installing thermoduric skid on cooling pipe .

    钢坯加热的主要质量问题是加热温度不均匀, 其中水管 印是一个主要影响因素,减小水管 印最直接的方法就是在加热炉的冷却管上安装 耐热垫块。