the devil's advocate


  • Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system so this will be very brief but it gives you a valuable opportunity to play devil 's advocate .


  • Joe didn 't really believe the things he was saying in the meeting he was just playing devil 's advocate .

    乔不是真的相信他在会上所说的,他只是 故意 唱反调而已。

  • Don takes the devil 's advocate position and discusses this with Yael .

    Don这次带 一个 魔鬼 提倡者的意见和Yael讨论。

  • Older tactics include the court jester and the devil 's advocate .

    更古老的策略包括,规定一个讽谏者或者喜欢 唱反调

  • Let me play the devil 's advocate here .

    让我来唱 黑脸

  • Two key steps are to invite experts from outside into meetings and to appoint at least one person to the role of devil 's advocate – a role that should be played by different people in successive meetings .

    两个关键举措是,从外部邀请专家参加会议,并至少任命一人担任 魔鬼 代言人&在连续不断的会议中,这个角色应由不同的人担任。

  • Thinking for yourself playing the devil 's advocate and asking questions were not encouraged .

    自主思考、 唱反调和提问题不受鼓励。