the man in the street

[ði mæn ɪn ði strit][ðə mæn in ðə stri:t]


  • The old man collapsed in the street .

    老人晕倒 大街

  • How do the tax increases affect the man in the street ?

    增加收税会 普通 有何影响?

  • Bobby : The man is walking in the street .

    这个 男人 走。

  • He said : I think one difficulty is that the problem is one of such enormous complexity that the very mass of facts presented to the public by press and radio make it exceedingly difficult for the man in the street to reach a clear appraisement of the situation .

    他说:我认为推动这项计划的困难在于,报纸和广播 源源不断地提供各种事实,使得公众难以清晰地判断形势。

  • Witnesses said the man was standing in the street with the knife sticking out of his back after he was stabbed .

    目击者称, 男子被刺后带着背部的刀走 大街

  • My audience certainly isn 't the proverbial man in the street .

    我的观众当然不是 平头 百姓

  • If we have a close contact with someone suffering from AIDS and if we consider that high risk people and ordinary ones get attracted to each other which reaction is having the man in the street ?

    如果和艾滋病人来一次亲密接触,把传说中的高危人群向一般人群靠拢,市民会有 反应?

  • The man stood in the street to stop a taxi .

    那个 拦出租车。

  • Modem music is become more accessible to the man in the street .

    现代音乐越来越被 一般 所理解。

  • But ask the man in the street if a Chinese worker should be banned from selling the clothes she has stitched together or an African farmer should face higher taxes on his coffee and he is likely to recognise that foreigners are people too .

    但问问 ,是否应该禁止一位中国女工销售她缝制的服装,或者是否应该对一位非洲农民的咖啡课以更高的税收,他可能会意识到,外国人也是人。

  • The man promenaded about in the street .

    此人 街道 炫耀地游逛。

  • Then he went away leaving the man standing in the street with his tongue hanging out * and a large crowd of people laughing at him .

    然后他就离开了,留下 那个 男子 大街 ,舌头伸出来,一大群人都在嘲笑他。

  • The average man or woman in the street doesn 't know very much about immune disorders .

    普通 一般不是很了解 何谓免疫机能紊乱。

  • The man in the street in short needs all the encouragement he can get – including a stronger currency .

    简言之, 中国 百姓需要一切能够得到的鼓励,包括币值更高的人民币。

  • He is the man in the street .

    ,他就只是 普通 而已

  • Besides its role in giving cachet to wine this may be the explanation for the sort of modern art that leaves the man in the street cold .

    除了为红酒定价的作用外,这项实验可以解释 人们为追求现代艺术 流落 街头的境遇。

  • Politicians should learn to cater to the man in the street .

    政治家应该学会满足 普通 需求。

  • The newspaper took a poll of 300 people to see what the man in the street thinks .

    那家报纸对三百人进行了民意测验,看 普通 百姓有些什么想法。

  • What a coincidence : my immediate boss is the man I knocked down in the street .

    真是无巧不成书,我的顶头上司就是被我 撞倒

  • The man in the street is full of fear and therefore unwilling to tolerate freedoms for which he sees no need .

    一般 充满着恐惧,所以也不愿容忍自由&他们自己就不觉得需要自由。

  • Was he any good at persuading the man in the street ?

    他擅于劝说 购买他的东西吗?

  • The newspaper took a poll of the man in the street .

    该报 群众进行了 民意 调查

  • When returning home one evening the old man saw in the street a hoop from an old barrel & a rough dirty hoop .

    一天晚上回家时, 老头 看见有一个从旧琵琶桶散落下来的圆箍&一个又粗又脏的圆箍。

  • In contrast illegal immigration hundreds of thousands of people flooding in from Latin America every year is very much on the mind of the American man in the street .

    相比之下,每年从拉丁美洲涌入美国的数十万非法移民才是 当今美国 百姓非常关注的问题。

  • I don 't think you 're the man in the street .

    我并不认为你是 平凡

  • Take it easy ! You are just the man in the street .

    放松点,你只是 凡人

  • He wants to know how the man in the street feels about the issue .

    他很想知道 普通 对这个问题 看法。

  • If even the intellectuals today are unable or unwilling to recognise his many contributions how can we blame the man in the street for being ignorant ?

    如果连今天的知识分子都不能或不愿正视郭宝昆的价值,怎能抱怨 百姓 浑浑沌沌

  • The man in the street is opposed to this idea .
