the rights and wrongs


  • The rights and wrongs on budgeting On the merits and demerits of the Three-line Construction

    功过 预算论三线建设 功过

  • What are the rights and wrongs of the case ?

    这案件 真相如何?

  • They haven 't found out the rights and wrongs of the matter yet .

    他们还没弄清楚此事 是非曲直

  • He went before his mother could consider the complicated rights and wrongs of the matter .

    在他妈妈没来得及考虑 件事 复杂的 之前他就去了。

  • The process of the development of human knowledge is a process of continued attempt to interpret and there are no absolute rights and wrongs as far as knowledge is concerned .

    人类知识发展的过程,就是一个不断地解释的过程,并不存在绝对的对 是与非。

  • They were still the rights and wrongs of the case at midnight .

    深夜他们还在 讨论这件事情

  • For a man a conversation is a way to define a problem debate the rights and wrongs and find a solution .

    对男士来说,谈话是弄清问题, 明辨是非,找出解决问题办法 方式。

  • I don 't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter & I just want you both to stop arguing .

    我不关心谁 &我只是想让你们停止争吵。

  • They are disputing about the rights and wrongs of the case .

    他们正在激烈争论 这个事件的 是非曲直

  • It is too early to make judgments on the rights and wrongs of the case .

    现在就对 此案中的对 作出评判还为时尚早。

  • Feelings of the game all the rights and wrongs .

    感情的游戏, 的全部。

  • There were disagreements over the rights and wrongs of sex education .

    对性教育 存在分歧。

  • And quite frankly I have no intention of discussing the rights and wrongs of corporal punishment of you .

    十分坦白地说,我并不打算讨论体罚你是 还是

  • The criterion of productivity is the fundamental principle to judge the rights and wrongs of all work .

    生产力标准是判断一切工作 是非得失的根本标准。

  • The Rights and Wrongs Concerning the Crime of Possessing Enormous Property from Unknown Sources


  • It was difficult to establish the rights and wrongs of the matter .

    很难确定 事的是

  • In Chengguan : an Insider 's View Song speaks eloquently about the rights and wrongs of both chengguans and the public and expresses his hopes and vision for the future .

    在《城管来了:一个局内人的观点》一书中, 宋志刚不仅用 生动的语言探讨了城管与公众的是 ,同时也表达出了自己对未来的希望与梦想。

  • They were still disputing the rights and wrongs of the case at midnight .

    他们午夜时还在争论 这个事件 真相

  • They are disputing the rights and wrongs of the case .

    他们在讨论 此案

  • Technology of schema matching The Rights and Wrongs of Science Fiction

    模式匹配技术科幻小说 正误

  • You are too intelligent a person to be taken in by such a rogue . The rights and wrongs in any controversy should be clarified without compromise or glossing over .

    你是个非常聪明的人,不会上这么一个无赖的当。有争论的问题,要把是非弄明白,不要调和 敷衍

  • One of the changes I underwent was coming to understand that in a lot of areas of the humanities there aren 't set rights and wrongs but instead a mass of cultural differences .

    我的改变之一是明白了在许多人文领域里没有一定的 不对,而主要是存在文化差异。

  • The rights and wrongs of the case are perfectly clear and admit of no dispute .

    件事情 是非分明,无可争辩。

  • One striking thing about the advice is how consistent it remains over time suggesting that there are real rights and wrongs in conversation not just local conventions .

    超时的剩余部分有多大的一致性这样一个有关建议所突出的事宜,提示 谈吐中确实有对有 ,而不仅仅只是本土习俗。

  • On the rights and wrongs of the revolution he would not often let himself be drawn ;

    关于古巴革命 功过,他也不愿 评价

  • Regardless of the rights and wrongs of company policy you need to give a month 's notice .

    不论公司政策 好坏,你 至少要提前一周给出通知。

  • You can not separate the rights and wrongs of the case .

    这件事你无法 分清

  • So whatever the rights and wrongs of the case it 's difficult for Tencent to escape accusations of bullying .

    所以无论 事实 真相如何 右脑 英语 学习 有用 腾讯都难逃脱恐吓事件带来的指责。

  • For a man a conversation is a way to define a problem debate the rights and wrongs and find a solution . Between Certainty and Uncertainty & Interpretation of Inquiry of the Meanings about Law ;

    对男人来说,谈话是明确问题, 明辨是非,解决问题 一种方法。在确定性和非确定性之间&解读《法律的意义追问》

  • The rights and wrongs on budgeting

    功过 预算