the right way

[ði raɪt we][ðə rait wei]


  • Pardon me could you tell me if this is the right way to spring street ?


  • I think this is the right way to go .

    我认为这才是 正确 做法

  • This is not the right way to educate a child .

    我以后一定不会 这样 我的孩子。

  • Excuse me is this the right way to the bar ?

    请问到酒吧走 吗?艾迪:是的。

  • Everybody wants the best for their kids but you have to go to that in the right way .

    每个人都希望自己小孩是最好的,但也要用 方式

  • It is the right way .

    路子 对头

  • He led them back to the right way .

    他把他们带回到 正道 上来

  • That 's not the right way to deal with this situation .

    那不是处理这种情况 正确 方法

  • It would help if you held the map the right way up .

    如果你把地图拿 方向会对你很有帮助。

  • Have I got this the right way up ?

    我把这 摆正了吗?

  • Is this the right way to do it ? That 's the style .


  • Is that the right way up ? — Yeah . I suppose so

    这是 上去 吗?——是的,我想是。

  • Is this the right way to the train station ?

    请问到火车站 吗?

  • Turn the cake the right way up on to a wire rack

    把蛋糕翻到 合适 方向对准金属丝架上。

  • But it is crucial that the war with the public-sector unions is won in the right way .

    但关键的是,和公共部门工会的这场仗一定要胜 有道

  • Is that the right way to do it ? No.

    这是 妥当 办法吗?否。

  • Is this the right way to the bank ?


  • Walking done in the right way is a form of aerobic exercise

    走路,如果 方法 正确 ,也是一种有氧健身运动。

  • The right way of defecation plays an important role in our lives and health .

    排便 正确与否对我们的生命和健康起到重要的影响。

  • It 's important to fit it the right way round .

    将它安 正确位置上很重要。

  • Try to approach her the right way . she 's dead if scared of policemen and you will get nothing out of her if you go at it like a bull at a gate .

    要用 恰当 方式接近她,她 警察怕得要命,如果你来得粗暴,你休想从她那里掏出什么情报。

  • We ensure that the work shall be done in the right way .

    我们保证把这项工作 做好

  • We are going the right way .

    我们走 的。

  • You 're not thinking in the right way . ; You 've got a wrong idea .

    你想 了。

  • Is this the right way to the hospital ?

    去医院这 吗?

  • Is this the right way to the station ?

    往车站 吗?

  • Be this the right way to get to the hospital ?


  • Are we doing it the right way ?

    但我们 方法 吗?

  • His speech suggested the right way of promoting people 's all round development .

    讲话指出了推进人的全面发展 途径