the young

[ði jʌŋ][ðə jʌŋ]


  • The ties of kinship may have helped the young man find his way in life .

    亲情可能帮 这个 年轻人找到了生活的方向。

  • The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male .

    最需要这种指导的社会群体是 青年男性。

  • We should not judge the young writers too harshly .

    我们不应当 青年作家太苛求。

  • Golan managed to corner the young producer-director for an interview .

    戈兰设法截住了 那位兼任制片人的 年轻导演,对其进行了采访。

  • The young disappeared soon after they were hatched .


  • They were shocked by the impropriety of the young man 's action .

    他们为 年轻人的不当举止而感到震惊。

  • The most susceptible and the first to be affected are the intellectuals and the young students .

    特别是文化人和 青年学生,感觉敏锐,首当其冲。

  • The young couple decided to have a child .


  • The old workers instruct the young workers not only in words but in deeds .

    老工人 青年工人不仅言传而且身教。

  • The young man has a bee in his head about space travel .

    那个 年轻人对太空旅行着了迷。

  • The young girl loved to play with her playmates .

    这个 女孩喜欢和她的伙伴一起玩。

  • Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success .

    几乎所有被采访 年轻人都认为工作是成功的关键。

  • I don 't envy the young ones who 've become TV superstars and know no other world

    我不羡慕那些成为超级电视明星,对其他却一无所知的 年轻人。

  • I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner but this does not kill them off .

    我试过 嫩芽上涂除草剂,但这并没有将它们除净。

  • Responsibility for the dance numbers was split between Robert Alton and the young George Balanchine .

    舞蹈节目分别由罗伯特·奥尔顿和 年轻的乔治·巴兰钦负责。

  • The young man is dead . We have only to consider the living .

    这位 年轻人已经死了。我们只能考虑在生之人。

  • I find most of the young men of my own age so boring

    我觉得和我同龄 年轻人大多都很无聊。

  • There was social intercourse between the old and the young .

    老年人与 年轻人之间有社会交往。

  • I think the young man is getting interested in gardening

    我认为 这个 年轻人开始对园艺产生兴趣了。

  • The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron 's retreating figure .

    看着护士长离去的身影, 这个 年轻的护士做了个鬼脸。

  • Brad Pitt steals the show as the young man doomed by his zest for life .

    布拉德·皮特扮演一名因对生命怀有极大热情而注定在劫难逃 年轻人,抢尽了镜头。

  • The young parents spoiled their only son .


  • The police say the killing of the young man was an accident .

    警方说 这个 年轻人被杀是一个意外。

  • The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy .

    早年的恐惧不安和别人的敌意给 这个 男孩留下了深深的创伤。

  • For others especially the young and foolish the state will temper justice with mercy

    对待其他人时,尤其是 年轻人和愚蠢的人,国家会刚柔并济。

  • The young have no respect for their elders .


  • Gathered together the old the middle-aged and the young studied side by side and encouraged each other .

    老、中、 济济一堂,共同学习,相互激励。

  • They brought the young men in and set the dogs on them .

    他们将 几个 小伙子带了进来,然后放狗咬他们。