


  • STEVEN : Are you more interested in theater or in television ?

    史蒂文:你是对 戏剧还是对电视剧更感兴趣?

  • Besides film and record projects I have continued to work in the theater .

    除了电影和唱片工作外,我还继续从事 戏剧 表演

  • You came by our theater ?

    你经过我们的 剧院了?

  • Theater owners lease films from film distributors .


  • We are writers of books and music actors in the theater and we home-school the boys .

    我们是书籍和乐曲的作者,是 剧院 的演员,我们也给孩子们提供了家庭教学。

  • So I bought another LCD TV & 52'Sharp and a new home theater system .

    所以我就有钱买了另一台液晶电视&一台52英寸的夏普以及一套新的家庭 影院系统。

  • We used a crane to lift the piano into the theater .

    我们使用起重机将钢琴搬进 剧场

  • Similar theater festivals have also been held in other cities including Jinan and Guangzhou in recent years .

    近年来,其它城市如济南和广州也举办了类似的 戏剧节。

  • Are you going to the movie theater with me tonight ?

    今晚你计划和我一块去 电影院吗?

  • Seldom did I go to theater but now it is different .

    以前我很少去 剧院,但是现在不同了。

  • I saw Andy and another girl in the movie theater last night .

    但昨晚我看见Andy和另一个女生在 电影院

  • This theater is packed tonight .

    这个 电影院今晚挤满了人。

  • Last month I waited in front of the theater for an hour without seeing her shadow .

    上个月,我在 电影院门口等了一个小时还不见她的人影。

  • But I started managing a movie theater there and that was exposing me more .

    但我开始管理一家 电影院有,那就是暴露了我更多。

  • He became known as the enfant terrible of British theater .

    他成为英国 戏剧界让人头痛的天才。

  • I was waiting for you at the theater .

    我在 电影院等你。

  • You go to bars watch sports or go to the theater with people he said .

    你和大家一起去酒吧,观看体育比赛或是去 剧院,他说。

  • With which we began the action theater .

    我们在action 剧院就开始了。

  • Steven : Jeff do you have more experience in television or in theater ?

    史蒂文:杰夫,对于电视剧和 戏剧,你 哪个更有经验?

  • I like the theater and dancing * and playing tennis .

    我喜欢 戏剧和舞蹈和打网球。

  • When I got to the theater I found that they had sold all the tickets .

    当我到 剧场的时候,我发现所有的票都卖没了。

  • She had recently taken a canvas from the theater and tacked it up on the wall .

    她最近从 剧院拿回一幅油画,用图钉把它钉在了墙上。

  • Poetry and the theater play an important role in contemporary Romanian life .

    诗歌和 戏剧在当代罗马尼亚人生活中扮演了重要的角色。

  • He also composed for theater films and dance .

    他还用 戏剧,电影和舞蹈。

  • He took an interest in going to the theater when he was young .

    他年轻时喜欢去 影剧

  • The Commission for the new theater was given to a well-known architect .

    建造 新剧 已委托给一位著名的建筑师。

  • Oh that theater was chronic .

    哦,那 戏院可糟透呢。