thermal meter

[ˈθɚməl ˈmitɚ][ˈθə:məl ˈmi:tə]


  • Thermal stability of Cr filaments in Cu-Cr in-situ composites Thermal insulation Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties Heat flow meter apparatus

    形变Cu-Cr原位复合材料中纤维相的热稳定性GB/T10295-1988绝热材料稳态 热阻及有关特性的测定热流

  • A Portable In-situ Wall-rock Thermal Conductivity Meter For Mine Pits The design of the new-style numerical thermal-detector

    一种便携式井巷岩壁原位 热导 新一代数字化热导仪的设计

  • The cryogenic thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam from 100 k down to 6 k was measured using a flat-plate thermal conductivity meter .

    针对被测试样聚氨脂塑料硬泡沫的低温性能,采用平板 热导 1w_1165,用稳态法测量其低温热导率。

  • Non-resistant materials are common . Thermal insulation Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties Heat flow meter apparatus

    不稳定材料能经常见到。GB/T10295-1988绝热材料稳态 热阻及有关特性的测定热流

  • Transformation from knowledge-oriented education into competency and knowledge-oriented education & Practicing and thinking of educational renovation for the teaching of the course Thermal Meter and Automation

    从单纯知识本位向知识本位与能力本位并重转变&《 热工 仪表及自动化》课程教学改革的实践与思考

  • Based on a developed single-point thermal gas-mass flow meter a multi-point thermal gas-mass flux testing method is presented which aims to measure the gas-mass flow rate in the large-and-middle-scale pipeline or irregular pipeline .

    在已研制单点 式气体质量 流量计的基础上,针对目前大口径或不规则管道气体质量流量测量中存在的问题,提出了基于多点测量的热式气体质量流量测试方法。

  • According to heat loss of thermal network pipes per meter stated by nation thickness of thermal insulating layer varying with thermal conductivity of insulating material and temperature of working pair is studied by numerical calculation .

    在国家规定的热网管道的每 米热损失下,其保温层厚度随着保温材料的导热系数及工质温度的不同而不同。

  • The experimental prototype of thermal tracer flow meter is designed and fabricated dynamic experiment is done on the multiphase flow in horizontal wells experimental system .

    设计并加工了 示踪 流量计的实验样机,在水平模拟井多相流实验系统上进行了动态模拟井实验。

  • Study on the Characteristics of Thermal Mass Flow Meter and Its Curve Fitting

    质量 流量计特性曲线及其拟合方法的研究

  • YRD high temperature and high pressure program control rock thermal conductivity meter

    两种典型升压程序的金刚石成核特性YRD型高温高压程控岩石 热导

  • Taking an experiment on the single-cylinder four-stroke engine SD1110 connected with the partial flow thermal gas meter directly and monitoring the output waveform on the real time .

    将分流量 流量计直接安装单缸四冲程SD1110发动机进气道上进行试验,监测到此时流量计的输出波形。

  • Calibration Program Design of Thermal Meter in a Central Heat Supply System CUI

    集中供热系统 计量 的标定程序设计

  • For simplicity the above designed structure model and the apparatus that process its signal output was named as partial flow thermal gas meter in this paper .

    为简单起见,本文作者将整个分支管测流结构加上其后的信号输出处理装置称为分流量 流量计

  • In order to calibrate the thermal mass air flow meter by the method of standard flow meter this paper designs a suit of thermal flow meter 's calibration test-bed .

    设计了一套 流量计的标定试验台,用标准流量计法,对热式流量计进行标定。

  • Design of Detector on DDZ Thermal Meter Based on Single Chip Microcomputer

    基于单片机控制的DDZ型 热工 仪表检测仪的设计

  • The New Generation of Thermal Mass Flow meter

    新一代 质量 流量计

  • Quartz crystal differential thermometer thermal demand meter

    石英晶体差示 温度计

  • Development of Intelligent Thermal Gas Mass Flow meter

    智能 气体质量 流量计的研制

  • The method of online detecting thermal efficiency of steam-injection boilers based on intelligent meter are presented .

    提出一种基于智能 仪表的注汽锅炉 效率在线检测方法。

  • New Automotive Thermal Air Flow Meter Based on Micro silicon

    基于微硅片的新型车用 式空气 流量计

  • Because the value of Seebeck Coefficient of the semiconductor thermoelectric materials could be many times of the metals ' the thermal power meter has high sensitivity so that higher test precision could be gained for conversion efficiency of thermoelectric unicouple .

    半导体温差电材料的塞贝克系数可以是金属的几倍,因此温差电热 流量计的灵敏度高, 热电转换效率的测量可以获得较高精度。

  • At present method of thermal current meter hotbox method infrared thermal perturbation of the external walls in China are main methods to measure the heat transfer coefficients .

    现阶段,热流法、 箱法,热红外摄像 法是我国测量外墙传热系数的主要方法。

  • It is also shown that adequate pouring amount is critical to ensure the measurement accuracy of the thermal analysis CE meter .

    操作时保证 分析试样具有足够且波动小的浇注量和合适的浇注温度是提高碳当量 成分分析精度的关键。

  • Geotherm - ⅱ model thermal conductivity meter of steady-state divided bar type & a precise rock thermal conductivity measuring device

    地热Ⅱ型稳定分棒式 热导 岩石热导率精密测量装置

  • In-situ measurements of heat loss in thermal insulation of equipments and pipes-Heat flow meter apparatus

    GB/T17357-1998设备及管道绝热层表面热损失现场测定 热流计法

  • The Geotherm - ⅱ Model rock thermal conductivity meter is designed and modified from the Geotherm - ⅰ Model absorbing a series of advanced features of the similar apparatus in the United States and France .

    地热-Ⅱ型岩石 热导 是在地热-Ⅰ型基础上,参考美、法同类装置的性能特长,改型设计研制而成的。

  • On the base of analysis and comparison the thermal conductivity type of gas meter was considered the most promising field fumigant concentration detector .

    经过比较分析, 热导气体 检测 被认为是最有应用前途的现场熏蒸剂气体浓度检测仪。

  • Thermal Mass Flow meter and Its Application

    质量 流量计及其应用

  • The paper presents an experimental study of the two kinds of partial flow thermal gas meter the results show that the partial flow meter has the same output and temperature characteristics with the small thermal meter installed on the branch .

    将设计出的两种分流量热式流量计进行试验校核,其输出特性与分支管上微桥 流量计的输出特性基本相同,具有线性输出,而且输出不受温度、压力的影响。