thermal precipitation

[ˈθɚməl prɪˌsɪpɪˈteʃən][ˈθə:məl prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən]


  • All the experimental results were demonstrated as follows : 1 . We report the preparation on urchin-like ZnO microspheres by thermal decomposition of hydrozincite . The hydrozincite was synthesized by homogeneous precipitation of zinc nitrate and urea in the presence of a nonionic surfactant polyethylene glycol .

    研究结果如下:1.采用均相 沉淀 以硝酸锌和尿素为原料,聚乙二醇为表面活性剂合成水锌矿,通过 煅烧水锌矿制得了海胆状的ZnO微球。

  • The correlation between winter thermal capacity in the North Pacific and summer climate anomaly in East China is most significant in the periods of la to 5a in which the relation with precipitation is better than temperature .

    北太平洋冬季 容量与我国东部夏季气候的相关在1a到5a之内最大,且与 降水的关系较密切。

  • Effect of Rapid Thermal Processing on Oxygen Precipitation Behavior in Czochralski Silicon

    快速 处理对直拉硅片氧 沉淀行为作用

  • The formula about the water content and the thermal conductivity of pig liver was found . Precipitation impacts runoff greatly but the effect has lessened .

    凝固后,虽然猪肝水含量大幅降低,但其 热导率减小的幅度不大。 降水 和径流量的年际变化幅度都有减小的趋势,径流的这种趋势更明显。

  • Structures of a thermal convective precipitation system happened in controlling of the western subtropical Pacific high

    西太平洋副热带高压下 对流 降水结构特征的个例分析

  • Application of Thermal Analysis on the Studies of Wax Precipitation Process in Crude Oil

    分析在原油析 过程研究方面的应用

  • The unstable stratification in the lower troposphere was a necessary thermal stratification condition for convective precipitation ;

    对流层下部深厚不稳定层结是对流性 降水所必须的 热力层结条件;

  • The addition of Si 3N 4 particles to carbon fiber reinforced silica composite increases the mechanical properties but decreases the thermal properties of the composite because of the precipitation of tridymite .

    在碳&石英复合材料中加入氮化硅颗粒可提高其力学性能,但少量鳞石英的 析出使材料的 热学性能恶化。

  • Isotope geochemistry in thermal water ( 1 ) Hydrogen and oxygen isotope ① The cold groundwater thermal water and surface water samples are all plot along the global meteoric water line indicating those water samples are recharged by precipitation .

    同位素地球化学特征(1)氢氧同位素①广东沿海地区地下冷水、地下 热水和地表水均落在全球大气降水线附近,说明 大气 降水是这些水体的主要补给来源。

  • Thermal degradation of organic materials resulted in the generation of CH4 which further initiated the reduction of sulfates and the precipitation of sulfides .

    液带来的 热能使矿化围岩中有机质发生 降解作用产生甲烷,从而导致硫酸盐的还原和金属硫化物的 沉淀

  • Thermal deformation induces the precipitation of MC - type carbides of NaCl crystal - type ;

    同时 形变诱发 析出了NaCl晶型的MC型碳化物;

  • Thermal deformation and precipitation of carbides result in the increase of dislocation submicrostructure in the microstructure of steel deformed and quenched .

    由于 形变及碳化物的 析出,使得该钢等温形变后直接淬火组织中的位错马氏体量增多。

  • Thermal preservation results in denaturation of soybean proteins and precipitation of beverage containing soybean proteins thus affects the quality of products . Disruption of nature proteins structure can affect their physicochemical and functional properties . Low thermal does completely remove the rancid off-flavor and antinutritional factors .

    传统的 加热杀菌易使大豆蛋白变性,大豆蛋白饮料易于 沉淀,从而影响产品的质量;蛋白质天然结构的破坏会使理化及其功能性质发生变化,温度太低对抗营养因子和豆腥味祛除不彻底。

  • The bad heat resistance of Mg-Al based alloys is due to the poor thermal stability of Mg_ ( 17 ) Al_ ( 12 ) phase and its discontinuous precipitation at elevated temperature .

    高温下Mg17Al12相的 稳定性较差及其不连续 析出是Mg-Al基合金耐热性较差的主要原因。

  • The main factors influencing the viscoelasticity are the thermal shear history of waxy crude oil and wax precipitation characteristics .

    含蜡原油经历的 历史、剪切历史以及析 特性是影响粘弹性的主要因素。

  • The action of multilayer weld thermal cycle as the postweld heat treatment causes the carbon diffusion and carbide precipitation etc in weld bond of former welding layer .

    另外焊接重 作用可以象焊后热处理一样引起前一焊层中熔合区发生碳扩散和碳化物 析出等现象。

  • Effect of Rapid Thermal Processing on Oxygen Precipitation in Czochralski Silicon Subjected to Simulating CMOS Thermal Processing

    快速 处理对直拉硅单晶在模拟CMOS热处理工艺时氧 沉淀的影响

  • Furthermore they are similar to the mesoscale convective complex ( MCC ) which appears frequently in the central part of the United States during the warm season ( March to September ) in the thermal structure distribution of precipitation and the process of generation and development .

    它的动力、 热力结构, 降水分布,以及发生、发展过程等,都与暖季(3&9月)在美国中部频繁出现的中尺度对流复合体(MCC)十分相似。

  • The effects of high temperature treatment by conventional furnace annealing and rapid thermal processing ( RTP ) on the dissolution and the re-growth behavior of oxygen precipitation in Czochralski ( CZ ) silicon wafers are investigated .

    重点研究了直拉(CZ)硅中氧 沉淀在快速 处理(RTP)和常规炉退火过程中的高温消融以及再生长行为。

  • The crude extract of the soybean trypsin inhibitor was obtained by the extraction of phosphoric acid buffer ( pH7.6 ) thermal denaturation ( 65 ℃) and ammonium sulfate precipitation .

    通过pH7.6的磷酸溶液抽提、65℃ 变性、硫酸铵分步 沉淀得到大豆胰蛋白酶抑制因子的粗提液。

  • The result shows that the thermal condition of the tropical seas is an important factor in affecting the variability of the Asian monsoon circulation and precipitation .

    试验结果表明,热带海洋的 状况是影响亚洲季风环流和 降水的一个重要因素。

  • The evolution of basin was divided into four stages : the filling clastic rocks in the back-arc basin in the early stage the thermal precipitation in the late stage ;

    盆地演化划分为四个阶段:弧后盆地早期碎屑岩充填阶段;弧后盆地晚期 沉降阶段;

  • Carbon extraction replica analysis were carried out on the specimen in Ti microalloyed steel which is subjected to different stage of the welding thermal cycle so as to study the dissolution coarsening and precipitation of TiN particle in Ti microalloyed steel during different stage of welding thermal cycle .

    采用萃取复型技术,对经受焊接 循环不同阶段的试样进行研究,分析了TiN粒子在焊接热循环不同阶段的溶解、粗化及再 析出行为。