thermal cracking unit

[ˈθɚməl ˈkrækɪŋ ˈjunɪt][ˈθə:məl ˈkrækiŋ ˈju:nit]


  • We put forward and set up biomass thermal cracking and biological oil catalysis hydrogenation joint device being based on the original biomass thermal cracking unit .

    在原来的生物质 裂解 装置基础上,提出建立生物质热裂解与生物质油催化加氢联合装置。

  • The thermal cracking process of ethylene is an important process in the ethylene industry and the cracking furnace is the key unit . Only some foreign corporations hold the whole technique of cracking process at present .

    乙烯 裂解过程是乙烯工业的关键技术之一,裂解炉是乙烯装置的核心 设备。目前世界上仅有少数公司掌握生产乙烯的成套技术,国内对引进、吸收此项技术十分重视。