theory of multiplier

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˈmʌltəˌplaɪɚ][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈmʌltəˌplaɪə]


  • Teacher according to her years of clinical practice and closely combining the traditional Chinese medicine theory and sums up the commonly used treatment of cancer for medicine flexible will every medicine to used in the treatment of cancer get the multiplier effect .

    导师根据自己多年的临床实践,紧密结合传统的中医学 理论而总结出常用的治疗肿瘤病的对药,灵活将各药对运用于肿瘤病的治疗中,取得 事半功倍的疗效。

  • This article starts from the 2 ′ s complement and the true value transformation relations thoroughly analyzes the theory of four full adders then directly proposes some schemes of the direct 2 ′ s complement array multiplier .

    从补码和真值的转换关系开始,深入分析了四类全加器的工作 原理,提出了直接补码阵列 乘法器 设计方案。

  • NES has its own theory basis of western multiplier theory and strategic trade theory .

    理论层次上,作者认为国家出口战略的政策依据主要来源于西方 经济学 乘数理论和战略性贸易理论。

  • Based on IS-LM model traditional Keynesian fluctuation theory focuses on static effects of govern - ment purchase shocks on aggregate demand and other macro variables in terms of multiplier .

    基于IS-LM模型的传统凯恩斯波动 理论主要从需求的角度用 乘数 理论分析政府购买冲击对宏观经济变量的静态影响;

  • Second taking research by tourism multiplier based on data availability and method feasibility and taking general introduction and evaluation on the related theory of tourism multiplier .

    其次在考虑到数据可得性和方法可行性的基础上选择旅游乘数的方法,并对旅游 乘数相关 理论进行介绍和评价。

  • Its basic theories are these : theory of circle cumulate cause and effect theory of tourist destination lifecycle theory of income and distribution theory of multiplier theory of information asymmetry and theory of sustainable development etc.

    它的理论基础包括:循环累积因果理论、旅游地生命周期理论、收入分配 理论乘数理论、信息不对称理论和可持续发展理论等。

  • Based on the theory of semiconductor this paper analyses the characteristics of the differential amplifier discusses the principles of the two-way balanced analog multiplier illustrates several typical circuits applied to practice and writes out the mathematical model of its working process .

    讨论双平衡模拟 乘法器 产生和工作 原理.列举几个典型电路的实际应用,写出这些电路工作过程的数学模型。

  • They form a kind of unified theory part of it being the result of the principle of virtual work-Lagrange multiplier in paper but with more genral significance .

    其中部分内容为文2w_1538用虚功原理 &Lagrange 法导出的结果,但比之具有更普遍的意义。

  • It also analyzes and compare the theory of AGC Amplifier and Multiplier .

    并给出了它们各自三 互调失真的表达式,最后又对AGC放大器和 乘法器进行了分析和比较。

  • In theory AD-AS model money multiplier and monetary policy multiplier are use to regional effect of monetary policy . On the basis of these models regional AD-AS model regional money multiplier and regional monetary policy multiplier are constructed .

    理论上,把AD-AS曲线、货币乘数、货币政策乘数应用于货币政策区域效应的分析,构建了区域总需求-总供给曲线、区域货币 乘数模型、区域货币政策乘数模型。

  • With the help of the PN junction theory and the transistor principle the author analyzes the principle of operation of the simulated multiplier working in the state of stronger signal and concludes its related formula in this state ?

    本文利用PN结 理论及晶体管原理来分析工作在较大信号下模拟 相乘 的工作原理,推导出它工作于输入较大信号状态下的输出关系式。

  • The Theory of Structural Keynesian Multiplier and the Optimization of Active Financial Policies : Empirical Study Based on Consumption Matrix

    结构式凯恩斯 乘数 理论与积极财政政策优化&基于消费矩阵的实证研究

  • Research has been carried on the design theory and method of a design of high performance MAC unit . The modified Booth algorithm is used to design the multiplier and a new booth coding logic circuit is designed .

    对高性能乘加单元的设计 原理与方法进行了研究,采用改进的Booth算法设计 乘法器,提出了一种新的实现这种算法的内部电路逻辑结构。

  • The theory and application of multiplier the design method and result of SRD multiplier are described .

    介绍了 倍频 原理、应用 以及阶跃二极管倍频器的设计方法并给出了结果。

  • Mathematical Theory of k Multiplier

    k 的数学 理论

  • Based on Keynesian macroeconomic control theory under the condition of the multiplier asymmetry and the assumption of uneven economy the paper indicates asymmetric effects of monetary policy on regional economy by comparing the models of regional inside and outside asymmetric effects of monetary policy .

    本文以凯恩斯宏观调控 理论基础,在 乘数不对称和经济非均质性条件下,通过构建和比较货币政策区内不对称效应和区间不对称效应模型,揭示了货币政策对区域经济的不对称影响。

  • The theory of harmonic balance method balance frequency multiplier by two anti-parallel connection diodes and NLTL ( Nonlinear Transmission Line ) frequency multiplier are discussed in detail .

    详细介绍了谐波平衡理论,反向并联的二极管对平衡式 倍频 原理,和非线性传输线倍频原理。

  • ECC algorithm theory based on the knowledge of communication theory is studied and appropriate algorithm is selected including the use of constant multiplier to reduce hardware resources .

    首先,在研究了通信编码 理论的基础上,对纠错编码和译码算法理论进行了深入的分析和研究,并选用合适的编码和译码算法;其中采用了常数 乘法器来减少硬件资源。

  • In this paper the theory of Nonlinear Transmission-Line ( NLTL ) frequency multiplier was discussed and the complete model of it was given .

    介绍了非线性传输线的 倍频 原理,建立了一种完整的倍频器电路模型。

  • The theory of multiplier analysis is an important technique which has been used to measure the relationship between each productive sector production and consumption supply and demand for goods .

    乘数分析 研究生产部门之间、生产与使用、供给与消耗之间关系的重要方法。