thermal relaxation

[ˈθɚməl ˌrilækˈseʃən][ˈθə:məl ˌri:lækˈseɪʃən]


  • The method to measure the stress state on surface of material was introduced and the state as well as the thermal relaxation behavior of residual stress for cross weld of low carbon steel was investigated .

    介绍了材料表面应力状态的X射线测量方法,研究了低碳钢交叉焊缝残余应力状态及其 松弛行为。

  • The thermal relaxation time of small drops and particles in air is quite short .

    空气中小水滴和粒子的 张弛时间是非常短的。

  • It is clear that thermal relaxation attenuation peak and Biot attenuation peak appear on both frequency and temperature domains .

    无论在频率谱或温度谱上都出现了 衰减峰和Biot衰减峰。

  • Cole-Cole distribution coefficient β cole-cole is an important parameter for constructing the thermal relaxation model and its value has a great influence on the thermal relaxation peak value and the peak width .

    Cole-Cole分布系数βcole-cole是构建 模型的一个重要参数,它的取值对热弛豫衰减峰的大小以及峰宽有很大影响。

  • The initial crystalline is very small from our experiments and crystalline tested by DSC results from thermal relaxation and subcooling crystallization .

    MDSC结果显示F2314的固有结晶度很小,DSC所测得的结晶是冷结晶和 松弛形成的。

  • The thermal relaxation time was calculated by the measured relation of peak moment of optical signal within the pulse varied with wavelength .

    根据对应的峰值光功率出现时刻随波长变化的曲线,计算得到 时间参量值。

  • Measurement of Thermal Relaxation Time of High Power Semiconductor Lasers

    大功率半导体激光器 时间的测量

  • The co-existence of Biot dissipation mechanism and thermal relaxation mechanism results in the appearance of two attenuation peaks in the attenuation curve of the saturated rock i.e. the Biot peak and the thermal relaxation peak .

    Biot耗散机制和 机制的共同存在使得饱和岩石的衰减曲线出现两个衰减峰,即Biot峰和热弛豫峰。

  • It is found that temperature wave frequency at a given location in the slab is relevant to slab 's thickness and its thermal relaxation time while the amplitude of temperature wave bears a relation with heat source 's distribution area and pulse duration .

    研究结果表明,温度波动频率取决于平板厚度和 材料 时间,而其幅值则与内热源释放区域的大小和脉冲宽度的长短有关。

  • Study of thermal relaxation at chbr_3 / nacl interface under shock compression

    冲击波作用下CHBr3/NaCl界面 特性研究

  • The influence of heat treatments on solid-state crystallization and thermal relaxation in Nylon-1010

    热处理对尼龙1010固态结晶和玻璃态 松驰的影响

  • Study of Structure and the Dipolar Thermal Relaxation on γ - Irradiated PET Films

    γ辐照PET的结构变化与偶极 松弛 运动的研究

  • Thermal relaxation regularities that consistent with the Arrhenius relationship are observed in the low-frequency experiments . Introducing the thermal relaxation regularities into the standard linear solid model the thermal relaxation model with effects of both frequency and temperature is obtained .

    由低频实验获得了符合Arrhenius关系的 规律,将其引入标准线性固体模型中,得到了同时含有频率和温度效应的热弛豫模型。

  • A local thermal flux mechanism is proposed to explain the thermal relaxation mechanism .

    提出了一个局部热流的概念来解释 机制。

  • The thermal relaxation model can well simulate the properties of the saturated rocks such as attenuation and velocity dispersion .


  • A pulse semiconductor laser was measured and the thermal relaxation time was obtained to be 1.2 ms.

    利用此方法对一种半导体激光器进行了测试,得到其 时间为1.2ms。

  • It has been demonstrated that the exothermic peak on DSC curve for quenched Nylon-1010 is a cold crystallization peak and the changes of the cold crystallization peak and thermal relaxation peak for quenched Nylon-1010 through different heat-treatments have been studied by using DSC .

    本文用DSC首先论证淬火尼龙1010试样在DSC曲线上出现的放热峰是冷结晶峰,然后研究淬火尼龙1010在不同热处理条件下,冷结晶峰和玻璃态 松驰峰的变化规律。

  • The HSPICE circuit simulator and an improved hot spot thermal analysis method were used in a new fast electro thermal relaxation method to study the self heating effects .

    该文以 HSPICE电路模拟程序为电路模拟的基础,以改进的热点温度估算方法为 热学模拟的基础,采用解耦法实现了集成电路的电热耦合时序模拟软件。

  • The activation energy of thermal relaxation of dipoles for main-chain segmental motion in amorphous region was decreased linearly and the time constant of dipolar thermal relaxation was increased exponentially with increasing of crystallinity .

    被冻结的分子主链段偶极 松弛活化能随结晶度增大线性减小,热松弛时间常数则随结晶度的提高而呈指数增大。

  • In this paper thermal relaxation in media was examined by simulation and experiments .

    本文通过计算机仿真与实验,研究了磁盘介质中记录信号的 衰减 现象

  • These data suggest that the granulite facies metamorphism lasted for about 27 Ma and was related to crustal thickening associated with the Early Paleozoic continental collision between the Qilian and Qaidam blocks and to subsequent thermal relaxation and exhumation .

    这些年龄结果显示麻粒岩相变质作用持续了大约27Ma,这可能与早古生代祁连地块与柴达木地块碰撞作用所引起的地壳加厚和后来的 松驰有关。

  • Polarized infrared spectroscopy study on thermal relaxation of oriented poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) films

    取向态聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯膜 过程的偏振红外光谱研究

  • Multi channel optic pyrometer was used to observe shock temperatures of bromoform in the pressure range from 37 to 85 GPa and thermal relaxation behavior at bromoform / sodium chloride crystal interface .

    利用多通道光学高温计测量了溴仿在37GPa到85GPa压力范围内的温度,并观察了溴仿/单晶氯化钠界面的 过程。

  • It is found that the combination of thermal relaxation and Biot mechanism leads to increment of wave velocity with two inflection points when its frequency rises .

    由于 和Biot两种机制的作用导致波速在频率谱上随频率增高波速增大,并在较高温度时随频率增高出现两个拐点。

  • The specific heat of melted-textured-growth Y_0.8 Ca_0.2 Ba_2 Cu_3 O_ y was measured by using thermal relaxation technique .

    采用 方法在0到9T范围内测量了熔融织构Y0.8Ca0.2Ba2Cu3Oy的比热。

  • Adjusting the pulse width of the laser to the thermal relaxation time of the absorbing construction can avoid thermal side effects and facilitate a selective treatment of the selective cells .

    把激光脉宽调整到与吸收颗粒的 时间一致可以避免热副作用,可对所选细胞产生选择性处理。

  • Starting from the contact resistance model a functional relation between the thermal relaxation time and the interface thermal resistance as well as the thermal transport coefficients of materials is obtained .

    从热阻模型出发,给出了 时间 常数与界面 热阻以及材料热输运系数之间的函数关系。

  • According to the effects of thermal relaxation time and thermal relaxation length the heat conduction was analyzed .

    最后,依据 松弛时间和热松弛长度对热传导过程的影响,对快速瞬态高强度加热情况下的热传导问题进行了分析和讨论。