
[ˈtɛksˌtaɪl, -təl][ˈtekstaɪl]


  • He was assigned into the textile factory after education .

    毕业后他被分进 纺织厂。

  • Have textile and apparel industries in U.S.A declined ?

    美国 纺织 和服装业衰败了吗?

  • The process technique textile property product opening and development prospect of SOFTBAMBOO fiber were presented .

    介绍了云竹纤维的加工工艺、 纺织特性、产品开发和发展前景。

  • Another 75 jobs will be lost in textiles and clothing .


  • As a result this method can be used in designing beautiful printing patterns of textile .

    结果表明,这种方法适合于 纺织品印花图案的设计和表现。

  • But Kenya 's cotton and textile industry is concerned about meeting future requirements of the law .

    但肯尼亚的棉花和 纺织行业对满足未来法律要求非常担忧。

  • Research on the Impact of International Trade Environment to China 's Textile Export

    国际贸易环境对我国 纺织品出口的影响研究

  • Widely used in machine tools laminated packaging printing textile light industry and office equipment .

    广泛合用于机床、包装、印刷、 纺织、轻工、及办公设备中。

  • Light industries and the textile food pharmaceutical medical apparatus and instruments and packaging industries ;

    轻工业, 纺织工业,食品工业,医药和医疗器械工业,包装工业;

  • Textile mills could begin to weave more polyester into fabrics .


  • Used mainly for cellulosic-based textile printing and dyeing .

    主要用于纤维素类 纺织品的印花和染色。

  • Textile and apparel exporters in Asia say consumers may feel the pinch with more expensive T-shirts and jeans .

    亚洲的 纺织品和服装出口商说,消费者受到;T恤衫和牛仔裤的价格会更贵。

  • He haunted textile mills and learned all he could .

    他常到 纺织厂去,尽可能多学到点东西。

  • He bought up a bankrupt textile company .

    他买下一家破了产的 纺织公司。

  • Textile papermaking and shipbuilding industries were established by the early20th century .


  • See Chapter 7 below for further comments on the textile industry .

    有关 纺织业的更多评论请参看下面第7章。

  • Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities

    将尝试和探索 纺织技巧来把这些设计变为现实。

  • China is the world 's largest exporter of apparels and textile products globally .

    中国是世界全球范围内最大的服装和 纺织品出口国。

  • Color transfer printing of T-shirt is one of process of textile printing .

    彩绘转印是T恤 图案 印花工艺中的一种。

  • The problems reflected by the difficulties of China 's textile industry are very representative among state-owned industries .

    中国 纺织工业的困难所反映的问题在其国有工业中很有代表性。

  • The agglomeration level of the Chinese textile industry has been measured by the location quotient index in2003 ~ 2005 .

    利用区位商指数对中国 纺织产业2003~2005年的集聚水平进行了测定。

  • In the textile trade import and export company and the Department of two trading companies .


  • He rescued the company and later spun off its textile division into a separate company

    他挽救了该公司,随后将其 纺织部门剥离出来成立了一个独立的公司。

  • The new development of textile digital printing internationally is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了国际上数字印花的新发展和数字 印花的特点及目前存在的一些问题。

  • the great triangle of the Lancashire textile towns stretching from Manchester up as far as Burnley and across to Accrington .

    兰开夏郡的 纺织城镇形成的大三角地带,从曼彻斯特向北至伯恩利,再从伯恩利西至阿克灵顿

  • Chinese Technical Present Situation and Development Suggestion of Textile Rubber Accessories

    我国 纺织橡胶器材的技术现状和发展建议

  • The textile and clothing products to which this Agreement applies are set out in the Annex .

    本协定运用的 纺织品和服装产品列在本协定附件中。

  • Japan imports textile materials from britain .

    日本从英国进口 纺织材料。

  • She works in a textile mill .

    她在 纺织厂做工。

  • This study analyzes the global textile chemical industry .

    这项报告主要分析了全球 纺织化工行业。