text of treaty

[tɛkst ʌv ˈtriti][tekst ɔv ˈtri:ti]


  • This part is introduced in the text of treaty interpretation of the treaty limitations teleological method of interpretation of legal basis and objective interpretation method in interpretation of treaty in the position .

    这部分是介绍了 条约解释中 文本解释的局限性、条约目的解释方法的法律依据和目的解释方法在条约解释中的地位。

  • The meaning of the treaty text is always in a constant process of understanding . The text of abstract text can be applied to of the special treaty conflict by text explanation .

    条约文本的意义永远处于不断理解的过程之中,通过文本解释可以将抽象的 文字应用到具体的 条约冲突之中。

  • A fact sheet from the State Department touting the virtues of the Nonproliferation Treaty including the text of the treaty and a summary of key provisions .

    出自美国国务院的一张简表,说明禁止核武扩散的优点,包含了 条约 内容和重要条款的概要。

  • Although the interpretation of the text is the interpretation of treaty interpretation of commonly used methods but also has certain limitation objective interpretation interpretation method can well make up for its shortcomings .

    虽然 文本解释是 条约解释常用的解释方法,但是也是具有一定的局限性,目的解释等解释方法能很好地弥补其缺陷。

  • It may be stipulated by consent of the two contracting parties that the third text shall prevail in case of divergence of interpretation of the treaty of agreement .

    经缔约双方同意,也可以规定对 条约,协定的解释发生分歧时,以该第三种 文本为准。

  • The controversy has arisen over the text of the preamble to the unification treaty

    针对统一 条约的序 出现了争论。

  • Text explanation is not the only way in the treaty interpretation conflict in the interpretation of the treaty . It will also consider other methods of synthesis to obtain the effect of justified .

    文本解释在条约解释方法中不是唯一的方法,在解释 条约冲突时,也会考虑其他方法的综合运用以期求得正当合理的效果。

  • Provided that every departure from the original text of the imperial enactment treaty or Convention shall be clearly shown by notes references or other similar means .

    该等英国成文法则、 条约或公约的 原文别的每一处,均须以注释、提述或其它类似的方法清楚显示。

  • This text point out the ultimate reason is the different nature of domestic law and international law by comparing the differences in the principle of fundamental change of circumstances between Contract Law and Treaty Law so as to enhance our understanding of it .

    通过比较合同法与 条约法中情势根本变更原则的不同, 指出其根本原因在于国内法与国际法的性质不同。

  • But we must be stressed that when the text explanation is the characteristics of a priority . while other findings of treaty interpretation is inconsistent with the interpretation of the text it should be standard .

    但要强调的是, 文本解释具有优先性的特质,当其他 条约解释的结论与文本解释的结论不一致时,应以文本解释为准。

  • Text to explain The contents of the treaty text is the basis for accurate interpretation . The parties explain the intent by the interpretation of the original treaty .

    文本解释又称客观解释,文本解释以 条约本身的内容作为精确解释的根据,通过对条约原文的解释来说明缔约各方的意图。

  • In this paper the priority applicability of the treaty text is discoursed following three aspects . Firstly the paper discusses the meaning of the interpretation of treaty text .

    本文分别从以下三个方而论述了条约 文本解释的优先使用性:一、 条约文本解释的界定。

  • The view is the text of the treaty interpretation adhere to priority under the premise of the use of other methods of interpretation as a supplement .

    条约解释的方法有很多, 本文的观点是在坚持以 条约 文本解释方法优先使用的前提下,运用其它的解释方法作为补充。

  • Mr Putin said he considered it expedient to declare a moratorium until all Nato countries without exception ratified a revised text of the treaty from 1999 and started observing it .

    普京表示,他认为宣布退出该 条约是权宜之计,直至所有北约国家无一例外地批准一 1999年修订后的 协议,并加以遵守。