


  • Result The symptoms such as body weight decrease tetter and fever were relieved to a different degree in the patients and CD4 cell count was changed from 150 before the treatment to 347 after the treatment ( P0.01 ) .

    结果体重下降、 皮疹、发热等临床症状都有不同程度的好转,CD4细胞计数中位数由治疗前150变为347(P0.01)。

  • The efficiency rate of edaravone injection on improving daily activity was 57.8 % and that of placebo control group was 39.2 % . Main adverse reactions of the treatment group were ALT increase hemorrhage after infarction faint headache tetter and so on .

    依达拉奉组日常生活活动能力改善的有效率为57.8%,安慰剂组为 39.2%

  • The child was admitted with a 6 month history of alopecia and tetter and progressive lower limbs flaccidity for 3 months .

    3 男童,因脱发、 皮疹6月,进行性肢体无力3个月就诊。

  • Conclusion : ZHO could improve significantly the symptoms of tetter and itchy of infantile eczema and restrain the inflammation reactivity of cells .

    结论:紫黄油膏能明显改善婴儿湿疹的症状 表现,瘙痒程度,抑制细胞的炎性反应。

  • Comparing tetter and self-conscious single symptom no statistical difference was observed between two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

    治疗组与对照组 皮疹及自觉单症状比较,无统计学差异(P>0.05);

  • Other symptoms of viral infections such as tetter maculopapule pharyngalgia etc were not seen ;

    伴有 皮疹、斑丘疹、咽痛等其他病毒感染症状;

  • Objective : The clinical date of 60 cases of early syphilis were analyzed . and summed up with the morbid condition types of tetter and therapeutic effect .

    目的:对60例早期梅毒患者发病情况、 皮疹类型、治疗效果进行临床分析和总结。

  • Results The morbidity age sex complications sequela tetter distribution attack time and clinical recovery showed out the regular characters of shingles .

    结果带状疱疹的发病年龄、性别、合并症、并发症、后遗症、 皮损分布、发病时间和临床恢复 情况皆有 一些规律性的特征。

  • The heart function in CVVH / CAVH were improved tetter than in IHD .

    CVVH/CAVH组心功能的改善 情况明显好于IHD组(P<0.05);

  • Results The typical symptoms of reactions of the blood transfusion were tetter and fever .

    结果:输血反应主要表现为 皮疹及发热。

  • Results Their eruption time tetter distributing fever time and syndromes and so on of the adult varicella patients were different from those of the infant varicella patients .

    结果患者出疹时间、 分布区域、热时间和并发症等,成人水痘都与儿童水痘不同。

  • Result : The efficacious rate was 81.8 % with the medicine stopped in use for two cases one suffering tetter and the other no effect at all .

    结果:例 皮疹 换药,例无效停药,有效率81.8%。

  • Monkeypox and its tetter characteristic with differentiate

    猴痘及其 皮疹特点与鉴别