


  • Thermotics Study on the Semimetallic Nylon 1010 Composite

    半金属尼龙1010复合材料的 热学 性能研究

  • At the same time our team have edited sixty seven interesting physical experiments in life style including mechanics ? thermotics optics and electricity .

    同时和本小组成员合作,自编67个生活化趣味物理实验,涵盖力学、 热学光学、电学, 本文 篇幅 有限 列举 其中 几个为例。

  • Preparation and thermotics property of coiled carbon whiskers by CVD method

    螺旋形碳晶须的CVD法制备及 热学性能

  • It is suggested that the monsoon abnormity in plateau is affected by the special surface thermotics which is the media of winter monsoon abnormity leading to summer monsoon abnormity .

    高原季风异常可能与高原 垫面 热力异常 有关,从而推测冬季风异常通过高原这个 巨大 载体而影响夏季风异常。

  • The sol and gel were studied by FT-IR and TG-DTA for their infrared spectra and thermotics character the sintered fibres were observed and analyzed by SEM XRD and XRF .

    对溶胶及凝胶进行了FT-IR分析和TG-DTA分析,研究了其光谱和 热学性质,并对烧结后的纤维做SEM观察、XRD分析、XRF分析等。

  • According to analy the teacher questionnaire the research obtained that teachers agreed completely thermotics teaching with integrating STS education and thinked fully integrating STS education in thermotics teaching was a good method .

    对教师调查问卷分析得出教师同意在 热学教学中渗透STS教育,并一致认为渗透法是热学课程中STS教育的一种好方法。

  • The change of the soil moisture will lead to change of the thermotics characteristic of soil and optical properties of surface even to the change of climate .

    土壤湿度的变化会引起土壤 热学特性、地表光学特性的改变,从而影响气候的变化。

  • At the same time the questionnaire also reflected that students hoped the teachers can teach some scientific knowledge which related thermotics intellectual the newest thermotics studies and development condition the thermotics history and some modern education theories that are exactly the STS education can achieve .

    同时也反映出学生希望教师在课堂上能够讲授一些与 热学知识相关的科学知识、最新热学发展状况、热学发展史和一些现代教育理论,这些恰恰是STS教育所能做到的。

  • Yttrium aluminium both borate ( YAl3 ( BO3 ) 4 YAB ) have good properties of mechanics thermotics and optics which have a wide applications in the matrix materials of luminescent powder and laser .

    四硼酸铝钇(YAl3(BO3)4,YAB)以其优异的力学、 热学和光学性能,而在发光材料和激光材料领域具有广阔的应用前景。

  • With the unique physical structure graphene show great potential applicationin the field of electricity thermotics hydrogen storage and optics .

    石墨烯材料具有独特的物理结构,在电学、 传热、储氢、光学等方面都有巨大的应用潜力。

  • Simultaneously the thesis discovered that the STS educational pattern was not one kind . The teachers may innovate thermotics STS education new pattern and put it into practice .

    同时也发现STS教育模式不止一种,教师可以在新 课程 理论 创新 高等 师范 院校 热学 课程STS教育的新模式并付诸实践。