



  • On one hand these businessmen with their own likes and spiritual needs provided a vigorous support for the development of thespian art economically ;

    晋商出于自身的喜好和精神方面的需求,在经济上对 戏曲的发展给予大力支持;

  • But he said a thespian android was useful in promoting the cutting-edge industry .

    但他说,机器人 演员 研发有助于推进机器人 制造这一尖端产业的发展。

  • His teaching method is peculiar and abound creation he is affected boldly with his Thespian idea without with the Chinese of number plan make they become the adept person of Chinese drama more or less .

    他的教学方法奇异而富于创造,他大胆地用自己的 戏剧观念去影响无以数计的中国人,使他们都多多少少地成为中国话剧的内行人。

  • That earns criminal justice majors an underemployment rate of 6.9 & tied for second place with their Thespian peers .

    这种现实使刑事司法专业的不完全就业率达到6.9,与 戏剧专业并列第二。

  • Aidan turns all his thespian charm on the beautiful Tara .

    艾丹竭尽他的 演技 才能 追求漂亮的塔拉。

  • She describes Tony Hopkins as the greatest British Thespian since olivier .

    托尼霍普金斯描述 奥利维尔之后英国最伟大的 戏剧 演员

  • If you enjoy acting in plays join your school 's thespian club .

    如果你喜欢戏剧表演,就加入你学校的 戏剧社团。

  • The actress demonstrated thespian talents at her first audition .

    这位女演员第一次试镜就展现出 戏剧天分。

  • Double rhythms resounding through the lyric depiction and connecting with each other indicate the thespian place of mankind and the cognition of the writer to this thespian place .

    这双重旋律 互为表里,表明了人类的 某种 悲剧性 处境以及作家对这种悲剧性处境的感受和认识。

  • The 75-year-old thespian said he came to his conclusion after studying the English poet 's work .

    这位75岁高龄的 演员声称自己在研究这位英国诗人的巨作后得出了这个结论。

  • Having been born to a thespian family Kate was exposed to the acting business at an early age .

    出生于 演艺 世家 使凯特在很 的时候便接触到了演艺事业。

  • At the same time thespian art development opened up business roads activated the markets and improved the development of commodity economy .

    同时, 戏曲的发展与 繁荣开拓了 商路,活跃了市场,在很大程度上促进了商品经济的发展。

  • She is an Oscar-winning actress and as such the current toast of Britain 's thespian community despite her pensionable age .

    她是奥斯卡最佳女主角,是英国 演艺界目前 倍受拥戴的 人物,尽管她已到了可领退休金的年龄。

  • On Thespian Relation with Business in Shanxi

    晋商与山西 戏曲的关系

  • Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John .


  • With the background on the percipience of Chinese history culture moral and ethic Luxun devoted his attention to feminine miserable fate and the hardship of women 's liberation and probed into the profound historical root of their Thespian fate .

    鲁迅以对中国历史文化和道德伦理的深刻洞察为背景,对女性悲惨命运和妇女解放的艰难投去关注的目光,探究她们 悲剧性命运的深刻历史根源。

  • Shanxi thespian art has a long history and a large variety the formation development and propagation of which is closely related to the businessmen from shanxi .

    山西 戏曲艺术历史悠久, 剧种繁多,它的形成、发展、传播与山西商人紧密相连。