


  • The objective of this research is to make the quality evaluation of tunnel lining by using infrared thermography .

    本研究系探讨以红外线 图象 分析 技术来评估隧道衬砌之质量。

  • Method for Testing Surface-type Infrared Decoy Area by Thermography and Its Error Analysis The MG can launch chaff and flare when needed .


  • Application research of thermography testing in helicopter maintenance

    红外 热像检测在直升机维护中的应用研究

  • On the Use of Infrared Thermography Method for Material S-N Curve Prediction

    利用红外 热像 技术快速预测材料的S-N曲线

  • Discussion about the Application of IR Thermography to Concrete NDT

    红外 成像 技术在混凝土无损检测中的应用探讨

  • Liquid crystal thermography is a high-resolution non-intrusive optical technique for full-field temperature measurement .

    液晶 热像 技术是一种高精度、非接触式、适用于全场温度测量的光学测量方法。

  • Experimental Research on Damage in the Airplane Skin by Means of Lock-In Thermography

    基于 红外锁相 的飞机蒙皮损伤 检测试验研究

  • Experimental Studies on the Applications of Ultrasonic Pulse Thermography and Ultrasonic Burst Phase Thermography in NDT

    超声脉冲及超声脉冲相位 热像技术用于无损检测的实验研究

  • First an accurate image matching measure based on structural characteristics is developed to solve the location bias in some frames of phase-change thermography sequence .

    首先建立一种基于结构特征的图像精确匹配指标,解决相变 热图序列中部分帧的位置偏移问题;

  • Leak Localization Method Based on Infrared Thermography Using Local Entropy Difference Algorithm

    红外线 热像 法检漏基于红外 热像 局部熵差的泄漏定位方法

  • Application of Infrared Thermography System in Studying the Cooling Characteristics of Different Vegetables during Vacuum Cooling Process

    红外 成像技术在研究不同果蔬真空预冷特性中的应用

  • Heat penetration in microwave hyperthermia based on infrared thermography

    基于红外 成像的微波热疗透热深度

  • Effect of Vibration Massage Apparatus on Skin Temperature in Healthy Adults by Infrared Thermography

    制冷 平面 红外 热像光机 分析机械振动按摩器对正常人 局部皮肤温度影响的红外 热像 观察

  • Research progress of applications for infrared thermography technology in security field

    红外 热像技术应用于安全科学的研究进展

  • This paper introduces the new application way and new direction of the Medical Thermography in modern hospital as a new technology .

    本文从新技术的角度介绍了医用 红外 热像 在现代化医院中应用的新技术和新动向。

  • Theory and experiment of IR lock-in thermography with image sequence processing

    红外图像序列处理的锁相 成像理论与试验

  • Comparison between pulse and lock-in infrared thermography technology

    脉冲和锁相红外 成像 检测技术的对比性研究

  • Face Recognition based on the fusion of CCD image and Infrared thermography

    基于CCD图与红外 热像 融合的人脸识别 分析 研究

  • Three Dimension Simulation and Analysis of the Pulsed Thermography Nondestructive Testing Technique Based on the Finite Element Method

    基于有限单元法对脉冲 成像无损检测技术的三维模拟与分析

  • Data Processing Technique Based on Polynomial Fitting in Pulsed Thermography

    基于多项式拟合的脉冲 红外 热像 无损 检测数据处理方法

  • Raw thermal images acquired by pulsed thermography ( PT ) usually have low signal noise ratio ( SNR ) and temperature contrast .

    脉冲 热像 检测 直接获取的原始热像往往信噪比较低、对比度较差。

  • A new method based on C-V active contour model is proposed to extract phase-change line automatically from complex phase-change thermography sequence .

    针对复杂相变 热图序列相变线自动提取问题,提出一种基于帧间差分信息的C-V主动轮廓模型提取方法。

  • Pulsed Phase Infrared Thermography and Its Application in Thermal Tomography of Composite Materials

    脉冲相位 用于复合材料 层析检测的研究

  • High-Order Spectral Analysis of Passive Scalar in Free Turbulent Jet Based on Infrared Thermography

    基于红外 热像的自由剪切湍流被动标量高阶谱分析

  • The Relationship between Infrared Thermography Temperature and Tcm Syndrome-type Cancer

    红外 热图温度与肿瘤中医证型的关系

  • Research on the Application of Infrared Thermography in the Rapid Post-earthquake Damage Assessment of Buildings

    红外 成像 技术在震后房屋损坏快速鉴定中的应用研究

  • Plenty of thermography data for traditional Chinese medicine and a new scientific basis for moxibustion hyperthermia are provided .

    此文为艾灸和热疗提供了丰富的 图像数据,为传统中医学的 灸疗机理研究提供了新的科学依据。

  • The Applications of Infrared Thermography in Medicine and Research of Measurement Error

    红外 热像 在医学中的应用与测量误差的研究

  • Infrared Thermography for Testing Fatigue Limit of Material Based on Energy Theory

    基于能量理论的材料疲劳红外 热像测试 技术

  • Research on Key Technologies of Infrared Thermography

    红外 辐射 成像 无损 检测关键技术研究