thermodynamic flux

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk flʌks][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik flʌks]

[化] 热力学通量

  • Based on the irreversible thermodynamic principle the formula of entropy source strengh was deduced . And the temperature and heat flux distributions of three different forms are advanced .

    在不可逆 过程 热力学原理的基础上,推导得出了过程熵产率的表达式,并且分别针对三种不同的表象求得了对应的温度和 热流 密度分布场。

  • Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of Desulphuration in Coal Shaft Furnace for Direct Reduction with Flux

    煤基直接还原竖炉中 熔剂脱硫的 热力学和动力学分析

  • Based on the thermodynamic principle this paper analyses the thermodynamic energy performance of air flow in tube on both conditions of equal wall heat flux and equal wall temperature and presents dimensionless equations to express the thermodynamic energy performance .

    本文依据热力学原理,对管内空气流动 传热过程,进行 热力学性能分析,提出热力学能量特性准则方程。

  • The results show that the thermodynamic effects of atmosphere and ocean are very important for the evolvement of ice in the Bohai Sea especially in the period of ice freezing and melting . Ocean heat flux plays key role in the thermodynamic coupling .

    模拟结果显示大气和海洋的 热力效应对渤海的海冰发展非常重要,特别在海冰的冻结和融化阶段,海洋热 通量在热力耦合中起着重要作用。

  • A combustion and heat transfer one dimensional mathematical model has been set up for the analytical computation of one dimensional distribution magnitudes of such thermodynamic parameters as furnace gas temperatures water wall absorption heat flux density heat release rate etc. under various operating conditions .

    本文建立的大型煤粉锅炉炉膛燃烧、传热一维数学模型可以对各种运行工况条件下的炉膛介质温度、水冷壁吸收 热流密度、燃烧释热率等 热力参数的一维分布值进行分析计算。

  • Hereafter thermodynamic analyses on heterogeneous nucleation in superheated liquid layer under steady heat flux are carried out based on the Gibbs free energy and availability . In these analyses the effects of wall temperature gradient and wettability are considered .

    在理论方面,针对恒定 热流 条件,基于Gibbs自由能及可用能,考虑了壁面温度梯度的影响,对过热液体层内非均相成核进行了 热力学分析。

  • It includes the chemical thermodynamic balance system of REEs soil water physical characters and REEs flux in soil profile .

    模型包括土壤中稀土化学 热力学平衡体系、土壤水分物理形状和土壤剖面的稀土 通量

  • Thermodynamic Properties of a Ferrimagnetic Bipartite Lozenge Chain by Green s Function Method ; Nonlinear Magnetic Circuit Model and Stator Flux Oriented Slip Control Systems of Induction Motors

    双向亚铁磁棱型自旋链的 热力学性质研究异步电机磁路非线性及定子 磁场定向转差控制

  • This method takes advantage of the dynamic simulation function of finite element analysis and the thermodynamic theory to calculate the value of thermal flux .

    该方法利用动力学分析功能,结合 热学原理求解 热流 传递数值;

  • The operation and thermodynamic system of rotary kiln can directly affect the quality of ripe materials . And gas temperature and flux in the kiln and superfluous air coefficient are the important parameters which affect the thermodynamic system .

    回转窑的运转和 热工制度直接关系到烧成熟料的品质,而窑内气体温度、 流量、过剩空气系数等又是影响热工制度的重要因素。