


  • Displaying of Infrared Thermogram of Temperature Character on Meridians

    经脉温度特性的红外 热像 显示

  • Influence of mineral matter on DTA thermogram of kerogen

    干酪根中无机矿物对DTA 的影响

  • The Clinical Significance of TCM Inspection on leukaemia Nursing Correlation Between Infrared Thermogram and Chinese Medical Inspection Diagnosis in 700 Healthy School Children

    中医望诊在白血病护理中的意义700名健康学龄期儿童红外 热像 特征及中医望诊关联研究

  • To research the value of infrared thermogram in diagnosing ankylosing spondylitis ( AS ) .

    探讨了红外 热像 对强直性脊柱炎(AS)的诊断价值。

  • Transistor thermal spectrum as a new method different from the commonly infrared thermogram is introduced to characterize the non-uniform property of the junction temperature distribution .

    晶体管热谱是表示晶体管结温不均匀性的一种与 热像 不同的新方法。

  • Analysis of The Facial Temperature Distribution and The Facial Infrared Thermogram of Healthy Persons

    正常人体 颜面温度分布及红外面像分析

  • The application of improved single element method to simulated infrared thermogram

    改进单元法在红外模拟 热像中的应用

  • This paper introduces the development of numerical temperature field software in thermo-vision in which the temperature signals of each picture element on the thermogram and the parameters referable to thermogram measure are processed .

    本文介绍了将任一热象上每个象元的温度信号及测试该 象时所用的参数处理打印成数据温度场的软件开发。

  • The recent progress in the studies on reconstruction of thermokinetics including reconstruction of thermokinetic curve and reconstruction of thermogram and its application are reviewed . This paper also concerns authors ' work in this field .

    本文就热动力学重建方法(包括 热动曲线的重建和 曲线的重建)的研究进展和应用进行了评述,并介绍了作者这方面的工作。

  • Thermal Spectrum Analysis Method for Infrared Thermogram of Transistors

    晶体管红外 热像 的热谱分析方法

  • However a multi-melting peak was observed on the thermogram for compound ⅵ .

    而化合物Ⅵ的 DSC 曲线上呈现多峰。

  • Methods : The influence on skin temperature of epigastrium was observed with infrared thermogram 0 minutes after needling Zusanli with different acupuncture manipulation in healthy persons .

    方法:应用红外线 热像技术,采用不同的捻转补泻手法针刺健康人足三里后,观察其在即刻、10、20、30min,对脘腹部皮肤温度的影响。

  • Studies of Infra - thermogram of the Head and Neck

    头颈部 皮肤红外 热图 医学研究

  • All kinds of bromine compounds influence inflaming retarding and resisting heat of Polyacrylates by limiting oxygen index determination thermogram method and so on .

    用氧指数(LOI)测定、 法(TG)等方法研究了各种含溴化合物对聚丙烯酸酯阻燃耐热性的影响。

  • Study of the Effect on Membrane Fluidity to Tumor Cells and Thermogram Using Porphyrin-cholesterol Esters

    卟啉胆固醇酯对癌细胞膜流动性的影响及其代谢 的研究

  • Objectives : To analyse the thermal effect and the appropriate operating time of vibrating manipulation with the Infrared Thermogram technology .

    目的:通过红外 热像技术,分析确定振法的热效应及操作时间的 客观 标准

  • Analog Thermogram Method (ⅱ)── Studies on Thermokinetics of Irreversible Consecutive First-order Reactions

    模拟 曲线法(Ⅱ)&不可逆连串-级反应的热动力学研究

  • Establishment of the Characteristic Thermogram Equation of Conduction Calorimeter

    热导式热量计特征 方程的建立

  • Thermogram Reconstruction and Its Application to Thermokinetics


  • Analog Thermogram Method (ⅲ)── Reversible Reactions

    模拟 曲线法(Ⅲ)&可逆反应

  • The relationship of composition and properties DSC thermogram characters and mesomorphic behavior were discussed .

    本文重点讨论了 聚合物的组成与性质的关系,热 特征和液晶相行为。

  • Investigation of Extraction Process by Titration Calorimetry ⅱ . Study on Formation Process of Microemulsion by Thermogram of Titration of Water

    萃取过程的量热研究Ⅱ.微乳状液形成的 滴水 曲线

  • Reduced Extent Method for Thermokinetics ⅳ . A Single-parameter Theoretical Model of a Conduction Calorimeter and Thermogram Reconstruction

    热动力学对比进度法Ⅳ.热导式热量计的单参数理论模型与 重建

  • The results show that for several kinds of precursors those containing units of itaconic acid possess a rather wide cyclization exothermic peak in the DSC thermogram and thus are favorably suitable for the practical oxidation process .

    结果表明在几种原丝中如含有衣康酸组分,由于其在DSC 表现出较展宽的环化放热峰,因而较适合于实际的氧化处理工艺。

  • Analog Thermogram Method (ⅰ)── Chemical Reactions with Simple Order

    模拟 曲线法(Ⅰ)&简单级数化学反应

  • Change of Far-Infrared Thermogram of Hand in Qi Circulation of Qigong

    气功运气过程中手部远红外 热像 的变化

  • Detect of thermal activity monitor of character and Determinaton of bacterial thermogram

    热活性检测器性能测试及细菌 的测定

  • By using LKB-2277 bioactivity monitor the metabolic thermogram and the effects of humic acid on the metabolic thermogram of mitochondria from the liver tissue of rabbit were determined .

    利用LKB-2277生物活性检测系统测定了家兔肝脏线粒体正常代谢 及腐植酸对其代谢热谱的影响。

  • Conclusion : Using the infrared thermogram in diagnosing AS has great clinical values .

    可见用 热像 诊断AS具有明显的临床意义。

  • A heating rate of 10 to 20 ℃ / min and sample weight of 1-3 mg were found to be most suitable for good resolution of the thermogram .
