


  • EXAMPLE : We hired a new salesman last month but he was a total wipeout who made no sales and even alienated old customers during his brief stay with us .

    我们上月新雇了一位销售员, 结果 失败。他和我们 共事的时间很 不但没有 带来 分文销售额,甚至还疏远了老主顾。

  • The assembly drawing building module takes the design method of down-to-top to build the assembly drawing and use the wipeout technology to hide some parts .

    装配图的生成采用自底向上的设计方法,利用 隐算法进行相应零件的消隐;

  • With the spread of ultrasound machines what families in Haryana casually call the wipeout has become much easier .

    随着B超的普及,哈里亚纳人所说的“ 消灭”变得轻而易举。

  • Fortunately in 1972 a law was passed to ban DDT which saved the bald eagle from total wipeout .

    幸运地是,1972年,美国通过了一项禁止使用DDT的法律,该禁令挽救秃头鹰不至 灭绝

  • Most stock markets and indices are down by almost half ; pension funds are ravaged hedge funds battered property in freefall commodities a wipeout private equity suffering .

    多数股指都下跌近一半;养老基金受 ,对冲基金被 ,房地产直线下落,大宗商品 全线 溃退,私人股本投资公司遭受损失。

  • Several PSP game demos such as Konami 's Metal Gear Acid and SCE Studio Liverpool 's Wipeout Pure were also shown at the conference .

    一些PSP游戏 小样,比如合金金属装备和索尼利物浦工作室研发的反重力赛车都在此次展览上发布。