the first thing

[ði fɚst θɪŋ][ðə fə:st θiŋ]


  • The first thing to do is to set up the logger from a system property .

    要做 第一 事情是在一个系统属性中设置日志记录器。

  • The first thing is to get some more food . When we 've done that we ought to start again


  • When I Love you I will chat with you the first thing when you are online .

    当我爱你的时候当你是在线的时候,我将会与你闲谈 第一 事物

  • I mean what 's the first thing that I say ?

    我是说,我 开始 怎么说?

  • It 's the first thing you see as you come round the corner . You can 't miss it

    你转过拐角后 第一 就会看到它,不会错过的。

  • What is the first thing the great war has shown us ?

    这次大战 首先向我们展示了什么?

  • The first thing he looked at was his office 's location


  • This was the first thing ( that ) I did this morning .

    这是今天上午我做 第一 事情

  • You can not agree it 's the first thing we should do .

    您必须承认,这是我们应该做 首要

  • The first thing viewers usually say when they see me in the flesh is ' You 're smaller than you look on TV . '

    观众见到我本人通常说的 第一 就是“你比电视上看上去要矮小一些。”

  • What was the first thing you remember him doing to you ?

    你印象里他对你做 第一 是什么?

  • The first thing is to support as many shows as one can not forgetting the small local ones .


  • The first thing you do in Listing 1 is declare a pair of data structures item and bid .

    在清单1中 首先声明了一对数据结构,item和bid。

  • The first thing they must do is disentangle themselves from the past .

    他们 当务之急 从过去中走出来。

  • It 's not the showers . it 's the first thing we learnt .

    这跟洗不洗澡没关系,我们学 第一 就是

  • The first thing you do when you 're in a hole is what ?

    当时说:当你掉进洞里,你 首先要怎么做?

  • So I said the first thing that popped into my head .

    所以我说 第一 冲进我脑袋的 东西

  • The first thing to strike me was the amazing clarity of the water .

    首先 吸引我的是水的无比清澈。

  • The first thing I like to do is to thin out the subject 's eyebrows and eyelashes .

    第一 ,我喜欢做的,是薄了主题的眉毛和睫毛。

  • The first thing I found was his diary .

    我发现 第一 东西是他的日记。

  • I think this is the first thing we 've ever filmed .

    我认为这 在拍摄中 第一

  • The first thing parents want to know is : will the baby survive ?

    父母亲 想知道的是:孩子能活下来吗?

  • You 're going to Norway soon . What 's the first thing you want to do there ?

    你马上要去挪威了,你在那里想做 第一 是什么?

  • You don 't know the first thing about farming .

    你对种地 一窍不通

  • Suresh : I 'm a geneticist . I wouldn 't know the first thing about this .

    我是个遗传学家,我对医疗这方面 一窍不通

  • The first thing you will need to find is a container .

    第一 ,你将需要找到是一个容器。

  • The first thing that we want to tell you is this : IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT !

    我们想要告诉你 第一 是:这不是你的错!

  • The first thing he said to me was something in Japanese which I obviously didn 't understand .


  • Well the first thing I know is that this is a positive number .

    好,我们知道 第一 是这是一个正数。