the rather that

[ði ˈræðɚ ðæt][ðə ˈrɑ:ðə ðæt]


  • The other notable line in this test is the class definition which points to the template class rather than one that you might create .

    这个测试中另一个值得注意的行是这个类定义,它指向 这个模板的类, 不是您可能创建的模板。

  • Static functions like static properties are scoped to the class rather than to object instances of that class .

    静态函数与静态属性一样,作用域也是类 类的对象实例。

  • They also note that the decision to purge Mr. Jang was stated as ' organizational will of the Party ' rather than that of Mr. Kim & something that wouldn 't have happened under his father .

    他们还指出,清洗张成泽的决定被说成是党的组织意图, 不是金正恩的个人决心。在其父金正日掌权时,就不会发生 这样的事。

  • First remember that much of the power of actors comes from the message-passing style rather than the blocking-invocation style that characterizes the rest of the imperative programming world .

    首先,actor的主要能力来源于消息传递风格, 不采用阻塞-调用风格 是它的主要特点。

  • The Cache Manager is a rather interesting beast that lives in the client 's operating system kernel .

    CacheManager是居留在客户机操作系统内核中的一只 非常有趣的猛兽。

  • To promote reuse invoke business logic from the action class rather than including business logic in that class .

    从操作类调用业务逻辑 将业务逻辑包含在操作类中 更有利于促进重用。

  • That way users can continue using the filesystem directly rather than building special-purpose layers that run on top of the filesystem such as databases and the like .

    那样,使用者就能够继续直接地使用文件系统 建造运行在文件系统之上(如数据库之类)的特殊目的层。

  • The key always matches the actual business that owns the service rather than the business that created the service projection .

    这个键始终与拥有服务的真正企业相匹配, 不是与创建服务投影的企业 相配

  • Don 't push for an interview on the spot but rather explain that you want to let them know of your interest drop off your resume and complete an application while you 're there if possible .

    这个时候不要急着想得到面试, 而是解释为你只是想让他们知道你对他们招聘的职位有兴趣,放下你的简历,然后有可能的话填完一份申请表就离开吧。

  • One non-e-mail context in which hashcash appears to be a good solution is in the rather spam-like defacement that Wikis sometimes suffer .

    Wiki有时会遭遇 与垃圾邮件十分类似的破坏 bashcash在非电子邮件上下文中似乎是一个不错的解决方案。

  • Granted the news might be hard to swallow for some - especially as the study is supported by the National Confectioners Association - and broken down the findings are rather obvious - that eating sweet things in moderation isn 't terrible for you .

    这样的消息或许让人还比较难以接受,特别是该项研究还获得了全国糖果协会的支持,其实这样 发现也 难理解 适当的吃甜食其实对你并不太坏。

  • This benefits the developer because you can concentrate on designing the application rather than the integration code that sits around it .

    这使得开发员受益匪浅 因为您可以关注于设计程序, 不用 管将代码集成起来。

  • And so knowing I was embarking on a journey with someone who sought the truth of the thing rather that the publicist 's fiction I was excited .

    所以,当我知道将要进行的旅程是同一个探寻事物真实面目 大众所追寻的 那种虚幻 人时,我激动不已。

  • The primary reason to use the SAX parser rather than the XMLReader is that the SAX parser is sometimes more efficient and usually more familiar .

    使用SAX解析器 不是XMLReader的主要原因 在于SAX解析器有时候效率更高一些,而且通常更被人们熟悉。

  • Conveys just the rather primitive knowledge of exceptions that too many programmers have .

    只是 照搬了太多程序员都 知道的一些基本知识。

  • Our lights warmed the air about us with their pitchy blaze and the two prisoners seemed rather to like that as they limped along in the midst of the muskets .

    我们松脂火把的火光使四周的空气温暖起来。两个囚犯似乎也 喜欢暖和 一下,一拐一拐地在滑膛枪的包围中走着。

  • Often this simply enables a sunscreen with a sun protection factor ( SPF ) to dry clear and disappear into the skin rather than forming a white paste that takes all day to rub in .

    通常这会增加防晒霜遮阳剂的防晒指数(SPF),使防晒霜更易干,可以融入皮肤, 不是在皮肤上糊一层白 要一天时间才能吸收。

  • The leaders of men their power waning refused to cooperate with the fledgling nation wishing rather that the world be divided .

    然而人类的领袖,面对失去权利的威胁,拒绝和 这个新生的国家合作, 宁愿 这个是世界分成两半。

  • Allowing access to any information only through an application limits the scope of the information to the context of the application rather than that of the enterprise as required in an SOA .

    如果只允许通过一个应用程序访问信息 就会把信息的范围限制 这个应用程序的上下文中, 不是SOA所需的企业上下文。

  • Making security the exception rather than the rule means that it will occasionally be overlooked .

    安全性进行特殊的处理 不是将其作为基本规则 意味着有时候可能会忽视安全性问题。

  • Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass ( the amount of living biologicalmatter ) of fish species in particular parts of the ocean but rather changes in that biomass over time .

    他们的方法不是为了试图估算特定区域 海洋中实际动物总数(活着生物的总数), 而是研究单位面积中海洋生物数量的变化。

  • According to Gershon her students all responded with tales of outrage about the medium rather than the message complaining that they got the bad news by text or by social networking sites like Facebook rather than in person .

    从学生们的反馈来看,相比分手时收到的信息, 那些媒介 他们愤怒。他们埋怨对方通过短信、Facebook等社交网站而非本人当面提分手。

  • Construction or driving the fastest car for example although the world would rather have cars that don 't damage the environment .

    比如他们嗜好制造或驾驶最快的车,即使 这个世界 情愿要不会危害环境的车。

  • When a pupil falls behind it is assumed they will be able to catch up with the right intervention rather than that they are low ability .

    当一个学生成绩落后时,他们通常会被 认为在有效干预手段的帮助下有能力追赶上来, 非天生能力低下。

  • That 's not to say that these parts of the building aren 't designed but rather that this part of the design is done by the specialist who 's doing the construction .

    这不是说,不设计这些建筑部分, 而是 这部分设计由专门人员建造完成。

  • The victory looks rather hollow . That takes nothing away from the courage and skill of the fighting forces .

    胜利 只是表面的,可 丝毫无损于战斗部队的勇气和技术。

  • So it really varies by the type of product rather than the site that you use .

    因而它是随商品 类型波动的, 不是你 使用的网站。

  • Logic is rare . Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell .

    犯罪是普遍的, 逻辑是难得的.因此,你思考是更 关注逻辑上的成立 多于犯罪本身。