the land of the living

[ði lænd ʌv ði ˈlɪvɪŋ][ðə lænd ɔv ðə ˈliviŋ]


  • The sandy land of the western region of Heilongjiang province has brought some troubles to the living and producing of local residents .

    黑龙江省西部地区 土地沙化已经给当地居民的生产和 生活带来了严重的危害;

  • For he was cut off out of the land of the living : for the transgression of my people was he stricken .

    至于他同世的人,谁想他受鞭打, 活人被剪除,是因我百姓的罪过呢。

  • The land is the peasant 's most important means of production the source of peasant 's living guarantee and is the foundation of the rural social stability .

    土地是农民最重要的 生活和生产资料,同时也是农村社会稳定的基础。

  • Mourning untimely consumes the sad ; Few are their days in the land of the living Beautiful daughter of Toscar .

    不合宜的哀动消蚀悲哀;在 生者 大地上,他们的日子很短,托斯卡尔 美丽的女儿啊。

  • The Psalmist said I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living . ( Ps.27:13 )

    写诗篇的人说:「我若不信在 活人得见耶和华的恩惠,就早已丧胆了」(诗篇廿七篇13节)。

  • Because of the extensive mode of land use in a long run the density and capacity of reconstruction has become too high while the residents ' living standard has not been essentially improved .

    由于 城市 土地长期粗放 开发利用,旧城改造建设容积率过高,建筑密度过大,而人们 居住 生活水平并未得到根本性的提高。

  • Meanwhile in the land of the living making provision for the remains of the dead is one of crowded Hong Kong 's most contentious issues .

    与此同时,在 生者 世界里,让死者何处安息成了已然拥挤不堪的香港最具争议的话题。

  • I shall walk before the LORD In the land of the living .

    我要在耶和华 前行 活人 路。

  • The system of long-term compensation for the land in undated or taken over for use by water conservancy and hydroelectric projects is of momentous current significance in ensuring the living standards of the emigrants as usual and in safeguarding their legitimate right and interests .

    淹没 土地长期补偿,是指 水利水电工程 建设 征地和水库淹没土地进行长期补偿的一种制度,对确保水库移民淹没搬迁以后不降低原有 生活水平,切实维护移民群众合法权益具有重要的现实意义。

  • There is Meshech Tubal and all her multitude : her graves are round about him : all of them uncircumcised slain by the sword though they caused their terror in the land of the living .

    米设,土巴,和她们的群众都 那里。她民的坟墓在她四围,他们都是未受割礼被刀杀的。他们曾在 活人使人惊恐。

  • If thou should return to the land of the living the innocent shall wreak havoc upon thy soul .

    如果汝回到 生者 牺牲者将会对汝的灵魂展开复仇。

  • I cried unto thee o lord : I said thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living .

    耶和华啊,我曾向你哀求。我说:你是我的避难所;在 活人,你是我的福分。

  • I cry to you O Lord ; I say 'You are my refuge my portion in the land of the living . '

    我说,你是我的避难所。在 活人之地,你是我的福分。

  • The construction and implementation of the project to stimulate the area of land development attract investment to accelerate the economic development of the regional real estate and industry and improving the living standards the level of consumption consumption structure has a positive meaning .

    项目的建设实施对刺激区域 土地开发,吸引投资加快区域房地产业和 行业 经济发展,改善 居民 居住水平、消费水平、消费结构等有着积极的意义。

  • And give the people orders saying you are about to go through the land of your brothers the children of esau who are living in seir ; and they will have fear of you ; so take care what you do .

    你吩咐百姓说,你们弟兄以扫 子孙 住在西珥,你们要经过他们 境界 他们必惧怕你们,所以你们要分外谨慎。

  • Welcome back to the land of the living colonel .

    欢迎回到 生命 大陆,上校。

  • He was cut off from the land of the living ; for the trangressions of thy people was he stricken .

    他从 活人 地被剪除,是因我百姓的罪过。

  • The landlord class is eliminated rural land ownership of rationalization farmers through land reform won the land improved the living conditions .

    消灭了地主阶级,使农村的 土地占有制合理化,农民经过土地改革获得 土地,改善了 生活状况,为随后河南省社会经济 发展奠定了基础。

  • The right of rural land contractual management is a special means of production has been charged with the farmer finally living security mission .

    土地承包经营权作为一种特殊 生产资料,担负着农民最后 生活保障的使命。

  • Portugal and Spain share the land on the westernmost point of Europe called the Iberian peninsula . Living so close they have had a checkered political and cultural history .

    葡萄牙与西班牙双双 处欧洲最西部,那里被称为 利比里亚半岛。由于相互 毗邻的关系,两国的政治文化史有着许多交汇之处。

  • The land plays an important role in the modern social development nowadays . As the substantial basis of the living and developing of mankind the land has irreplaceable characters .

    土地在当今社会发展中扮演着极为重要的角色,作为人类 赖以 生存和发展的物质基础,拥有着不可替代的特点。

  • After being off work for a week with a bad cold it is good to be back in the land of the living again .

    因为感冒,请了一个星期的假,如今重新回去上班了,又变得 活泼 乱跳

  • So there you are old chap still in the land of the living eh ? he said .

    他说:老兄,原来你在这里,你还 活着吗,呃?

  • Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin : He will snatch you up and tear you from your tent ; he will uproot you from the land of the living .

    神也要毁灭你,直到永远。他要把你拿去,从你的帐棚中抽出,从 活人将你拔出。

  • While the unreasonable compensation for highway land expropriation does bring a series of negative effects on the peasants ' fanning and living resulting in a more difficult solution for ' Issues of agriculture farmer and rural area ' .

    此外不合理的征地补偿给被 征地农民 生产 生活带来重重负面效应,为我国三农问题的解决增加了一定的难度。

  • The concept of land ecological safety is the land ecosystem of mankind ' ensure degree unaffected by ecological destroy and environment pollution in the production living and health .

    土地生态安全是 土地生态系统 人类在生产、 生活和健康等方面不受生态破坏与环境污染等影响的保障程度。

  • Since ancient times China is a large agricultural nation the land as the most basic production material of farmers is their roots and the foundation of development also known as their base of living .

    自古以来,中国就是一个农业大国, 土地作为农民最基本的生产资料,是他们 安身立命、谋求发展 基础,也被称为他们的 命根子。