the star of day

[ði stɑr ʌv de][ðə stɑ: ɔv dei]


  • After the government somehow imposes that distribution then imagine that a million people are willing to pay 25 cents each to see basketball games featuring Wilt Chamberlain a star of the day .

    在政府以某种方式完成分配后,再接着想像一下,有一百万人愿意每人花25美分看 威尔特张伯伦(当时的篮球 明星)的篮球比赛。

  • The usual star of the Thanksgiving Day feast roast turkey could suffer in quality as a result .

    历年 感恩节盛宴上的王牌菜肴&火鸡,它的质量也可能因此而遭受影响。

  • Johnny saw with amusement that the blond young man looked a little sour at no longer being the star of the day .

    约翰尼娱乐地看到那个金发年轻男人因为不再是 那天 明星看起来有点酸。

  • Flockhart said the star couple and her adopted five-year-old son Liam spent much of the day at Taronga Park Zoo .

    弗洛克哈特说,他们和5岁的养子廉门在塔朗加动物园玩了大 半天