the youth of the world

[ði juθ ʌv ði wɜrld][ðə ju:θ ɔv ðə wɜː(r)ld]

世界的初期, 太古, 古代

  • Tracing its origin the European Olympics youth day is only shape of YOG the Australian Olympics youth day embody the spirit of YOG but the world young people games most looks like shape of YOG .

    奥林匹克航船之所以要在 鼎盛时刻开辟新航线,是为了 年轻一代中夯实奥林匹克基础,弘扬除竞技之外更多的教育、文化、人文等元素,提升 全球年轻人 快乐与和谐。

  • Today the world changes so quickly that in growing up we take leave not just of youth but of the world we were young in .

    今天 世界变化太快,长大后不仅失去了 青春,也失去了年轻时 世界

  • To be warmed by it still look for the youth of the world .

    感觉它依然还在的温暖,去寻找 世界 青春 时光

  • Optimists would cite the rise of Chinese and Russian billionaires and their relative youth as evidence of the spread of wealth around the world and of the growing clout of these economies .

    乐观主义者会认为,中国和俄罗斯亿万富翁 增加以及相对 年轻 年龄,表明财富在全 世界 范围扩散,以及这些经济体的影响力不断增长。

  • As a result when the Youth League activities are performed more ideological and political education should be exalted and help students build scientific outlook of the world life and value .

    所以在 开展 团日活动时,应该加强思想政治教育,引导学生树立科学 世界观、人生观和价值观。

  • United will be taking part in a new international youth tournament called the Champions Youth Cup this summer in malaysia which brings together some of the world 's finest football teams .

    曼联将要参加在马来西亚举行的一项叫做 青年冠军杯 新的国际青年邀请赛。还有几支 世界 最好的青年队将会参赛。

  • The death of Gorky is a loss for both Soviet Union and the literature youth of the whole world .

    他的死,不但是苏联的损失,而且是全 世界文学 青年 损失。

  • Since 1990s clue to the ongoing increase of the youth unemployment rate the change of labor market and the urgent need of industries for high quality staff this issue is becoming the very focus of vocational education reform in the whole world .

    20世纪90年代以来,随着 青年失业率的不断增长、劳动力市场的变化以及企业界对高素质员工 迫切需求,这一课题越来越成为 世界职业教育改革的焦点。

  • We should instruct the youth to treat appropriately both the Chinese traditional culture and the mainstream culture of the world for cultivating them into a qualified international talent .

    我们应引导 青少年正确对待中国传统文化和 世界主流文化,在文化适应 高度 把青少年培养成合格的全球化人才。

  • What is your new programme idea adding into the Youth Fourm if you 're one of the core member of the organizing team of11th World Scout Youth Fourm ?

    如你能够成为第11届 世界童军 青年论坛的筹备小组成员,你会在论坛上加插甚么创新活动环节?

  • We aim at guiding the youth to gain the power of dream through providing chances to get to know the world mutually .

    我们通过提供互相认识 世界 机会,引导 世界 青少年获得梦想力量。

  • Based on statistics of techniques and analysis this article pays a special attention to the perform of the youth men 's basketball team of China in the 7th World Youth Men 's Basketball Championship .

    运用统计、分析等研究方法,对中国 青年男篮在 7届 世界青年男篮锦标赛中技术进行统计分析。

  • Shenzhen has already opened her arms ready to welcome the youth of the world .

    深圳已经张开怀抱,准备热情拥抱来自 世界 各国 大学生

  • These are the same youth who were bussed in to support the path of the Olympic flame across the world .

    那些在 世界 各地被大客车运去支持奥运火炬传递的 年轻 也是同样的

  • The contemporary youth 's acceptance characteristics have been created by the new environment of reformation and opening to the world .

    改革 开放的新环境塑造了当代 青年 富有 时代 气息的接受特点。

  • Presently the youth crimes already became the global social question the youth crimes and the environmental pollution take drugs and drug trafficking are the same become one of three big environmental damages of the world .

    当前,青少年犯罪已经成为全球性的社会问题, 青少年犯罪与环境污染、毒品犯罪一样,成为 世界三大公害之一。

  • The youth are the elite of our country the treasure of our nation the future of the world and the hope of the society .

    青年是国家之精华,民族 至宝, 世界之未来,社会之希望。

  • The successful hosting of the first Youth Olympic Games will be of historic significance for the world Olympics .

    首届 奥运 举行, 世界奥运而言具有历史性的意义。

  • President Rogge and my dear IOC colleagues thank you for your vision and for your gift to the youth of the world .

    雅克·;罗格主席和国际奥委会的同事们,感谢你们的想象力,感谢你们为 世界 年轻 带来的礼物。