thermal cutting

[ˈθɚməl ˈkʌtɪŋ][ˈθə:məl ˈkʌtɪŋ]


  • Thermal and rotary stresses coupled-field analysis for dry cutting circular saw blade

    金刚石干 圆锯片 应力和离心力耦合分析

  • A synchronous tracker with an advanced cutting technology has been developed this is the key to the high speed thermal cutting on line production of spiral pipes .

    切管同步随行机的设计原理、结构特点、工作状态和 再压缩式空气 等离子 切割的技术特点、工艺 试验结果等。

  • Laser cutting is a new method of thermal cutting which has the strengths of high precision efficiency and low pollution . Now it becomes one of the hotspots of thermal cutting technology .

    激光切割是一种新兴的 切割方式,具有高精度、高效率、低污染等优点,已经成为热切割技术的发展热点之一。

  • For duplex stainless steel thermal cutting shall be limited to the plasma arc method .

    对双相不锈钢进行 切割应该仅限于等离子弧 切割方法。

  • Its low thermal conductivity and volume specific heat result in high cutting temperature near the cutting zone .

    其较小的 传导性和比热容致使 切削区域温度较高。

  • The axial thermal elongation and the radial vibration of the high-speed electric spindle thermal directly impacts the location of the cutting tool results in processing errors and reduces processing accuracy .

    高速电主轴的轴向 伸长及径向振动直接影响 刀具的位置,造成加工误差,降低加工精度。

  • Thermal cracks especially cutting through concrete lining are very harmful to lining structures .

    温度裂缝,尤其是 贯穿性裂缝对结构的危害极大。

  • Development situation of domestic automatic thermal cutting technology

    国内自动化 切割技术发展态势分析

  • The experiment results indicate that the thermal cutting method with the new-style equipment is effective and valid and the processing cost could be greatly reduced and has significant meaning for the extensive applications of the engineering ceramics materials .

    该试验说明了应用该小功率水介质等离子弧辅助 加热 切削氮化硅陶瓷材料的方法可行而有效,能够大大降低加工成本,对促进工程陶瓷材料的更广泛应用具有重要意义。

  • The error of deformation of the blade cut by electric pulse is caused by thermal stress 、 morphol-ogy stress and cutting stress .

    电脉冲床加工造成叶片的 应力、组织应力和 磨削应力叠加使叶片变形超差。

  • This article is based on experimental observation . It analyses analyzed the colors of hardened steel under the conditions of the high-speed cutting by the thermal oxidation method and the cutting temperatures are estimated .

    根据实验观察,采用 氧化法对高速切削的淬硬钢切屑成色进行分析,以此判断在 切削 过程 经历过的 切削温度。

  • Thermal stress analysis for dry cutting circular saw blade

    金刚石干 圆锯片的 应力分析

  • Some kinds of thermal cutting methods and their using situation as well as the current development of plasma cutting technique are described in this paper .

    近年来, 切割技术发展迅速,尤其是等离子切割技术,在切割炬结构设计、消耗品寿命进步、以及控制方面都取得了很大进步,扩大了其应用面。

  • Titanium alloys however are generally machined at lower cutting speeds with cemented carbide tools due to their low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity with cutting tool materials .

    由于钛合金 导热性差和化学亲和性强等原因,通常在其切削加工时 切削 温度高、刀具磨损严重,致使切削速度难以进一步提高。

  • The influences of laser beam quality and the thermal effect of lens oii the laser welding cutting and laser processing are also described .

    文中还讨论了光束质量对焊接、 切割加工的影响; 透镜效应对加工的影响等。

  • The best pace of the laser thermal stress cutting is 400 mm / s which is testified by the experiment .

    实验证明,激光 应力 切割玻璃的最佳速度是400mm/s。

  • The thermal fracture cutting technology for brittle materials has become the crucial technology for LCD glass substrate cutting to meet the low residual thermal stresses requirement .

    雷射 切割法具有 加工 速度快、切割 平整及热残留应力低等优点,近年来已逐渐取代传统钻石 切割研磨法成为光电产业液晶玻璃基板加工主流。

  • Thermal shock resistance of Al 2O 3 / TiCN cutting too material was investigated using quench method .

    用传统的淬火法对Al2O3TiCN陶瓷 刀具材料的 抗热震性能进行了详细的研究,发现该种陶瓷 刀具材料的临界 温差为320℃;

  • The laser-controlled thermal stress cutting induces and controls the crack propagation by using the thermal stress which is caused by the surface temperature field gradient in the laser cutting . And it is an effective manner to split the glass ceramics and other brittle materials .

    激光 应力 切割技术通过激光束切割材料表面时引起的温度场梯度变化产生热应力,诱导并控制裂纹扩展,从而分割材料,是对玻璃、陶瓷等脆性材料切割的有效方法。

  • Experiment on Plasma Arc Thermal Cutting of the Engineering Ceramics

    等离子弧 加热 切削工程陶瓷试验

  • The three-dimensional finite element analytic model of thermal stress field in laser cutting of LCD substrate is established by using the Ansys software .

    在有限元软件Ansys环境下,建立了三维液晶显示玻璃基板激光 切割 应力场的有限元分析模型。

  • Analysis of Machining Error Caused by Thermal Distortion of Cutting Tool in Simulation Machining

    仿真加工中 刀具 变形引起的加工误差分析

  • Thermal Stress Analysis of Newly Functionally Graded Ceramic Cutting Tools

    新型陶瓷 刀具材料的 应力分析

  • Finite element simulation of thermal stress field in cutting LCD glass substrate by laser

    液晶显示玻璃基板激光 切割 应力场的有限元仿真

  • LTCC High Speed Thermal Cutting Velocity Control Research

    LTCC高速 热切速度控制方法研究

  • The Welding and Thermal Cutting Operation Method of Oil Depot Equipments and Facilities in Use

    油库在用设备设施焊接和 切割作业方法

  • High-pressure water jet cutting has advantages of narrow cuts no thermal stress dustless and cutting any materials .

    高压水射流切割具有切缝窄、不产生 应力、无粉尘、几乎可 切割任何材料等优点。

  • Based on heat transferring a thermal field model of Laser Inner Cutting system was established and numerically simulated with the help of finite element software ANSYS .

    在传热学的基础上建立了激光 焦点在透明 材料内部作用时的 温度场模型,借助于大型有限元分析软件ANSYS进行了数值模拟。

  • Moving Heat Flux Method for the Thermal Analysis During Dynamite Cutting

    炸药 车削 分析的移动热源方法