thermal radiation

[ˈθɚməl ˌrediˈeʃən][ˈθə:məl ˌreidiˈeiʃən]


  • Since the thermal radiation largely stopped by ordinary opaque materials buildings and clothing can provide protection .

    既然普通不透明的材料可以在很大程度上阻止住 辐射,建筑物和衣服就能起防护作用。

  • A Spatial Spectrum Estimation Method of Target Detection Based on Microwave Thermal Radiation

    基于微波 辐射的空间谱估计目标探测方法

  • A layered structure of thin films for selectively improved absorptivity / emissivity of thermal radiation

    一种选择性增强光谱吸收比/ 发射率的薄膜结构

  • Numerical Study on Coupled Heat Transfer of Thermal Radiation and High-Speed Flow


  • Evolutive features of thermal radiation of tortuously non-connected fault in the loading and instability process

    拐折非连通断层加载失稳的 辐射演化特征

  • Emission spectrum of a Λ - type three-level atom with two-mode thermal radiation cavity fields

    双模 辐射腔场激励下∧型三能级原子的辐射谱

  • Automated adiabatic bomb calorimeter The heat sources of the greenhouse are heat exehange and thermal radiation .

    自动绝热压力罐式量热计温室的热源来自: 传导、 辐射

  • Investigation on Correlation Between Microstructure and Thermal Radiation Property for Carbon Fiber

    碳纤维微结构与 辐射性能的相关性研究

  • The heat sources of the greenhouse are heat exehange and thermal radiation . conduction loss bolometer

    温室的热源来自: 传导、 辐射。导热损耗测辐射热计

  • Zero pollution no ultraviolet radiation without infrared and thermal radiation .

    零污染,无紫外线,无红外线和 辐射

  • The light is thermal radiation source mainly used for heating and drying the specific such as glass metal circuit board sealing film and printing products for curing .

    该灯属于 辐射光源,主要用于加热和烘干,具体如玻璃制品、金属、电路板的封接、胶片及印刷制品的固化。以及其它产品表面烘干、干燥、加热。

  • Thermal radiation is the main way of heat transfer with the environment .


  • Equivalent absorption characteristics of thermal radiation of heat sink in space environment simulator

    空间环境模拟器热沉 辐射当量吸收特性研究

  • The cavity bodies of the thermal radiation plates are gas mixing chambers and the inner sides of the radiation plates are catalytic oxidation reaction beds and thermal airflow multi-microbore plates .


  • Wood is charred by exposure to thermal radiation the depth of the char being closely proportional to the radiant exposure .

    木料受到 辐射 照射后就会烧焦,烧焦的深度大致上与辐射照射成正比。

  • Randomized control analysis between three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy pre - and post-conventional radiotherapy for 419 primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients Wood is charred by exposure to thermal radiation the depth of the char being closely proportional to the radiant exposure .

    常规外照射前后三维适形放射治疗419例鼻咽癌的对照研究木料受到 辐射照射后就会烧焦,烧焦的深度大致上与辐射照射成正比。

  • The aim of this course is to elucidate the theorem and applications of the thermal radiation heat transfer .

    本课程将针对制程上的许多 热流问题进行分析。

  • And radial temperature gradients in the optical window must be carefully controlled in thermal radiation processing .

    考虑 辐射的解决措施时,应对径向温度梯度重点控制。

  • For a laminar developing flow of high temperature medium in tube the thermal radiation effects on the coupled heat transfer is investigated numerically .

    数值研究了高温介质密度随温度变化时,管内层流入口段耦合换热中的 辐射作用。

  • There is another point in connection with the initiation of fires by thermal radiation that needs consideration .

    另外还有一个与 辐射引起火灾有关的问题需要加以考虑。

  • The thermal radiation of shorter wavelengths than the visible are called ultraviolet .

    波长短于可见光的 辐射称紫外线。

  • Discussions on the Calculation Methods of the Thermal Radiation Distance of the Flare Stack in Long Distance Natural Gas Pipelines

    长输天然气管道放空火炬 辐射距离计算方法探讨

  • The equilibrium thermal radiation in a curved space-time shows Planco black body spectrum given by coordinate quanties .

    弯曲时空中的平衡 辐射,表现出用坐标量表示的普朗克黑体谱。

  • Sunlight thermal radiation shielding and airflow all affect the comfortableness of the space .

    日光、 辐射、遮蔽及气流都是影响空间舒适度的因素。

  • Research on Harm Model of Gas Explosion of Thermal Radiation and Shock Wave within Tunnel

    巷道内瓦斯爆炸事故 辐射与冲击波伤害模型研究

  • Thermal radiation : Process by which energy is emitted by a warm surface .


  • This situation should be borne in mind in connection with the problem of thermal radiation shielding .

    在谈到 辐射的防护问题时应当注意这种情况。

  • Green environmental protection : non-polluting non-ultraviolet infrared and thermal radiation is the real green light source ;

    绿色环保:无污染、无紫外线、红外线和 辐射,是真正的绿色光源;