there is no saying...


  • There is no one single modal or standard saying leaders can be trained in three days I mean it just takes time .

    这里 没有一个固定的模型或标准,不能 领导人可以在三天之内培养出来。我是说,这需要时间。

  • There is no saying what will happen to him .


  • There is no use doing something and then saying you did not mean to do it .

    抱怨 没有用的,因为 抱怨并改变 不了什么。

  • There is no indication that the man had been listening seriously to what Jesus had been saying in the previous verses .

    在前面的经文 没有 任何显示来说明这个人在认真地听耶稣 讲话

  • There is no saying what time he will come home .

    他什么时候回家 可说 不准

  • There is no saying when it will stop raining .

    无法 断定这场雨什么时候会停。

  • Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal so there is no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights .

    动物解放者不将人类单独看待,所以 没有 任何理性的基础 说明人类有着特殊的权利。

  • There is no saying such words .

    可能 这样的话。

  • Even where there is no obvious benefit to the organisation corporate leaders have justified their political involvement by saying it will help produce a society more hospitable to business .

    即便 有时介入政治 不会给企业带来明显的好处,企业领袖也会以可帮助打造对企业更友好的社会为由 这么做。

  • You may be surprised to find there is simply no justification for saying yes .

    你或许会惊讶地发现,根本 没有理由 yes。

  • There is no such a supplement regulation ever saying that the relative humidity 70 % shall be used to distinguish light fog and haze at any level of meteorological departments . Many haze weather events being recorded as light fog is purely due to misunderstanding .

    历史上 国各级气象部门从来不存在以相对湿度70%界定 轻雾与霾的补充规定,由于理解的问题,将大量霾记成了轻雾。

  • There is no sense in saying that things are really not yellow but the colour they look to a man in health ;

    这些东西实际上并不是黄的而是一个健康人眼里所看到的那种颜色, 这种 说法 没有意义的;

  • However the relationship between regional cultures is complementary and mutual so there is no saying advanced and backward .

    但是,地域文化之间的关系是互补互溶的, 并无先进与落后可言。

  • But to conclude that there is no general model of exceptions and anomalies in the EMH is not the same as saying that such exceptions and anomalies do not exist .

    但是得出有效市场假设例外和异常 存在普遍适用模型的结论,并不等于 此类例外和异常不存在。