thermal diffusivity


  • The thermal diffusivity of steel and graphite is measured .

    测量了钢和石墨的 扩散

  • Measuring thermal diffusivity of semi-transparent materials by laser flash method

    激光脉冲法测量半透明材料的 扩散

  • Thermal conductivity thermal diffusivity and specific heat measurements by the flash method

    材料 系数导热 系数和比热的闪光法测量

  • PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY AND POROSITY OF SEA ICE IN THE ANTARCTIC Temperature Change and Asymmetric Change of Maximum and Minimum Temperature of Haikou Hainan Province

    南极海冰 系数与孔隙率关系初探海口市气温变化及最高最低气温的非对称变化

  • The theoretical analysis and measurement of the thermophysical properties especially the thermal diffusivity of thin films have become a focus in this field .

    其中对薄膜材料的热物性特别是 扩散 的测试和理论分析正在成为国内外研究的热点之一。

  • The revised laser flash method is applied to measure thermal diffusivity of solid materials with low conductivity .

    用改进的激光脉冲法对低导热系数的固体材料的 系数进行了测定。

  • Modulated photothermal techniques provide useful methods based on linear relations to measure the thermal diffusivity of homogeneous materials .

    调制光热技术提供了基于测量均匀材料 扩散 的线性关系的有效方法。

  • Testing methods of thermal diffusivity specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity for high performance ceramics by laser flash method

    高氯酸 配合 的比热容研究工程陶瓷材料 扩散 、比热容、导热系数试验方法-激光闪点法

  • And this is due to the low thermal diffusivity and high specific heat of refuse which caused the non-uniform spatial distribution of temperature .

    这是由于垃圾土的 传导 系数不高,比热较大,而且使得温度的分布在空间上产生了滞后。

  • Simultaneous temperature and thermal diffusivity measurement of ultra-high temperature material based on multi-spectral technique

    基于多光谱技术同时测量超高温材料的温度和 扩散

  • Moreover the sample 's thermal diffusivity is measured by MPR radial scanning methods . Experimental results are satisfactory .

    同时,我们利用MPR径向扫描法测量了块状样品的 扩散 ,得到了较好的实验结果。

  • Thermal Diffusivity Research of PI / SiO_2 Films by Laser Flash Method

    激光脉冲法研究半透明PI/SiO2薄膜的 扩散

  • Research of Soil Thermal Diffusivity and Liquid Water Flux Density at linfen City

    临汾市土壤 扩散 和液态水通量密度研究

  • The results show that the thermal diffusivity decrease with annealing temperature elevating .

    结果表明: 纳米 氧化铝 扩散 随退火温度的升高而减小。

  • Meanwhile the structure of toroidal windings asynchronous motor has better thermal diffusivity and lower maintenance costs than the structure of squirrel-cage asynchronous motor .

    同时,环形绕组异步电机的结构较笼型异步电机的结构具有更好的 散热 及较低的维修成本。

  • This paper mainly studies on the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity by PTR method .

    本文主要用光热辐射(PTR)技术理论来研究 材料 扩散 系数和热导率。

  • Study on the new method of measuring thermal diffusivity for solid materials by photothermal deflection technique

    利用光热光偏转技术测量固体 扩散 的新方法

  • Study on the Sensitivity of thermal diffusivity measurement with the Mirage Effect Measurements of Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity of Loose Coal Using a Hot-Wire Method

    用蜃景效应测量 扩散 时精度的研究热线法同时测松散煤体导热系数及热扩散率

  • In this paper the thermal conductivity thermal diffusivity and effecting factors of Si-Mo Cr-Mo heat resisting cast iron were measured and analysed .

    本文对Si-Mo、Cr-Mo耐热铸铁的导热率和 扩散 及其影响因素作了测试和分析。

  • In heterogeneous anisotropic materials the thermal diffusivity cannot be described by a single number .

    在各向异性的非均质物质中, 扩散 不可能用一个简单数字来表达。

  • Combining with the steady state T-type method the TC and thermal diffusivity are further determined .

    并结合稳态T形法进一步确定了 纤维热导 扩散

  • Research on Thermal Diffusivity and Specific Heat Capacity of C / C Composites

    C/C复合材料比热容和 扩散 的研究

  • This paper describes the determination of thermal diffusivity of two-layer composites by laser pulse method .

    本文介绍用激光脉冲法测定两层复合试样 系数的方法。

  • A test software system for determining thermal diffusivity based on Kingview and transient heat flow method was devel-oped .

    本文在自行设计测试装置的基础上,开发基于 组态王技术的瞬态热流法测试软件系统。

  • Study on the Thermal Diffusivity and Thermal Conductivity by PTR Method

    PTR方法对 材料 扩散 和热导率的研究

  • Two new methods for measuring the thermal diffusivity of materials are proposed .

    提出了两种测量材料 扩散 的新方法。

  • A nonlinear parameter estimation method was adopted to determine the thermal diffusivity of a xonotlite-type calcium silicate insulation material .

    本文采用非线性参数估计方法来确定硬硅钙石型微孔硅酸钙绝热材料的 扩散

  • The thermal diffusivity of the specimen is determined by a new nonlinear least-square fitting algorithm .

    用一种新的非线性最小二乘拟合算法确定出了试样的 系数

  • In materials marked by low thermal diffusivity the absorption is good .

    扩散 低的物质吸收性好。