thermal equilibrium

[ˈθɚməl ˌikwəˈlɪbriəm][ˈθə:məl ˌi:kwəˈlɪbri:əm]


  • The thermal equilibrium time of wall temperature decreases linearly with the detonation frequency increasing .

    壁温分布 平衡时间随爆震频率的升高而减小,且基本上呈线性关系。

  • In thermal equilibrium on the other hand a system is far from static .

    而在 平衡情况下,系统远非处于静止状态。

  • Non-equilibrium reaction kinetics the aspect of thermodynamics concerned with thermal equilibrium .

    非平衡态反应动力学热力学中有关 热力 平衡的部分。

  • A Thermal Equilibrium Analysis of the Hydraulic Pump in for Hydraulic System a Certain Type Areoplane

    某型飞机液压泵在液压系统中的 平衡分析

  • Based on the annual thermal equilibrium of ground heat exchanger in different buildings control methods and controls parameter were analyzed by HGSHP experiment .

    结合具体混合式地源热泵实验,分析出基于全年地埋管换热器“ 平衡”的不同类型建筑应用混合式地源热泵时的控制方法和控制参数。

  • The energy equation is simplified by using the assumed local thermal equilibrium with vapor as an ideal gas .

    假定局部 平衡 先假设蒸气为理想气体,化简了能量方程。

  • So if I get rid of these arrows there 's no heat flowing because they 're in thermal equilibrium then I can 't have an arrow here .

    所以如果我擦去这些箭头,没有热流存在,因为它们处于 平衡,那么这里也不能存在一个箭头。

  • Systems at thermal equilibrium molecules are getting knocked around with whatever thermal energy is available .

    对于处于 平衡的体系,分子被四处撞击,具有可以具有的任何热能。

  • First the existence of the thermal equilibrium solutions and the semiclassical limit results are obtained through the energy estimating method .

    首先运用能量估计方法得到了 平衡 解的存在性与半经典极限结果。

  • The thermal equilibrium state in solid state materials is one essential mixed entangled state .

    而固体材料中的 平衡态就是一种重要的混合纠缠态。

  • A gas in thermal equilibrium has particles of all velocities .

    处于 平衡的气体,其粒子有一切速度。

  • Study on Thermal Equilibrium of Cooling System of Construction Machinery Diesel Engine under Transient Conditions

    工程机械柴油机动态工况冷却系统 平衡研究

  • Collisional processes suggest thermal equilibrium .

    碰撞过程意味着 平衡

  • Thermal comfort exists if the human body in thermal equilibrium with its environment implying a constant temperature of the body .

    若人体与环境达成 平衡,以保持体温恒定,就谓之具有热舒适性。

  • This cooling effect arises from the energy-selective removal of the most energetic trapped atoms and the thermal equilibrium of the remaining atoms .

    该冷却效应是由势阱中热原子的能量选择性逃逸和剩余原子的 平衡所致。

  • This paper discusses some two-photon processes in thermal equilibrium .

    本文探讨 平衡 下的双光子跃迁过程,建立了双光子 黑体辐射公式;

  • Studies the problem of thermal equilibrium in exothermic reaction systems and puts forward the concepts of equilibrium region and degree of equilibrium in such systems .

    讨论了化学放热系统 平衡问题,提出了系统平衡域和平衡度的新概念。

  • The judgment rules of the thermal equilibrium and the backfire are presented .

    对模拟退火算法进行了改进,给出了 平衡和回火的相应判定准则。

  • Now you have this object which is going to tell you whether other things are in thermal equilibrium now .

    现在你有了一个可以告诉你,其他物体是否处于, 平衡的物体。

  • The study checked thermal equilibrium and results analyzed relative error and error limit .

    在实验的基础上进行了 平衡校核,分析了误差来源。

  • According to the concept of macroscopic thermal equilibrium the author has derived a new calculating method and expression .

    本文作者根据宏观 平衡概念推导出一个新的计算方法与公式。

  • A dynamic thermal equilibrium servo temperature control strategy is implemented in this system .

    系统采用动态 平衡伺服控制策略进行恒温控制。

  • If your mirror had been waited for longer than this time thermal equilibrium should have been attained .

    如果你的镜子经已等候超过此时间,应该已经达到 平衡

  • The aspect of thermodynamics concerned with thermal equilibrium . Develops relations pertaining to multiphase equilibria as determined by a treatment of solution thermodynamics .

    阐述由溶液 热力学分析决定的多相平衡的关系。

  • Basic rules for the measurement and calculation of thermal equilibrium of fuel-fired furnace in industry

    GB/T13338-1991工业燃料炉 平衡测定与计算基本规则

  • An electron plasma may be in thermal equilibrium state under the confinement by electric and magnetic fields .

    电子等离子体在静磁场和静电场的束缚下,可以达到 平衡态。

  • As an example squeezing in initial state with bare atomic system in the thermal equilibrium distribution is studied in detail .

    作为例子,详细研究了初始为 平衡分布的裸原子系统的压缩行为。