


  • The practice shows that smelting high grade ferrotitanium with rutile by thermite method is feasible .

    实践证明,采用金红石 法生产高 钛铁在技术上是完全可行的。

  • Probe into reducing silicon contents in metallic chromium with thermite method

    降低 法金属铬硅含量的探讨

  • Adding SiO 2 to thermite can enhance compactness and improve corrosion-resistance . Adding ZrO 2 can enhance breaking ductility .


  • Thermite is aluminum powder and a metal oxide which produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction .


  • Study of the Pressure Thermite Welding of Rails

    钢轨加压 焊的研究

  • The effects of respects such as material disposal slag system and heat etc. on recovery are discussed in chrome-boron smelting with thermite method and the control measures are also put forward .

    讨论了 法铬硼合金生产工艺中原料处理、渣系、热量等方面对冶炼回收率的影响,并提出了控制方法。

  • Increasing preheating temperature of thermite the speed of thermite reactions quicken the properties of products can also be improved .

    提高 铝热剂预热温度,可加快铝热反应速度,改善复合铜管质量。

  • In the clip above we see an attempt to cool the thermite reaction by dumping it in a vat of liquid nitrogen .

    在上面的视频中我们看到,为了让 反应“降温”而 大量液氮。

  • Basic Research on Refining of High Titanium Ferroalloy Based on Thermite Reduction

    还原精炼制备高 钛铁的基础研究( 精炼还原 阶段的)

  • To make the thermite reactions can be more valuable one of the most effective methods to improve the reaction rate is to make one or two components of the reactant reach nano-scale .

    为了改善 铝热剂的反应速率,使其在 能领域更加有利用价值,将其中一种或者两种组分进行纳米化是一种有效的方法。

  • In order to improve the quality of the thermite welding of rails the pressure thermite welding process is studied .

    为了提高钢轨 常规 焊的接头质量,作者对钢轨加压铝热焊工艺进行了试验研究。

  • The progression of thermite research and the fields of thermite application are outlined . Common methods for ammunition destruction and their defects are introduced .

    概述了 高热 研究历史以及应用领域,介绍了弹药销毁的常规方法及其缺陷;

  • An understanding to the nature of self propagating high temperature synthesis ( SHS ) of BN by thermite reaction was obtained from the results of differential thermal analysis ( DTA ) reaction at different temperatures for 30 min and SHS experiments .

    结合差热分析,通过研究B2O3和Al在不同温度下的反应以及在不同 氮气 压力中的自蔓延实验, 探讨B2O3AlN2体系自蔓延还原合成BN的反应机理。

  • Thermite effects changed to look like it is burning for several seconds before causing damage .


  • Adding SiO 2 in thermite the porosity the density and the compressive shear strength of the products are obviously improved .

    铝热剂中加入SiO2也可 降低孔隙度,提高压剪强度。

  • Melt-casting under ultra-high gravity integrates the combustion synthesis with ultra-high gravity technology . The ultra-temperature metal / ceramic mixing-melts can be achieved by heat generated from thermite combustion reaction .

    超重力熔铸技术是将燃烧合成技术与超重力技术相结合,利用 燃烧合成体系的强放热获得超高温的陶瓷/金属混合熔体,并实现二者的彻底分离。

  • Solidification of Toxic Materials Under Explosion by SHS Method of Sand-Containing Thermite

    含沙 铝热剂对受爆炸作用有毒物质的SHS固化

  • Test results show that the single-use crucible developed meets the requirements for alumino thermite welding .

    试验结果显示,研制的一次性坩埚可以满足铝 焊接使用。

  • Probe into increasing recovery of Ch rome-boron alloy smelting with thermite method

    提高 法生产铬硼合金回收率的探讨

  • Influence of CrO_3 Additive on the Thermite Reaction Procedure in Fe_2O_3 + Al System

    CrO3对Fe2O 3+Al 反应系统反应过程的影响

  • Development of the SHS centrifugal - thermite process

    SHS -离心技术的研究进展

  • High-strength TiC / FeNiCr Composite Produced by Rapid Solidification Thermite Process

    快速凝固工艺合成高强 TiC/FeNiCr复合材料

  • Developing 65 % ~ 75 % high grade ferrotitanium with rutile as material by thermite method can achieve optimum technological requirements and good index . Titanium content in high grade ferrotitanium reaches 73.77 % titanium recovery amounts to 78.83 % .

    采用 法,以金红石为原料研制65%~75%的高钛铁,取得了最佳工艺技术条件和较好的指标,高钛铁含钛达73.77%,钛的回收率达78.83%。

  • Effect of mixing procedure on combustion characteristics of thermite Al + Fe_2O_3

    混料工艺对Al+Fe2O3 铝热剂燃烧特性的影响

  • Synthetic resin is used to seal the pores and cracks in the ceramic layer of ceramic-lined steel pipes produced by the Centrifugal Thermite process thus a new kind of clad pipe with excellent anti-corrosion and antierosion properties is obtained .

    采用合成树脂密闭离心 法制备陶瓷内衬钢管中陶瓷层的气孔、裂纹等缺陷,从而获得了具有防腐耐磨双重功能的复合管材。

  • Technology of thermite method smelting FEV 50 with v_2o_3

    V2O3电 法冶炼FeV50的工艺探讨

  • The principle and merits of which thermite is used for combustion destruction of ammunition are expatiated .

    破坏 争辩阐述了 高热 燃烧销毁弹药的原理和优点。

  • Acting as a diluent during thermite combustion process NaF will reduce the combustion temperature and propagation rate ;


  • Research on Ceramic Coating Technique by Thermite Reaction Fusion Adhesion Process


  • An investigation on melting ferrotitanium process in thermite method
