thermal wavelength

[ˈθɚməl ˈwevˌlɛŋkθ][ˈθə:məl ˈweɪvˌleŋkθ]


  • Results Thermal analysis can not be used to analyse the purity of cyclovirobuxine D and HPLC / MS HPLC with terminal wavelength HPLC with fluorescence derivation and HPLC with ultraviolet derivation can obtain the same purity .

    结果 分析法不能用于环维黄杨星D纯度分析,HPLC/MS、紫外衍生HPLC、荧光衍生HPLC及末端 检测HPLC四法测定的环维黄杨星D纯度一致。

  • Moreover the thermal effect of wavelength selectivity of VBG is studied by experiment . Red shift of the output wavelength occurs with the increase of temperature of VBG .

    此外,测量并分析了 效应对体光栅 波长选择性的影响,体光栅吸收热量温度升高后,激光器的输出波长红移。

  • Glass has the properties of good thermal stability high dielectric constant and high transparency in a wide wavelength range .

    玻璃材料具有良好的 稳定性、较高的介电常数,在宽 波长范围内具有较高的透明度。

  • Using the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor the thermal distortions of the different substrates the single layer thin films with different thickness and the different optical thin films irradiated by CO_2 laser at 10.6 μ m wavelength were studied experimentally in this paper .

    采用夏克-哈特曼波前传感器对不同基底材料、不同厚度单层光学薄膜以及不同膜系的多层光学薄膜样品在 10.6μm激光辐照下的 畸变进行了实验研究。

  • The thermal characteristics of bare FBGs is analysed by a constant temperature water bath apparatus to calibrate the thermal response of two FBGs with the central wavelength around 1 550 nm and the temperature rang is from room temperature to about 80 ℃ .

    实验采用恒温水浴装置,在室温至80℃ 温度范围内分别使用了中心 波长位于1550nm附近的两只光纤布拉格光栅进行测量。

  • The photo thermal modulation technique for light source wavelength is first applied to sinusoidal phase modulating interferometer thus the influence of the variation in light intersity on measurement caused by the direct modulation of laser wavelength is eliminated and the measuring error is reduced .

    本文首次将光源 波长 光热调制技术用于正弦相位调制干涉仪中,消除了因直接调制激光波长引起的光强度变化对测量的影响,降低了测量误差。

  • And thermal injury not only has something to do with laser 's wavelength but also has something to do with the time of thermal conductivity and thermal proliferation .

    损伤不仅与激光的 波长有关,还与热传导率和热扩散所需时间有关。

  • Non-steady transient thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis model based on surface roughness in high-speed cylindrical roller bearing has been established and effects of roughness amplitude wavelength and texture in contact surface of raceway and rolling element on bearing elastohydrodynamic lubrication performance are analysed .

    建立了基于表面粗糙的高速圆柱滚子轴承非稳态时变 弹流分析模型,分析了轴承滚道与滚动体接触表面粗糙度幅值大小及其方向对轴承弹流性能的影响。

  • Thermal radiation properties control based on microstructure is using structures of Nano / Microscale whose characteristic dimension is close to incidence wavelength to realize selective control of wavelength . Appling it to realize the multichannel-stealth compatibility will emerge very large potential .

    基于微结构的 辐射特性控制,即利用特征尺寸接近入射 波长 量级的微纳尺度结构对波长进行选择性控制,将其应用于多波段兼容隐身具有很大的发展潜力。

  • This paper also discussed and studied the fire alarm system of oil tank based on fiber Bragg grating thermal detectors and the structure of system is based on space division multiplexing and wavelength division multiplexing .

    本文还对基于光纤光栅感 探测器的储油罐火灾报警系统进行了探讨和研究,系统采用了 分复用加空分复用的结构方案。

  • The other FBG is encapsulated in the temperature sensitive materials ( metal Aluminium ) and only responses temperature the thermal strain makes the wavelength of FBG shift . Thus the theoretic mathematics model of measurement is deduced .

    把另一处FBG封装在温敏材料(如铝材料)中,只感受温度的响应,通过 应变对FBG作用, 波长发生漂移,从而推导出测量的理论数学模型。

  • The result shows the mechanism of rapid thermal annealing . It is indicated that the quantum photo-effects of short wavelength light (≤ 730nm ) maybe dominate the crystallize processing .

    研究表明短波 长光(≤ 730nm)的量子效应在晶化过程中可能起着至关重要的作用。实验结果表明, 长波长光更有利于愈伤组织的再分化。

  • Judging from theoretical analyse we can reduce thermal injury to the slightest degree by using Er : YAG Laser whose wavelength is 2 . 94 μ m in an ophthalmic operation .

    由理论分析可知,在眼科手术中,使用 波长为2.94μ的Er:YAG激光能使 损伤减至最小。

  • The thermal relaxation time was calculated by the measured relation of peak moment of optical signal within the pulse varied with wavelength .

    根据对应的峰值光功率出现时刻随 波长变化的曲线,计算得到 弛豫时间参量值。

  • Experimental Study on the Relation between the Thermal Radiative Properties and Plasma Wavelength of ITO Films for Heat Mirror Applications

    ITO的 辐射性质与等离子 波长关系的实验研究

  • Thermal wavelength for general dispersion relations

    普遍色散关系下的 波长

  • It has 128 spectral bands ranging from visible to thermal infrared wavelength . Its application fields include geology agriculture forest ocean etc.

    它具有128个波段,覆盖了从可见光到 红外的 光谱范围,可应用于地质、农业、林业和海洋等领域。

  • Methods Thermal analysis HPLC / MS HPLC with terminal wavelength HPLC with fluorescence derivation and with ultraviolet derivation TLC and nonaqueous titration methods were applied to determine the content of cyclovirobuxine D control .

    方法采用 分析、HPLC/MS、末端 检测HPLC、紫外衍生HPLC、荧光衍生HPLC、TLC及非水滴定共7种方法测定环维黄杨星D对照品含量。

  • It makes the thermodynamic functions of an ideal quantum gas may be expressed in a unified compact form and the physical connotation of the thermal wavelength is revealed further .

    由此可使理想量子气体的热力学函数表示成统一的简洁形式,并进一步揭示了 波长的物理内涵。

  • The design of aspherical metallic mirrors for infrared thermal imaging systems for space or military optics applications is described . The operating wavelength band of the system is from 3.7 μ m to 4.8 μ m and working temperature is in the range of-30 ℃~ + 45 ℃ .

    介绍了非球面金属反射镜在空间和军用光学红外 成像系统中的应用,系统的工作 波段为3.7μm~4.8μm,环境温度变化范围-30℃~+45℃。

  • In plasmas when the density of particle number is very high the thermal de Broglie wavelength is similar to the average interparticle distance both the quantum effect and collective effect is important this is so called quantum plasmas .

    当等离子体的密度很高时, 德布罗意 波长与粒子间的平均间距相当,此时量子效应和集体效应同时起作用,这种等离子体被称为量子等离子体。

  • Thermal Effects of Optical Film With the Combined Irradiation of Different Wavelength Lasers

    不同 波长激光同时辐照薄膜 效应研究

  • This paper introduced a thermal resistance model of semiconductor laser diode and analyzed wavelength control technology of laser diode in dense WDM system .

    本文利用半导体激光器的 热阻模型,研究分析了密集波分复用系统中光源的 波长控制技术。