thermal equivalent

[ˈθɚməl ɪˈkwɪvələnt][ˈθə:məl iˈkwivələnt]


  • Although the actions of the residual compressive strains and the residual contractive thermal strains are equivalent for causing the welding residual stress it is useful distinguishing them to develop new measures relieving and adjusting the welding residual stress in practical joints .

    虽然残余压缩应变和残余收缩 应变在导致焊接残余应力产生的作用方面是 等价的,但其机理却有本质的不同,区别二者有利于研究和开发新的焊接残余应力调控技术。

  • Then a theoretical model of the heat transfer in the composites is established based on the laws of the minimal thermal resistance and the specific equivalent thermal conductivity .

    基于最小 阻力法则和比 等效导热系数 相等法则,建立了热量传递的理论模型,并推导出了 等效导热系数的 计算式。

  • Based on the liquid film theory of hot crack formation and results of numerical simulation of solidification and thermal strains equivalent strain is proposed to serve as the criterion for hot cracking .

    从热裂产生的液膜理论出发,根据凝固过程 温度 力场、 应变场的数值模拟结果,提出了热裂形成的等效应变判据;

  • By strict mathematical deduction it is being proven that the influence of steam extraction pressure loss on a unit 's thermal efficiency is equivalent to the linear superposed effects on efficiency caused by relevant heaters ' out flowing feed and drain water enthalpy variation .

    经过严格的数学推导,证明了抽汽压损对 经济性的影响 等同 抽汽压损引起的加热器出口水焓和疏水焓变化对热经济性影响的线性叠加。

  • The thermal source of the motor the equivalent coefficient of heat conductivity for stator coil and coefficient of heat radiation in the air duct and airgap by forced air circulation are analyzed .

    建立了三相异步牵引电机 温度 分析的有限元模型,分析了电机的发 热源、定子线圈 等效导热系数、强迫通风冷却条件下通风沟内和气隙内气流的散热系数。

  • The most convenient way of studying the thermal effect is using an ideal lens with equivalent thermal focal length .

    研究 激光工作 物质 内热效应的最方便的方法是 等效热透镜(TL)法。

  • Objective To ascertain a clinically meaningful thermal dose unit temperature equivalent minute ( TEM ) 42.5 ℃ and the relationship between TEM 42.5 ℃ and tumor response rate .

    目的采用温度 当量分(TEM42.5℃)作为 剂量单位,评价其与肿瘤缓解率之间的关系,找出适合临床应用的 剂量单位。

  • This paper provides the analyses and study of the calculation methods for thermal efficiency and selects equivalent enthalpy drop of varied heat to calculate thermal efficiency of Hai Bo Wan power plant .

    文中对 火电 热力系统的各种 效率计算法进行比较,选用变热量 等效焓降法计算海勃湾发电厂200MW凝汽式机组热力系统的热效率。

  • Based on fracture mechanics the concept of thermal equivalent toughness is employed to evaluate the strengthened toughness of resin sands at elevated temperatures .

    提出利用断裂力学理论评价树脂砂的强韧性,引入 高温 当量韧度的概念。

  • The local thermal comfort of the drive and the passenger is predicated and the results are compared with thermal comfort range by Equivalent Temperature .

    文中完成了一个典型算例,预测了司机与乘客的热舒适性问题,并与国外提供的 舒适范围作了比较,结果令人 满意

  • The application of high back pressure turbine combined thermal equivalent in thermal power plant

    高背压 热功联产汽轮机在热电厂的应用

  • When we design the thermal sensing elements the equivalent circuits of thermopiles are being used which make it convenient to simulate the thermopiles with circuits .

    在敏感元件的设计中,本文引入了 等效电路模型,从而将热堆和电路混合模拟成为可能。

  • Whatever shapes of solder joints under the thermal loading the distribution of the largest equivalent Von Mises stress / strain are all approximately same which is in the brim of solder close to the joint of solder and PCB .

    研究发现,在 载荷作用下,鼓形、凹形及柱形钎料焊点的最大应力应变分布 大致相同,均在钎料球的外边缘。

  • Measurement of thermal neutron dose equivalent with a TLD wrapped in cadmium

    用包镉热释光剂量计测量 中子剂量 当量

  • Using the Thermal-Structure integrative analysis method it can figure out thermal loads of equivalent node resulted from the temperature of truss pole element which is the primary structure of the deployable antenna and it also construct the relevant finite element equation of thermal elasticity .

    采用热结构一体化的分析方法,计算出组成可展开天线主要结构桁架杆单元由于温度引起的 等效结点 载荷,并建立了相应的热弹性有限元方程。

  • Application of Turbine Driven Feed Water Pump to Realize Combined Thermal Equivalent of Thermal Power Plant

    应用汽动给水泵实现热电厂 热功联产

  • Research on Thermal Economic Diagnosis Method Based on the Improved Equivalent Enthalpy Drop Method for Thermal System of Steam Turbine

    基于改进 等效热降法的汽轮机热力系统 经济性诊断方法研究

  • Exacting the transient thermal impedance can help to set up the thermal characteristic equivalent network .

    瞬态热阻抗的提取有助于系统 特性 等效网络的建立。

  • Research on Thermal Stress Equivalent Static Load for Shell under Effect of Constant Temperature Field

    常量定常温度场作用下壳体 应力 当量静载的试验研究

  • By analogy the thermal effect is replaced by an equivalent edge-moment loaded uniformly along both boundaries of the shallow spherical shell .

    再通过比拟,以作用 球面扁壳内外边界上的均匀分布的 相当边界力矩来替换 温度效应。

  • Moreover the influence of heat pipe length on the thermal resistance and the coefficient of equivalent heat conductivity were discussed . Results show the lengths of evaporator section and condensation section play a decisive role on the overall heat transfer performance .

    讨论了热管长度变化对 管热阻和 当量导热系数的影响,结果表明热管蒸发段和冷凝段的长度对 管的整体传热性能起决定性作用。

  • With the model of a thermal thin lens we give an equivalent linear cavity to analyst its beam characteristics .

    本文采用 薄透镜模型,运用 等效腔方法,分析了四镜环形腔的光束特性。

  • The solution to temperature field thermal stress thermal strain equivalent effective stress and equivalent strain is achieved then .

    阐述了温度场的求解、热应力及 应变的理论概要, 说明等效应力与等效应变,并进一步阐明了在 热力 耦合 分析中,机械负荷与 温度 负荷之间的关系;

  • The outer thermal radiant heat flux and equivalent heat sink temperature were solved with numerical method and the wave of thermal radiation during long period was given .

    用数值方法对外 热流 等效热沉温度进行求解,计算出 瞬态工况及周期平均 工况下的航天器表面辐射热流及辐射散热器和防辐射涂层表面等效热沉温度的波动。

  • The mathematic model of SMPS for stable thermal field is built . And the equivalent functional equation is obtained by using the variation theory .

    本文首先根据传热学理论,分析开关电源的散热途径,建立开关电源稳态 场的数学模型,并应用变分原理得到其 等价的泛函形式。

  • Based on thermal rheological theory and time-temperature equivalent principle the generalized Maxwell model was used to simulate viscoelastic characteristic of fused optical fiber glass . The thermal viscoelastic model of fiber coupler in the process of fused biconical taper was set up .

    根据 粘弹流变理论和时温 等效原理,以广义Maxwell模型模拟高温下熔融光纤玻璃的粘弹特性,建立了光纤耦合器熔融拉锥过程热粘弹数值分析模型;

  • Thermal stress originated from the changed temperature and equivalent stress and displacement were simulated by use of multi-field couple function of ANSYS Distributing regularity of the equivalent stress was obtained .

    利用有限元分析软件ANSYS的多场耦合功能对铣削过程中交变温度引起的 应力以及力 - 耦合后的 等效应力和位移进行了数值模拟,得到等效应力的分布规律。

  • Phase detention of thermal effect cannot be equivalent to a spherical lens and thus an optimization module ratio ( Wo / wp ) of pump and laser mode should be choice in a laser system .

    效应下的相位延迟与球面透镜相比存在高阶 球差,在激光系统工作中应选择最佳模半径比(Wo/Wp)从而兼顾斜效率和光束质量。

  • This article introduces the technical application of high back pressure turbine combined thermal equivalent and compares the high back pressure to low back pressure .

    文章介绍小背压机实施 热功联产差压作功的技术应用,并就高背压和低背压两方案行了分析比较。