


  • Mix3 tsp with hot water to soak and remove tea and coffee stains from thermos ' and tea cups .

    热水里加三勺小苏打可以溶解掉咖啡 和茶杯上附着的顽渍。

  • The dog nestled up against the warm radiator . He was rearranging canvas bags and tripods a Thermos bottle and paper sacks .

    狗倚着暖烘烘的散热器.他把帆布包和三脚、 水瓶和纸袋重新放好。

  • There 's no heat that can go through the walls of the thermos .

    没有热量能,穿 过热 水瓶 壁。

  • Why do you always carry a thermos mug with you ?

    你为什麽随身都带一个 保温杯?

  • The thermos with the lid on top It 's not a open system your coffee is going to stay warm or hot in the thermos .

    顶部盖了盖子的 水瓶,不是开系,你希望你的咖啡在热水瓶里面保持温暖,或滚烫。

  • These days we use a thermos said Li Lei .

    “如今用的是 热水 了,”李磊说。

  • I had a little pick-me-up in my thermos .

    我的 保温 有点提神的酒。

  • Investigation of a control system of thermos glass liner length by means of infrared technique ;

    文章提出了一种采用红外技术对 物体 直径进行检测的实现方法。

  • We brought tea in a thermos flask .

    我们 保温瓶携带茶水。

  • Both the boiling water and the hot water is contained when the thermos bottle is used for convenience .


  • I am the system . I could be a system It could be a hot coffee in a thermos .

    我就是系统,我可以是个系统,它可以是 水瓶 的热咖啡。

  • She poured hot water from the thermos .

    她从 水瓶倒出热水。

  • Stir in the yogurt or starter and put the mixture into a2 quart thermos and seal .

    在牛奶中混合酸奶或酸奶发酵剂并将其放入一个2夸脱的 保温 瓶中并密封。

  • Some showed people carrying guns others bearing innocuous things such as cola bottles or a coffee thermos .


  • G : I feel awfully sorry miss . I have broken the thermos bottle on the desk carelessly .

    十分抱歉,小姐,我不小心打破了桌上的 水瓶

  • Since the handle of the thermos bottle can be fixed the swing of the thermos bottle can be prevented and the safety can be guaranteed .

    由于 暖瓶的把手可以固定,防止了暖瓶的摆动,保证了安全。

  • The utility model of the improved thermos bottle plug has the advantages of easy opening and non-easy falling out .

    本实用新型改良型 水瓶塞具有易开启和不易脱落的优点。

  • The group of girls all moved on andhad a good drink of tea together from a modern thermos !

    这一群女孩都继续往前走,从现代的 保温 里倒了茶,一起痛痛快快的喝了下去。

  • So the thermos is not an open system .

    因此 水瓶不是个开系。

  • Tea always tastes horrid out of thermos flasks .


  • He leaves the thermos on the bumper of his car and then seats himself inside .

    他离开 热水 上自己的汽车保险杠,然后在自己的席位。

  • There is no water in the thermos but you may find a bit in the bottle .


  • It 's handy to have the thermos here .

    暖瓶 在这儿好拿。

  • Do you have any hot water in your thermos ?

    你的 水瓶 有热水吗?

  • For boiled water please use the thermos bottle in your room .

    如果您需要开水,请用房间里的 水瓶

  • And he took a thermos out of his bag and held it up .

    他从包里取出一个 水瓶,并把它举起来。

  • Can place nursing bottle thermos .


  • I picked up my thermos and the scraps of paper from my sandwiches . I was alone packing a rifle a thermos of coffee and three thick sandwiches .

    我捡起我的 暖瓶和包三明治的碎纸,我独自一个人,带着一杆枪、一暖瓶咖啡和3块厚厚的三明治。

  • He watches her cry and walks out when his thermos is ready .

    他手表她哭,并走出时,他 水瓶已经准备就绪。

  • She poured hot water from the thermos flask into her Basin added cold water and washed her face .

    她从 水瓶中往脸盆里倒了些热水,又加了些凉水,然后洗了脸。