


  • Development of low cost thermoscope for brewage ferment control

    用于啤酒发酵控制的低成本 测温

  • Daily changing of plant surface temperature of 12 varieties coming from 4 types of sorghum was tested by using multi-probe thermoscope and automatograph .

    以4种高粱类型中的12个材料为试材,用多探头 温度自动测定记录仪研究了高粱植株表面温度的变化规律。

  • Design of Balance Thermoscope Based on MSP430

    基于MSP430的平衡 温度计的研制

  • We also designed a novel temperature measurement and control device because the infrared thermoscope is not precise in microwave field .

    针对微波场中 渗硼 介质的温度采用红外 测温只能测量 表面温度,不能精确反应实验 渗硼温度的问题,设计了一套用 热电偶测温和控制的方法。

  • In the experiment of measuring linear expansion coefficient of solid controlling circuit is designed and the measurement method is improved . The error produced by the asynchronism between linear expansion speed and heat rate of system as well as the respond speed of thermoscope is avoided .

    设计了控温电路并改进了测量方法,消除了 电热法测量固体线胀系数实验中,由于被 固体 的线膨胀速度、系统加热速度及 响应速度不同步而引起的误差。

  • Research on key technology of long-distance-coefficient infrared thermoscope

    大距离系数红外 测温 的关键技术研究

  • For exploring the characteristic of temperature variation of loaded rock the temperatures of granite and marble specimens were measured using a contact thermoscope under the condition of uniaxial loading with the help of a thermal infrared imager .

    为了探测岩石在受力过程中温度的变化特征,用接触 测温 对花岗岩和大理岩试件进行了单轴加压条件下的测温试验,同时用红外热像仪 作为辅助 监测

  • Research on high precision multichannel thermoscope based on constant-current source

    基于恒流源的多路高精度 测温 的研究

  • First the experimental equipment was designed all this system was consisted in four part : Refrigeration equipment thermoscope picture-collection system and temperature-humidity control system .

    首先设计了实验装置,整个实验系统由制冷装备、 测温设备、图像采集系统以及环境温湿度控制系统四部分组成。

  • Though infrared thermoscope is used to detect the temperature of billet when it is taken out of the stove precision is still affected because of the oxide layer on the surface .

    尽管钢材出炉时, 可用红外线 测温 来进行钢材 表面温度检测,但因 钢材表面存在氧化层,也影响 钢材温度检测精度。

  • The normal-temperature thermoscope is a glass-stem thermometer with a sheath which can display the temperature value of the measured point on site .

    所述常温 测温 是一种具有护套的玻璃棒式温度计,它能够现场显示被测点温度值。

  • The Development of Multi - point Thermoscope with Semiconductor Sensors

    采用半导体传感器的多点 温度 的研制

  • The hardware design and software implementation of a high-precision thermoscope for temperature measurement in large areas are presented .

    温场测量是 应用 非常广泛的 物理量测量方法。文章介绍了一种测量精度 比较高的 测量 仪器的硬件设计和软件实现。

  • Automatic Temperature Compensate for the Infrared Thermoscope at Different Radiation Factors

    变辐射率时红外 测温的自动补偿

  • Aimed at matching the experiment needs of measuring temperature in coal mines in this paper it was improved . A portable multifunctional and digital thermoscope was designed and manufactured .

    为了满足矿井 测温试验的需要,对煤矿 井下 钻孔测温 仪器进行了改进,设计研制了一种便携式、多功能、数字化的 测温 仪器