thermal diffusion

[ˈθɚməl dɪˈfjuʒən][ˈθə:məl dɪˈfju:ʒən]


  • Vertical microcrack originated in the process of heat treatment resulted in a higher thermal diffusion coefficient .

    热处理使EB-PVD热障涂层中产生了垂直于基体表面的微裂纹,导致涂层 扩散系数高于沉积

  • A preliminary analysis was made on thermal diffusion law and water surface cooling capacity of the cooling pool .

    文中也对冷却池 扩散规律以及冷却池水面冷却能力等作了初步分析。

  • Effect of Thermal Diffusion and Electrostatic Force on the Evolution of Wind-Blown Sand Flow


  • This dissertation discussed the design and manufacture of Rapid Thermal Diffusion ( RTD ) furnace .

    本论文对快速 扩散炉(RTDFurnace)的设计、制造进行了详细描述,研制出了RTD炉样机。

  • Experimental study on separation of methane and hydrogen by thermal diffusion column


  • From the actual engineering background this paper reviews the developments on thermal diffusion home and abroad .

    从实际的工程背景出发,较为详细地介绍了国内外关于 扩散问题的研究进展。

  • Effects of the magnetic field diffusion and thermal diffusion on the current of a partially ionized plasma as well as the effect of the magnetic field on the diffusion arc discussed also .

    同时讨论了部分游离的等离子体中的电流、扩散和 扩散对电流的影响以及磁场对扩散的影响。

  • The calculation of the separation factors and the aspects affecting are discussed thermal diffusion transfer coefficients which effect the differential equation of thermal diffusion are researched and factors effecting thermal diffusion separation efficiency are analyzed through the equations of transfer coefficient .

    讨论了同位素分离系数的计算及其影响因素、分析了影响热扩散柱丰度微分方程的因素& 扩散传递系数,并根据传递系数的计算公式分析了决定热扩散分离效率的各种因素;

  • The AlN films grown by low pressure metal organic vapor phase epitaxy are doped by Si thermal diffusion using Si and SiNx films as diffusion source and the roles of Si doping on the electrical properties of AlN films .

    采用SiNx和Si为扩散源,对低压金属有机气相外延生长的AlN薄膜进行了Si 扩散掺杂,研究了Si掺杂对AlN薄膜电学性质的影响。

  • The exploration of AlN films doping by Si thermal diffusion .

    AlN薄膜 扩散掺杂的探索性研究。

  • The influence radius of a single well can be predicted through analyzing the heat balance and the thermal diffusion .

    单个 井的影响半径可以通过热平衡和 扩散原理求得。

  • The principle and application of the thermal diffusion liquid level switch in water disposal system are introduced ; moreover its virtues are analyzed .

    介绍了水处理系统中 扩散式液位开关的原理及应用,分析了 扩散式液位开关的优点。

  • The thermal diffusion coefficient of the crystals were measured by the crystal pulse method .

    用激光脉冲法测量了晶体的 扩散系数,比较了晶体a轴和c轴的 扩散系数随 温度的变化关系。

  • Study on Dehydrogenation Coupling Reaction of Methane by Thermal Diffusion Column


  • It was shown that the distribution was of exponential decrease similar to the case of thermal diffusion in crystals .

    结果表明分布呈指数衰减,与晶体中的 扩散 分布相类似,并对此进行了讨论。

  • To improve this method a new algorithm for smoothness shape-profiles is studied by analogy the thermal diffusion .

    提出了新的图像轮廓线光 数值算法,对轮廓线划分的两类 区域提出了精度更高的插值算法。

  • Thermal Diffusion Coatings Improves Tool Life


  • When the rise time is steeper the temperature rises faster and the surrounding of the machining filed are less affected while the distance of the thermal diffusion reduces .

    当激光器上升沿变陡时,在有效作用时间内温度上升得更快,对加工区域周围 效应的影响明显减弱,而 扩散距离变小。

  • First single As-doped ZnO micro-comb p-n homojunction were made by thermal diffusion method .


  • Description of energy flux on thermal diffusion and transport in underground thermal energy storage

    地下蓄能 扩散和传输的能流通量描述

  • Specific heat volum heat conductivity thermal diffusion ratio and linear expansion coefficient were tested .

    测试了沥青炭试样的比热容、导热系数、 扩散率和线膨胀系数。

  • The influence of thermal diffusion on metastable copper density and the ambipolar diffusion on electron density is quantitatively analyzed .

    定量地给出了粒子 扩散项对铜亚稳态粒子密度及电子的双极扩散对电子密度的影响。

  • The construction and principle of transient automatic measurement apparatus for measuring materials ' thermal physics properties are introduced . The apparatus is applied to measure the thermal diffusion coefficient and thermal conductivity of materials by pulse method .

    简述了热物理性质瞬态自动测量仪的结构和原理,应用该仪器采用脉冲法测量了材料的 扩散系数和热导率。

  • On the base of the copper vapor laser kinetic model the thermal diffusion coefficient for the metastable copper species and the ambipolar diffusion coefficient for electrons are analyzed .

    结合铜蒸气激光器动力学模型对铜蒸气激光器动力学过程中的铜亚稳态粒子 扩散去激发及带电粒子双极扩散进行了分析。

  • The effect of diffusion thermal diffusion and chemical reaction in ion - beam mixing

    离子束混合中的扩散、 扩散与化学反应效应

  • Mathematical Simulation for Thermal Diffusion Process of the Power Plant Cooling Water in the Lake and Reservoir

    电厂冷却水在湖泊和水库中 扩散过程的数学模拟

  • Effect of Thermal Diffusion Treatment on the Composition and Properties of Hot-Dip Aluminizing Coating on TiAl Alloy

    TiAl合金热浸镀铝及 扩散处理后的镀层结构

  • The study was conducted to investigate the effect of thermal diffusion on moisture transfer .

    首次通过试验测定了在较短时间作用下,木材 内热 扩散效应对水分迁移的影响。

  • Research on Thermal Diffusion of Aluminum Coating on Magnesium Alloy Based on Surface Nano-crystallization

    基于表面纳米化的镁合金表面铝涂层 扩散研究