thermal effect

[ˈθɚməl ɪˈfɛkt][ˈθə:məl iˈfekt]


  • Thermal Effect of Plasma Limiter Induced by High Power Microwave

    高功率微波对等离子体限幅器 加热 效应分析土星低能 等离子体

  • A four-dimension simulation code is developed which enables us to study the thermal effect of high-power lasers propagating through a beam control system .

    编制了四维仿真程序,用以研究光束控制系统中的 应对强激光传输的 影响

  • The Research on Thermal Effect of LD Pumped Rod and Thin-Disk Laser Crystal

    LD泵浦的棒状和薄片状激光介质 效应研究

  • Influence of the Third Thermal Boundary Condition on the Thermal Effect of Laser Crystal

    第三类热边界条件对激光晶体 效应的影响

  • Optical System Thermal effect Analysis and Athermal Design

    光学系统 温度 效应分析和无热化设计

  • It is shown that the thermal effect decreases the peak intensity and beam focusability in the far field .

    结果表明: 效应使远场光束的峰值光强和可聚焦能力下降。

  • Less power loss and minimum thermal effect to peripheral components .

    功率损耗低,对周边设备的 影响低。

  • Investigation on the Thermal Effect in BBO Crystal by Low-power Pumped Frequency Doubling

    低功率抽运下BBO晶体倍频过程中 效应的研究

  • Theoretical and Experimental Study on Thermal Effect of LD End-pumped Nd : KGW Laser

    LD端面泵浦Nd:KGW激光器 效应的理论与实验研究

  • The rigid-flexible dynamics of a flexible plate considering thermal effect was investigated .

    研究考虑 效应的柔性板的刚-柔耦合动力学规律。

  • The Feature of Thermal Effect of CO_2 Laser on Dog Glottic Mucous Membrane

    CO2激光对狗声门区粘膜 效应的特点

  • The time response characteristics of negative nonlinear intercalation photoswitch are discussed based on the photo induced thermal effect .

    根据光致 效应讨论了负非线性夹层式光开关的时间响应特性。

  • Investigation of the Magneto Thermal Effect in La-Fe-Si Compound

    La-Fe-Si化合物磁 效应的研究

  • Thermal Effect of Radiation of High-Temperature Engine on Docking Mechanism at Space Station Tail

    变轨高温发动机 辐射对空间站尾部对接机构的 影响

  • Influence of Thermal Effect on Magnetic Head / Disk of Gas Thin Film Lubrication

    硬盘/磁头薄膜气体润滑中 效应影响分析

  • The general solution for plane strain problems in decagonal quasicrystals accounting for thermal effect is derived .

    推导了当考虑 效应时十次对称二维准晶体平面应变问题的通解表示。

  • Research on Thermal Effect of Asphalt Pavement Combustion in Long Tunnel Fires

    长隧道火灾中沥青路面燃烧的 效应研究

  • Experimental Study of Overcoming Laser Rod ′ s Thermal Effect with Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugation Mirror

    利用受激布里渊散射相位共轭镜克服激光棒 效应的实验研究

  • Design of Z type all-solid-state green laser insensitive to thermal effect


  • Numerical Analysis and Experimental Research on Laser induced Thermal Effect in Bio-tissues

    激光照射下生物组织 效应的数值分析与实验研究

  • Simulation of Plume Thermal Effect on Spacecraft Sensitive Devices

    航天器发动机羽流对敏感器 效应仿真研究

  • Utilizing a new truncated gaussian beam maximum smoothness and minimal thermal effect are the goals .

    最终的目标是利用一种新的缩短了的高斯电波,最平滑和最少 效应

  • Water swelling and drying shrinkage due to moisture change is the expansive soil 's characteristic which is similar to the thermal effect of material .

    含水率变化时膨胀土体积会产生吸水膨胀或失水收缩,这与 温度 变化时一般材料的 反应相似。

  • Investigation on Thermal Effect of Daytime Insolation and Night Radiative Cooling of Building Materials

    建筑材料日间曝晒和夜间辐射 冷热 效果的研究

  • The conclusion has provided a theoretical direction for the improvement of the stability of lasers and the study of the thermal effect of crystals .

    这一结论为提高激光器的稳定性、研究晶体的 效应提供了理论依据。

  • Thermal Effect on the Mechanical Behavior of Lead-Rubber Bearing

    橡胶铅芯隔震支座力学性能的 温度 效应研究

  • Analysis on Eddy Current Thermal Effect of the Rigid Conductive Thin Plate Under Multi-pulse Magnetic Field

    多脉冲磁场下刚性导电薄板涡电流 效应分析

  • Based on results of numerical simulation and requirements of the system on thermal effect and aperture a reference size for applicable slab was given .

    根据数值模拟结果及系统对 效应和通光孔径的要求,给出了实际应用板条的参考尺寸。

  • Preparation of TiO_2 / Natural Rubber Composite Material and Study on Its Thermal Effect Dynamics

    TiO2/天然橡胶复合材料的制备及 效应动力学研究

  • We propose a unified time scale algorithm for thermal effect of MESFET under irradiation of high power electromagnetic pulses .

    提出高功率电磁脉冲作用下MESFET 效应分析的时间尺度统一算法。