thermal expansion

[ˈθɚməl ɪkˈspænʃən][ˈθə:məl iksˈpænʃən]


  • ( trademark ) an alloy of iron and nickel having a low coefficient of thermal expansion ; used in tuning forks and measuring tapes and other instruments .

    (商标)一种铁和镍的合金, 热胀系数低,用于音叉、卷尺和其他工具。

  • Two methods are established to predict the thermal expansion coefficient of Unidirectional composite based on micro-mechanics .

    基于细观力学方法建立了两种预测单向复合材料的 膨胀系数的方法。

  • This thermal expansion particularly in liquids can create very large and dangerous pressures in equipment .

    这种 膨胀,特别是液体,对设备来说产生的压力既大又危险。

  • Asexamples the thermal expansion coefficients of two kinds of materials are predicted .

    利用该方法预测了空心材料和单向纤维复合材料的 膨胀系数。

  • Testing method for linear thermal expansion coefficient of plastics by thermomechanical analysis

    热力学分析塑料线 膨胀系数试验方法

  • In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE ) .

    相较于金属和热塑材料,什么材料具有更高的 膨胀系数(CTE)?

  • Effect of Quenching Treatment on Thermal Expansion Characteristics of Cu-Al Alloy

    淬火处理对Cu-Al合金 膨胀性能的影响

  • The thermal expansion coefficient of fluosilicate glass-ceramics is mainly affected by the crystal phases and their amount .

    氟硅酸盐微晶玻璃的 膨胀性能主要取决于微晶玻璃的晶相组成及其相对含量。

  • The Effects of Talc Particle Size on Properties and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of PVC / Talc Composites

    滑石粉粒径对PVC/滑石粉复合材料力学性能和 膨胀系数的影响

  • Colourless optical glass test methods & Linear thermal expansion coefficient and transformation temperature

    GB/T7962.16-1987无色光学玻璃测试方法线 膨胀系数和转变温度测试方法

  • Designed to complete the composite coefficient of thermal expansion of the calculation and prediction functions .

    设计完成对复合材料的 膨胀系数的计算和预测功能。

  • The thermal expansion law of matrix-modified C / C composites under high temperatures is studied .

    对基体改性前后C/C复合材料在高温下的 膨胀系数随温度的变化规律进行了研究。

  • Taking limestone for research objects the thermal expansion property is studied under high temperature ;

    以石灰岩为研究对象,对其在高温作用下的 膨胀特性进行了试验研究。

  • Analysis of Thermal Expansion Stress and Temperature Difference Stress for BOF Shell

    转炉炉壳 膨胀应力和温度差应力的分析

  • Position seating eliminates stress and potential binding due to thermal expansion of the stem .

    定位阀座消除了由于阀杆的 膨胀导致的应力和可能的弯曲。

  • An equation about the relation between volume thermal expansion coefficient and volume temperature is presented .

    膨胀的关于 膨胀的或有 膨胀特征的本论文推导了一个体积 膨胀系数与体积和温度间的关系式。

  • Dilatometer : an instrument used to measure thermal expansion and dilation in solids and liquids .

    膨胀计:用于测量固体液体中 膨胀与扩张的仪器。

  • The sintering temperature and thermal expansion coefficient of the LSGM sample were determined using dilatometer .

    用热膨胀仪确定了LSGM的烧结温度及 膨胀系数。

  • The principle of the strain gauge technique for thermal expansion measurement was systematically investigated .

    详细地探讨了应变片法测量 材料 线 膨胀 系数的原理。

  • Upon heating the zeolite the normal siloxane linkage would also experience strain due to thermal expansion .

    当加热沸石时,由于 膨胀作用,正常的硅氧烷键也会存在张力。

  • A negative thermal expansion material of yttrium tungstate was synthesized by rapid solidification with a CO2 laser .

    用二氧化碳激光快速凝固技术合成了负 膨胀材料钨酸钇。

  • High degree of expansion when heated ( high thermal expansion ) .

    高度扩展受热时(高的 膨胀)。

  • External balanced thermal expansion valve works is based on the basis of force balance .

    外平衡势 热力 帐阀的工作原理是建立在力平衡的基础上。

  • The results show that the thinner crystal nano-wire has a larger thermal expansion coefficient .

    研究结果表明,纳米晶体线越细,其 膨胀系数越大。

  • Similar thermal expansion coefficients of coating and steel structure good resistance to thermal change .

    涂层与钢结构 膨胀系数很相近,耐冷热变化好。

  • This paper reviews the research progress of rapid thermal response composite materials with high thermal conductivity and composite materials with controllable coefficient of thermal expansion .

    综述了高导热系数的快速热响应复合材料及可控 膨胀系数复合材料的研究进展,并介绍了 适应复合材料在电子 器件 散热领域的应用。

  • The relationship between the geometrical body parameter and the thermal expansion coefficient is analyzed through theoretical discussion and experiments .

    通过理论及实验初步分析了形体参数 膨胀系数与 膨胀系数的关系;

  • Influence of Heating Times and Plastic Deformation on Materials ' Thermal Expansion Coefficient

    加热与塑性变形对材料 膨胀系数的影响

  • Accuracy : dimensional stability low mold shrinkage low thermal expansion rate .

    精确度:尺寸稳定性极佳,模塑收缩率低, 膨胀率低。