


  • Experimental study on the thermoelectric conversion characteristics based on Methane Combustion

    基于甲烷燃烧的 热电转换特性实验研究

  • Progress in research of metal oxide thermoelectric materials

    三类金属氧化物 热电材料的研究进展

  • Temperature differences between the body and the ambient air mean that thermoelectric couples can generate useful quantities of juice .

    人体与外部环境的 温差意味着热电偶能够产生一定数量能量。

  • The Application of Nanotechnology to High Efficient Thermoelectric Materials APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN MODIFICATION OF POLYMER

    纳米技术在高效 温差 材料中的应用纳米技术在高分子材料改性中的应用

  • Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of n-type Mg_2 ( Si / Sn ) Based Compounds

    n型Mg2(Si/Sn)基 热电化合物的制备与 热电性能研究

  • Performance Optimization of Thermoelectric Generator under Maximum Power and Efficiency Conditions

    最大功率和效率条件下的 热电 器件性能优化大功率, 豪华,高效率

  • The properties of thermoelectric materials are closely related to temperature .


  • Each connection point to the test contact can create thermoelectric EMFs ;

    被测接点上的每个连接点都可能产生 热电动势。

  • The effects of preparation methods and temperature on the thermoelectric properties were discussed .

    讨论制备方法和温度对 热电性能的影响。

  • Thermoelectric generator ( thermoelectric battery ) is another important application of thermoelectric technology .

    温差 电器(温差电池)是热电技术的另一重要应用。

  • A thermometer that uses thermoelectric current to measure temperature .

    通过 热电流来测量温度的温度计。

  • Alloying and Compositing of Mg_2 ( Si Sn ) Based Thermoelectric Materials

    Mg2(Si,Sn)基 热电材料的合金化和复合化研究

  • First-Principles Study of Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Power of Na_xCoO_2 System

    NaxCoO2体系电子结构和 热电性质的第一性原理研究

  • The thermoelectric convertor makes use of this differential to generate an electric current .


  • It used thermoelectric cooling modules for cooling and a thin film heater for heating and adopted SCM for temperature control .

    采用 温差 致冷组件和薄膜加热片作为致冷 热的中心部件,用单片机进行精确控温。

  • Latching relays use a pulse of current to actuate them so they have very low thermoelectric drift .

    闭锁继电器采用了一个电流脉冲进行激励,因此其 热电漂移非常小。

  • The preparation of multicomponent alloy can optimize material compositions and improve thermoelectric properties .

    制备多元合金可以优化材料的成分,提高 材料 热电性能。

  • This paper deals with method of soldering thermoelectric cooler with metal dewar of infrared detector .

    本文论述了四级微型 半导体 冷器与红外探测器金属杜瓦瓶的钎焊方法。

  • The measurer in-crease the system precision by distribute ten section for linear the not linear between temperature and thermoelectric .

    采用分段(每十度分段)对温度一 热电 间非线性关系的线性化,提高了系统的测温精度。

  • A thermoelectric refrigerator with a water-cooled hot side was designed and constructed .

    研究了水冷式 半导体冷藏箱冷端和热端传热对冷藏箱性能的影响。

  • The survey development and application foreground of solar thermoelectric and photovoltaic energy technology are given and the study of solar hybrid generator system are present .

    本文综述了太阳能发电的发展概况、研究动态及应用前景,并在此基础上对太阳能 热电 发电 器件、光电 电器 热电&光电复合发电系统进行了研究。

  • In this paper the heat transport characteristics such as the phonon spectrum the group velocity and the thermal conductivity of the semiconductor superlattice thermoelectric materials were studied .

    本文研究了半导体超晶格 热电材料的声子谱、群速度和热导率等热输运问题,重点通过对声学声子群速度特性的研究来理解超晶格材料的导热性质。

  • And thermoelectric devices could be used in other areas .

    同理,在 发电 烟囱上安装 热电装置,就可以 收集更多的 能量,从而 更多的电。

  • In order to reduce power consumption of uncooled infrared focal plane arrays the readout circuit of temperature stabilizer eliminated thermoelectric coolers ( TEC ) was studied .

    为了降低非制冷红外焦平面阵列的功耗,研究了去除 热电制冷器(TEC)等温度稳定装置的读出电路。

  • Study on thermoelectric refrigeration and thermal comfort

    小型 热电装置制冷特性及人体热舒适性研究

  • Nuclear energy thermoelectric generators are proposed as power sources for the solar system deep space explorers .

    有人建议将核能 温差电池用作太阳系统远程空间探测仪的能源。

  • An temperature control system for fabrication of plastic chips which is based on thermoelectric module for heating and cooling was designed ;

    本文采用 半导体 热电 致冷 ,设计了适合塑料芯片制作的温度控制装置;

  • For uncooled focal plane array pixel maintain a steady temperature can improve the precision temperature control system based on ADN8830 single-chip thermoelectric cooler controller is designed .

    本文针对非制冷焦平面阵列像元温度保持恒定可以提高测试精度的问题,提出了基于ADN8830单芯片 热电制冷器控制器的温控系统设计。

  • It is the key problem to fully improve the thermoelectric figure of merit .

    如何最大限度地提高 材料 热电优值是 当今 热电 材料研究的主要问题。

  • The performance of the thermoelectric heat pump low-temperature water heater was investigated under various operating conditions .

    对一 空气源 热电热泵低温热水装置在不同工作条件下的性能进行了实验研究。