thermodynamic state

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk stet][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik steit]


  • Statistical parameter of thermodynamic equation of state

    热力学 物态方程参数的统计力学表示

  • Their growth mechanism could be attributed to the substrate-induced oriental nucleation and fast growth under thermodynamic equilibrium state .

    其生长过程可以概括为衬底诱导的趋向氧化锌晶核在 平衡 状态下的快速生长。

  • A star is an open system which is far away from thermodynamic equilibrium state .

    剧烈进行着 热核 反应的恒星是一个远离平衡 的开放系统。

  • The latter is characterized by a dimensionless parameter the approaching ratio which describes the thermodynamic state of the membrane-forming system and the quality of the solvent mixture .

    邻近比可以表征铸膜液的 热力学 状态和混合溶剂的质量。

  • Numerical Calculation of Moist Air Parameters of Thermodynamic State in Low-temperature Environment

    低温环境下 湿空气 状态参数的数值计算

  • Limit Thermodynamic State in the High Pressur Oxygen Bomb

    高压氧弹内 热力学极限 状态

  • In-cylinder thermodynamic state dominates the ignition and combustion process of the HCCI gasoline engine .

    缸内 热力学 状态对汽油机HCCI着火及燃烧过程有着决定性的影响。

  • There are considerable sensitivity and accordance between the evolution of the form of the thermodynamic state function profiles and the occurrences as well as development of weather process ;


  • Based on the assumption that the plasma in the local thermodynamic equilibrium state and combining the Saha ionization of air plasma equilibrium equation we calculated the equilibrium composition and continuous spectrum of air plasma radiation .

    在理论上,基于局域 热力学平衡 下的等离子体发射光谱理论,并结合空气等离子体Saha电离平衡方程,计算了空气等离子体中的平衡组分和连续光谱。

  • In order to get rid of these shortcomings a new detonation model named as conjugate detonation model has been established in which thermodynamic equilibrium state is taken as the final state of detonation process .

    为克服这些缺点,取 热力学平衡 作为爆轰过程终点,建立了一种新的共轭爆轰模型。

  • The given grouping features of thermodynamic state function profiles have certain signatures and indications of weather characteristics .


  • A Research on the Calculation Method of the Numerical Value of the Parameters of Vapour in Thermodynamic State

    水蒸汽 热力 状态参数数值计算方法的研究

  • Set forth the concept of State Function Square and the Maxwell Square bring forward the method of memorize the thermodynamic relations use the State Function Square and the Maxwell Square .

    本文提出了状态函数正方形和Maxwell正方形的概念,提出了使用 状态函数正方形和Maxwell正方形记忆 热力学关系式方法。

  • By way of the chemical thermodynamic state function and based on the Van Der Waals ' gas state equation and the relational expression of specific heat at constant pressure the relational expression of specific heat of real gas at constant volume in the oxygen bomb is inferred .

    采用化学 热力学 状态函数法,根据真实气体范德华状态方程式和气体恒压比热关系式,导出了氧弹内真实气体的恒容比热关系式。

  • Ab initio simulation on thermodynamic equation of state of fcc aluminum under high temperature and pressure

    从头算方法研究面心立方铝在高温高压下的 热力学 状态方程

  • The following graph is the chart of the solder thermodynamic state .

    下图是焊锡 平衡 状态图。

  • The thermodynamic state of supercritical pressue medium is analyzed and the transmission pipeline for supercritical pressure water is designed and a thermomechanical analysis is made .

    分析了超临界压力介质 热力学 状态,并对超临界压力水输送管道进行了设计和热力分析。

  • By using azeotropic distillation method to separate water from PGME and calculating with UNIFAC thermodynamic equation as state equation the process simulation is conducted and corresponding technological coefficients are worked out .

    采用恒沸精馏方法来分离水和丙二醇单甲醚,并以UNIFAC 热力学方程作为 性计算方法进行了全流程模拟计算。

  • However the principle of least entropy production shows that the irreversible process inside a system is weakest at the final state of an open system far from the thermodynamic equilibrium state .

    而最小熵产生原理表明,远离 热力学平衡 的开放系其终态时系统内部的不可逆过程最弱。

  • New Abstract Model for Thermodynamic State Parameters and Processes

    一种新 状态参数及过程的抽象模型

  • It is this high pressure and high temperature that subject the amorphous carbon to a stable thermodynamic state of diamond in a small area .

    正是这个压强和高温使小范围内的非晶碳处于金刚石稳定的 热力学 状态

  • A thermodynamic cycle was used to calculate in solvent X a proton transfer process which refers to an initial gaseous thermodynamic state i.e. δΔ P I g → X .

    用一个热力学循环计算了在从气相初始 状态到混合溶剂某一组成X时该质子迁移过程的 热力学函数的变化,即δΔPig→X。

  • Based on the calculation method given in Reference 1 w_444 for hydrocarbon gas thermodynamic properties the author has calculated the thermodynamic state parameters .

    本文依据文献〔1〕给出的烃燃气热力性质计算方法,计算了 热力学 状态参数。

  • By comparing the slope of self convertion of spin it is discovered that the ferromgnetism crystal system has three kinds of possibilities of the thermodynamic state .

    对铁磁晶体自旋自洽条件用斜率比较法分析发现,整个铁磁晶体系统无论有无外场的作用,只有三种可能的 热力学 状态

  • Thermodynamic state of critical fluids and critical properties calculation

    流体临界 状态 热力学 性质及临界性质的计算

  • With this kind of model the software used in thermal power engineering and refrigeration engineering for computing thermodynamic parameters of state and processes can be easily reused and enhanced .

    这种模型的应用可以使得热能动力工程和制冷工程设计中的 状态参数和 热力过程计算软件的重复使用问题得到简化。

  • Thermodynamic Analysis of Steady State Heat Transfer between Condensation and Forced Convection

    在冷凝与强制对流之间 稳态换热的 热力学分析

  • The phase simulation results are well explained by using the Kelvin equation of the thermodynamic metastable state and new phase formation theory .

    并利用 热力学稳态和新相生成理论中的开尔文(Kelvin)方程对其相态模拟计算结果作出了满意的解释。

  • A thermodynamic equation of state ( EOS ) for uncharged microemulsion system is established by combining the modified Carnahan Starling equation and Hamaker equation which describes the attractive interaction between droplets . By using this EOS phase equilibrium properties of uncharged microemulsion systems are studied .

    基于液滴变形模型,结合改进的 CarnahanStarling方程和适用于描述液滴吸引作用的Hamaker方程建立了一个微乳液体系的 状态方程。