wood engraving

[wʊd ɛnˈɡrevɪŋ][wud enˈgreɪvɪŋ]


  • Therefore the review and research of the Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture are very necessary and important in present time .

    因此,我们今天对杨柳 青木版年画的回顾和学习是十分必要的。

  • Door auxiliary materials : wood laminate wood engraving polymer materials sealing materials etc. ;

    门业辅助材料:木皮、 木塑、高分子材料、密封材料、等 门业新材料;

  • This article discusses a dialectical point of view of the black-and-white Chinese painting and wood engraving of the cross-cutting nature of the relationship between black and white .

    本文以辨证的观点论述中国画的黑白与 木版 黑白的交叉性关系。

  • Of Chinese painting and wood engraving study on the relationship between black and white cross is a further understanding of black-and-white art .

    对中国画与 木版 黑白交叉关系的研究,是对黑白艺术的再认识。

  • The new woodblock printing was influenced by both traditional Chinese wood engraving skills and Western woodblock printing styles and used more realistic methods to show actual life .

    新兴版画不仅以传统的 木刻为基础,而且,也受到西方创作版画的影响, 采用现实主义的创作方法和比较写实的手法,表现现实生活。

  • Sothern Fujian wood engraving painting has a very long history which is an important historical style among lots of various New Year drawings .

    福建闽南 木版年画历史悠久,是我国众多年画品种中一个重要的风格类型。

  • The experience of the cultural and aesthetic revealed by formation and evolution of the Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture is a historical treasures and more creative latitude reference system for latecomers .

    它的产生及其发展历程所揭示的文化与审美经验和 艺术价值,对于后来者 无异于丰厚的历史宝藏和多纬度的创作参照体系。

  • Divided into two parts : 1the practice of popularization of literature and art . Huang Yongyu actively use wood engraving illustrations of books .

    分为二小节:1.对文艺大众化的践行。黄永玉积极运用 木刻 刻制大量的书籍插图。

  • Besides the Taohuawu wood engraving Spring Festival pictures also enjoy great reputation .

    此外,桃花坞的 木刻年画也享有盛名。

  • Wood engraving new-year painting is a gold in the art mine .


  • But the study of artistic value and cultural implications of Yangliuqing Wood Engraving Picture is a subject that is less researched by other people .

    而本文对杨柳 青木版年画艺术价值及文化意蕴的研究也是木版年画研究领域较少涉足的课题。

  • Wood Engraving Picture is the Chinese traditional folk arts generally created by folk artists which has the strongly local breath the widely subject the rich folk implication many lucky ideas and thebest wishes of people .


  • Has attracted many artists to join the creation of wood engraving .

    一直以来吸引着无数画家投身 木版 的创作。

  • The art of wood engraving has a unique charm woodcut art of language presented by the knife style and wood mark has a blade version of the direct touching beauty .

    木刻 版画有着自己独特的艺术魅力,木版画艺术语言所呈现出的刀味和木痕有着刀与版相触的直接美感。

  • To print from a wood engraving .


  • Black and white wood engraving is a unique feature of the plain language of symbols strength of character straightforward flat decorative abstract and modern aesthetics have had a resonance .

    正是黑白 木版 特有的语言符号特征的朴素,直率的坚强个性,平面装饰性、抽象性、与现代人的审美观产生了共鸣。

  • Established in the Qing Dynasty and passed down for four generations Shunxing Qiji is a representative workshop producing wood engraving pictures with delicate craftsmanship in Gaomi Shandong .

    山东高密“顺兴齐记”作坊是清代创立并经过四代人传承下来的年画作坊,是 高密木 年画的典型代表。

  • This topic will combine the individual in writing in a variety of experience trying to study wood engraving on the performance of elements of visual language and emotional relationship .

    本课题将结合个人在创作中的各种体验,试图研究关于 木版 视觉语言要素的表现性与情感的关系。

  • When the Enhe pasture established the living standard enhances . With the special climatic conditions it caused the wood engraving replace thoroughly the cellar .

    恩和牧场成立,生活水平提高,还有特殊的气候条件,导致 木刻楞彻底代替了地窨子。

  • Finally the wood engraving new-year paintings from China combining with the development status of national policies and guidelines and the actual situation of beaches pictures combine pictures and hopes to protect fulfill beaches bit .

    最后从中国 木版年画的发展状况,与滩头年画的实际情况相结合,笔者希望对滩头年画的保护和后续发展尽到绵薄之力。

  • Speaking of Chinese painting and engraving on wood can not be separated from black and white black and white wood engraving art language is the soul of the Chinese ink painting aesthetic culture .

    说到中国画与木版画就离不开黑与白,黑白艺术语言是 木版 的灵魂,是中国画的笔墨美学文化的基础。

  • Chinese painting in black and white wood engraving and the art of perfecting the system has the performance of methods and techniques .

    黑白在中国画与 木版 艺术中都有完善系统的表现方法和技巧。

  • Broad and elegant arrangement plus cherry wooden material solid wood engraving and golden manual painting show an outstanding nature and royal demeanor .

    宽广大气的布局,加上樱桃木色的厨柜材料、 实木 雕刻及手工描金点缀,卓尔不群,一派沉稳贵重的王者之气。

  • The Lastly by Huizhou woodcarving and the comparison of a variety of art forms such as the Han dynasty stone wood engraving drama fiction makes the Huizhou woodcarving art characteristics clearer .

    4通过徽州木雕与多种艺术形式的比较,如汉代画像石、 版画、戏曲、小说,使得徽州木雕的艺术特点更加清晰。

  • Analysis on the Differences between Zhangzhou Wood Engraving and Japanese Ukiyoe

    试论漳州 木版 年画与日本浮世绘的异同

  • Application of Figures of Foshan 's Wood Engraving Picture in Visual Communication

    佛山 木版年画图形在视觉传达 创意中的运用

  • Meanwhile I also try to find a way for traditional visual art to develop by specific study on wood engraving new-year painting arts .

    同时,也试图通过对晋南民间 木版年画艺术的专题研究为传统视觉艺术的发展找到一个方向。