


  • Still in my heart retain their wonted place .

    依然 盘桓在它们 的心田。

  • He replied sharply and without his wonted courtesy .

    他尖刻地作了回答,而且没有 往常的谦恭。

  • Legislation upon this subject may not be necessary now or even advisable but it will be when the civil law is more fully restored in all parts of the country and trade resumes its wonted channels .

    也许我们现在没有必要,也不适宜采取立法来完成这一计划。但是,当全国更全面地恢复实施民法,当贸易恢复 常规时,就必须 采取 立法手段了。

  • His voice still held a remnant of its wonted cool drawl but beneath the words she could feel violence fighting its way to the surface violence as cruel as the crack of a whip .

    他的声音仍然保持着一 往常 那样冷静而缓慢的调子,但是她能感觉到 里面 尽力 压抑 的那股凶暴劲儿, 股像抽响的鞭子一样残忍的劲儿。

  • With his wonted collected and stately mien he crossed the unhallowed threshold .

    平时 那种 泰然自若的庄严态度,跨过那个污浊的门槛。

  • The cat was in its wonted place by the stove .

    猫在炉 旁边 习以为常的地方。

  • His accustomed thoroughness ; took his customary morning walk ; his habitual comment ; with her wonted candor .

    他经常性的 之举;在早晨习惯性的散步;他通常的意见;以她 习惯 的坦白。

  • He took his wonted walk round the park .

    惯例公园 散步

  • But the well-bred artificial smile when he bent upon the guests had its wonted steely suavity .

    但是他 着腰向宾客 招呼 那种彬彬有礼、故意装成的笑容里,却仍然具有它 平时 那种沉着的殷勤。

  • He took his wonted place in the reading room .

    他坐在阅览室他 习以为常的位置。

  • I only walk our wonted road .

    我只行我们 走的路。

  • For once he was wrenched out of his wonted calm .

    这一次,他 陡然失去了惯常的宁静 态度