wiring installation

[ˈwaɪrɪŋ ˌɪnstəˈleʃən][ˈwaɪərɪŋ ˌɪnstəˈleiʃən]


  • But the traditional wired patrol system has some shortcomings for instance the various site inspections needs integrated wiring heavy and complex workload and has low reliability and high installation and maintenance cost .

    但是巡更管理系统中传统的有线巡更系统有一定的缺陷,需对各个巡查地点进行综合 布线,工作量大并且复杂,可靠性低,且 安装和维护花费成本高。

  • Countering the problems existing in the distributed control system of railcar such as the condition of excessive and distributed driving motor many information exchange complex wiring and inconvenient installation and debugging a distributed control system about the multi-motor based on CAN bus is designed .

    针对轨道车辆分布式控制系统中驱动电机多而分散、系统信息量大、 布线复杂、调试不方便等特点,设计了一种基于CAN总线技术的多电机分布式控制系统。

  • Demonstration on Relations of Main Electrical Wiring to Installation of Circuit Breakers at Generator Outlet

    论电气主 接线 发电机出口断路器的关系

  • The wiring installation is complex and the engineering cost is high .

    它存在的 缺点有: 工程 布线麻烦、费用高;

  • Discussion on distribution box installation and wiring Effects of Different Installation and Wiring for Circuit Breaker

    浅谈电气配电箱的 安装 接线

  • Using human wiring devices easy installation maintenance and repair .

    采用人性化 接线装置,方便 安装、维护和检修。

  • The wiring principle of an anti-ferromagnetic resonance voltage transformer is presented and the problems in use are analyzed . The key points and measure methods for its wiring in installation and acceptance of commissioning are raised .

    介绍和分析了抗铁磁谐振电压互感器的接线原理和使用中容易出现的问题,并针对其 安装 接线和验收投运提出了注意要点和测试方法。

  • No wiring is required for installation .

    安装中没有 电线

  • Cable techniques are used in most traditional solution schemes of smart home system but there are many disadvantages such as the needs of wiring high installation cost etc. In recent years the short-range wireless communication technology has been rapidly developed .

    传统的智能家居系统解决方案大都采用有线技术,存在需要 布线安装费用高等缺点。

  • Flight test vehicles require a certain degree of wiring and installation modification to accommodate flight test equipment . TSK produces test systems and adaptation units for wire harness inspection .

    飞行试验机需要一定程度的 配线 安装改动来适应飞行测试设备。我司为汽车行业提供检测成型线?的测试和适配系统。

  • For electrical wiring and maintenance servicing please refer to internal wiring rules in the electrical installation technical standards as well as user 's guidelines for electrical installations for explosive gas atmospheres in general industry published in1994 .

    对于电线及维修服务,请参照电气 安装技术标准中的“内部 配线规定”及“一般工业爆炸性气体环境下电气安装的用户指南”,1994年出版。

  • Mainly from three aspects of the wiring installation of the computer room the rapid erection of the software and the checking and clearing of the faults this paper probes into the management and maintenance of the computer room .

    主要从机房 布线、软件快速安装、局域网故障排查3个方面探讨了计算机机房的管理与维护问题。

  • Centralized protection has simplified Traction substation Secondary wiring realized real time data sharing avoided repeated configuration of hardware and reduced the space needed for the installation of protection devices and equipments .

    集中式保护简化了牵引变电所二次 接线、实现了全所数据的实时共享、避免了硬件重复配置、减少了 安装保护装置及设备所需的空间。

  • If you lack the necessary skills required to properly install the electrical wiring to this water heater do not proceed but have a qualified electrician perform the installation .

    如果您不具备正确安装本热水器电气 线路的基本技能,请停止安装,而是请有资格认证的电工来从事 安装工作。

  • But the electronic devices ' abundant application leads to complex wiring inadequate installation space lower operation reliability and difficult repair .

    电子设备的大量应用必然导致 车身 布线庞大而且复杂, 安装空间紧缺,运行可靠性降低,故障维修难度增大。

  • All wiring shall comply with local installation requirements .

    所有 接线均应符合本地 安装要求。

  • This paper has discussed mainly according to the actual wiring on-the-spot and the equipment temporary change of operating mode run mode how to change the way of putting in protecting movement time limit as well as automatic installation normally under run mode .

    本文主要讨论了如何根据现场实际 接线及设备工况临时改变运行方式,并在非正常运行方式下如何变更保护动作时限以及自动 装置的投入方式。

  • The traditional wiring is accomplished by simulative installation based on physical prototype with flexible string instead of cables and adhesive plaster instead of supports . The serial method of design is inefficient and expensive .

    传统的 手工 布线多采用柔性线缆代替真实线缆,胶布代替卡箍 线 ,对 装备物理样机进行模 试验,这种串行设计的方法效率低,成本高。

  • The GPRS wireless network technology adapt to a small amount of data transmission volume because of no wiring 、 using the easy installation 、 low cost 、 no constraints control from distance 、 geography and time . So it used widely in remote areas of the wireless meter reading .

    而GPRS无线网络技术由于无需 布线、使用 安装方便、成本低、监控不受距离、地域、时间的限制,适合批量小数据量的传输,所以广泛的用于远程的无线抄表领域。