


  • Based on the references reported the methodologies zoogeography ecology and environmental biology on the soil protozoan studies have been reviewed in the paper .

    根据国内外文献报道,对土壤原生动物研究的方法学、 动物 地理学、生态学以及土壤环境生物学等多个方面进行了综述。

  • Methods Entomological taxonomy and zoogeography principles and Methods were used in this study .

    方法采用昆虫分类学和 动物 地理学原理与方法。

  • The discovery of Renzidong fauna is of great help for the study of the environmental background to the hominid evolution and the evolution of zoogeography and paleoclimate of China in the Quaternary .

    人字洞动物群的发现为研究我国第四纪早期动物群的特征和 动物地理区系 演化及古气候环境变迁提供了重要的信息。

  • A preliminary study of the zoogeography of the Gobioid fishes of China

    中国(鱼叚)虎鱼类 动物 地理学的初步研究

  • Regionalism of the Devonian brachiopod zoogeography in the Northwest China

    西北地区泥盆纪 腕足动物 地理分区

  • Zoogeography and Conservation Priority of Hard-shelled Freshwater Turtles on Hainan Island

    海南岛淡水龟类 特点及保护优先性分析

  • Fauna and Zoogeography of Terrestrial Mollusca in Guizhou Province China

    贵州陆生贝类区系及 动物 地理 区划