wire tip

[waɪr tɪp][ˈwaiə tip]


  • In the structure design a giant steel wire rolls track bearing is used which can stand radial load axis load and tip torque at the same time .

    该设计方案中采用了能同时承受径向力、轴向力和 倾覆力矩的特大型 钢丝滚道轴承。

  • The position of tungsten weld groove and wire tip are very sensitive to thin stainless steel weld .

    对于不锈钢薄板焊接,焊接质量对钨极、焊缝及 位置等参数非常敏感。

  • The effect of tiny ball at wire tip on the successful rate of arc striking and the effect of the wire slow feeding on striking result are studied .

    研究了 焊丝小球对引弧成功率的影响;研究了慢送丝对引弧效果的影响;

  • When the hulling cylinder speed is 25 r / min the diameter of steel wire is 2.3 mm the clearance between steel wire tip and hulling cylinder is 50 mm the quality of walnut hulling is the best .

    在剥皮滚筒转速为25r/min,钢丝直径为2.3mm,物料入口处 钢丝 顶端与滚筒的间隙在50mm条件下,可获得较理想的作业质量。

  • A wire basket on the tip is inflated to touch the airway walls and radiofrequency waves are beamed through those wires .

    气管镜的 头部是一个膨大以接触气道的 金属蓝,无线电波通过通过这些金属线传送。

  • Considering the structure of welding tool the kinematic equations of the welding wire tip of this robot are obtained in the first time .

    考虑焊枪结构,首次建立了 SK6弧焊机器人焊枪 末端的运动学方程。

  • After the arc has been buried the arc column gas atmosphere is changed and the concentrated arc on the wire tip becomes a covered one which makes the droplets size smaller and the droplet transfer form change .

    潜弧后弧柱气氛改变, 焊丝 的弧根由集中形态扩展为覆盖整个 形态,使得熔滴尺寸变得细小,熔滴过渡形式发生变化。