


  • Determination of camphor menthol and wintergreen oil in Massage Lotion by programmed temperature GC

    按摩乳中樟脑、薄荷脑、 冬青油的程序升温气相色谱测定

  • Do not use Wintergreen if you suffer from acid reflux problems .

    如患有胃酸倒流的问题, 不宜使用。

  • Ingredients : Artemisias Artemisia Citronella Wintergreen Tea Tress Verbena Sea Salt Olive Oil Coconut Oil .

    成分:抹草、艾草、香茅、愈创木、茶树、 冬青、马鞭草、橄榄油、葵花油、椰子油。

  • Wintergreen was a snide little punk who enjoyed working at cross-purposes .


  • This paper studies on the technology of drawing wintergreen oil with solvent soaking method . The result obtained shows that : soaking 6 hours with solution of water and alcohol ( 2 ∶ 1 ) and then distilling the producing rate is to 3.18 % .

    对用溶剂浸泡 冬青 提取 冬青油( 水杨酸 甲酯)的工艺进行了探讨,结果表明在常温常压下用水∶乙醇体积比为2∶1的溶液浸取6h后再进行蒸馏,产率可达3.18%。

  • Tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder . oil or flavoring obtained from the creeping wintergreen or teaberry plant .

    卷进圆筒里的烟草叶。从匍匐生根的 鹿蹄草或冬青植物中提取出来的油或调味品。

  • Determining the Content of Camphor and Wintergreen oil in Musk Strong Bone Paste

    麝香壮骨膏中樟脑和 水杨酸 甲酯含量的测定

  • Generally all the investors which also included David winters of the wintergreen fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo & Gardner thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks than smaller or technology companies .

    总的来说,包括 冬青基金( WintergreenFund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自GardnerRusso&Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。

  • All were asked to chew gum in the morning but one group got a plain wintergreen placebo while the other chomped on gum laced with 200 milligrams of caffeine or about the same amount that 's in two cups of black coffee .

    实验人员要求他们早上嚼口香糖,但其中一组的口香糖中含有 冬青 安慰剂,而另一组的口香糖中则含有200克咖啡因,相当于两杯黑咖啡中咖啡因的含量。

  • The200-year-old brand is banking this new product on the popularity of the wintergreen flavor which is largest in the MST segment at40 percent he noted .

    他提到,这个200年的悠久品牌推出了畅销的 冬青口味,这个口味在湿鼻烟领域中所占份额最大,为40%。

  • Identification between Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever Featured Abdominal Pain and Surgical Acute Abdomen ; Abdominal Application of Wintergreen Oil and Massage for Children with Abdominal Pain due to Food Stagnation

    腹痛为主的流行性出血热与外科急腹症的鉴别 冬青油腹部按摩治疗小儿食滞腹痛疗效观察

  • A liquid ester with a strong odor of wintergreen ; applied externally for minor muscle and joint pain .

    带有 浓烈 鹿 气味的液体酯;外敷于小型肌肉和关节疼痛。

  • Processing of dehydrated dieffenbachia and pakchoi Abdominal Application of Wintergreen Oil and Massage for Children with Abdominal Pain due to Food Stagnation

    脱水蔬菜(万年青、油冬儿菜)加工方法 冬青油腹部按摩治疗小儿食滞腹痛疗效观察

  • The common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of pink-tinged white flowers ; Europe and North America .

    普通 冬青,有带有粉色白花的多花总状花序;欧洲和北美。

  • Oil of wintergreen is extracted from leaf of wintergreen

    从冬青叶中提取 冬青油的工艺探讨

  • All this time Snubby Nose sat up in his pink wrapper drinking tea out of a pink cup and eating pink wintergreen candy .

    在这一切发生的时候,翘鼻子穿着他的粉色晨衣坐起来,从粉色茶杯里喝着茶,吃着粉色的 薄荷糖。

  • Short-stemmed perennial herbs of cool or temperate regions : wintergreen ; shinleaf .

    多年生草本植物的一个属,短茎,产于气候温和凉爽地区; 鹿蹄草;鹿蹄草椭圆叶鹿蹄草。

  • Oil or flavoring obtained from the creeping wintergreen or teaberry plant .

    从匍匐生根的 鹿蹄草或冬青植物中提取出来的油或调味品。

  • Use Gas Phase Chromatogram Approach to determine the content of camphor and the wintergreen oil in musk strong bone paste ;

    采用GC法测定麝香 壮骨膏中樟脑和 水杨酸 甲酯的含量;

  • Precautions : the herb should not be taken by people who are hypersensitive to salicylates ( aspirin ) . Those who take warfarin ( Coumadin ) or any blood-thinning medications should not use Wintergreen .

    注意事项:对水杨酸(阿斯匹灵)敏感及正服用薄血药的人士不应 食用